Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 2367 [Starry Sky Origin Fruit] appears, fight for it

Lin Mu walked up and was about to use the strange pickaxe to dig, but found that the strange red crystal standing in the original place suddenly shrank and shrank directly into the ground, leaving only a hole the size of an arm.

However, before it was over, a brown mist suddenly spurted out from the hole and rushed towards Lin Mu.

Seeing the brown mist that looked like a fart, Lin Mu did not hesitate and dodged directly.

Slightly surprised, Lin Mu saw that the other red earth spirit essences next to him did not move, as if they were real crystals and stayed quiet.

"Sizzle!!!!" At this moment, the Tiangang Dragon Yuanli Shield that Lin Mu was staring at actually made a burning sound.

"Bang!!" The next moment, the Tiangang Dragon Yuanli Shield shattered directly.

"Hiss... After the brown mist just dispersed, it was considered dispersed, and it could actually invade and destroy my Tiangang Dragon Yuanli Shield! So poisonous!!" Lin Mu's face changed slightly.

His Tiangang Dragon Yuanli shield was already strong. If it were an ordinary Tian-level warrior, he might have been directly attacked and injured.

Lin Mu waved his hand and a gust of wind blew away, but the light brown mist seemed unable to be blown away by the wind and still permeated the air.

Lin Mu immediately avoided this part of the red earth spirit essence and came to the side. He was quick-eyed and quick-handed. He grabbed it directly, and then pulled it hard, pulling up four or five red earth spirit essences around with the soil and roots.

"Chi Chi!!!" Good guy, after being pulled up by the roots, they can still jump, trying to struggle out of Lin Mu's hands, and then fall to the ground and drill.

However, after they left the ground, they did not spray brown poisonous mist, but just kept struggling, shaking like a fish.

Lin Mu shook out a bunch of black soil, put the other red earth spirit marrows into the ring, and then checked the properties of the red earth spirit marrow in his hand:

Name: [Red Earth Spirit Marrow]

Rank: Earth Rank

Features: Medicinal Herb


1. [Red Earth Spirit Marrow]: After taking it, you can directly obtain 20 origin points, and it can cleanse the essence and marrow, with a very small probability of breaking through the bottleneck.

2. [Earth Devouring Poison]: There is a poison sac at its root, which can absorb the poisonous gas of the earth and store it;

3. [Purify Fertile Soil]: It can absorb the air of the earth and convert it into the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and make the surrounding land fertile, with fertility +500%.

Introduction: Red Earth Spirit Marrow can only survive in special spiritual places, with many functions, can be taken directly, can also be used to prepare pills, and can even be used to make some inscriptions of spiritual fluid. Corresponding to its efficacy, this medicine is also quite dangerous. When it connects with the earth, it can spew out highly corrosive earth-eating poison. If you are not careful, your white bones will be revealed to the world.


When he saw this attribute, Lin Mu's heart was slightly shocked. This thing is definitely the most powerful of the earth-level items he has seen, no one else!

"Three attributes, all excellent... can fertilize the soil, wow, 5 times the fertility, then these black soils are not fertile?" Lin Mu looked at the black soil on the ground, and his eyes appeared hot.

He also sensed that the black soil was filled with a faint spiritual energy.

This is spiritual soil!

This piece of Chiyuan Earth Spiritual Marrow Land, except for itself, there are no other plants, not even animals... all black and red.

This also shows the tyranny of the Chiyuan Earth Spiritual Marrow from the side.

"Does it mean that we have to dig three feet into the ground again today?!!" Lin Mu seemed to have a plan in his heart.

"What a strange plant." Zhang Liao's voice sounded from behind.

Zhao Yun, Lu Bu and others came up quickly. They also saw Lin Mu's behavior before, and they were all amazed by this strange plant that looked like crystal.

"The spiritual energy here is so rich, and there is not much star power around. It's so strange." Taishi Ci said in surprise.

As soon as they came in, everyone felt that the spiritual energy in the air around them was very mellow, the air was fresh, and it was also filled with a strong scent of spiritual ginseng.

"Everyone collects it, which is a benefit." Lin Mu greeted everyone.

"After returning, if you don't need this thing, you can sell it to me, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory price." Lin Mu said again.

In fact, Lin Mu had said this before. After all, Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao and others in the team were not lords, and there was no big family to operate. Instead, they could exchange some gold coins and cultivate their own exclusive soldiers.

"Ahem... When everyone pulls out the spiritual essence of the red earth, can you help collect the surrounding soil? I will give you some hard work." Lin Mu said again.

Good guy, the second-rank general of Weiguo actually started a soil business, just like an old farmer in the field.

When Lv Bu heard Lin Mu's words, a look of disdain appeared on his face. After the recent contact, he wanted to compare with him, but now, it was too low, lowering the level. As the soldiers in the camp said, Lin Mu was just lucky and could flatter the eunuchs, and he might even sell his ass...

Lin Mu didn't know what Lv Bu was thinking. Even if he knew, he wouldn't say anything, because he was no longer an ordinary player, not an ordinary player who admired historical generals and tried his best to please historical generals.

As for self-esteem and pride, hehe... It can be compared with these hectares of black spiritual soil. Real pride comes from confidence.

He has grown up and no longer needs those vain pride.

"Okay! Just collect some black soil, just do it." Zhao Yun and Taishi Ci said in unison.

Zhang Liao glanced at Lv Bu and nodded in response. But Lv Bu ignored it and buried his head in extracting the spiritual essence of the red earth.

After that, several people began to disperse and began their journey of pulling radishes.

"Hiss... Good guy, it can even devour the divine power shield..." After a while, Zhang Liao's surprised voice came.

Obviously, they did not expect the situation here. After a short period of accidents, everyone began to get familiar with the process, and the speed of pulling radishes suddenly increased, and the dense red earth spirit essence soon disappeared.

Although they have vigilance and instinctive avoidance ability, they are not much.

Among the few people, the only one who did not move was Bai Ze. It stood on the sky boat, looking at the star mist in the distance, frowning.

In the dark, it seemed to sense something, but that sense was very weak, vague... It was even uncertain whether the energy was in this forest...

"Some cause and effect?" Bai Ze muttered to himself.

Afterwards, looking down, Lin Mu and his companions were like lightning, shaking in the land quickly, and even a lot of double images appeared. The red Chiyuan Earth Spiritual Essence on the ground disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye...

In this way, it took half an hour for Lin Mu and his companions to finally collect all the Chiyuan Earth Spiritual Essence.

Generally speaking, mature Chiyuan Earth Spiritual Essence is as thick as an arm. During the collection process, Lin Mu and his companions encountered many shorter ones, which were immature, but Lin Mu and his companions collected them all, leaving no roots.

Originally, Zhao Yun and his companions helped Lin Mu collect black soil, but the speed was too slow. They collected the Chiyuan Earth Spiritual Essence first, and then helped Lin Mu dig three feet into the ground.

"They really didn't even let go of the soil..." Bai Ze on the Tianzhou saw the scene of everyone bending over to dig and collect soil, and his mouth twitched.

It took half an hour to extract the Chiyuan Earth Spiritual Essence, but it felt like it took two hours to collect the soil...

However, in the dark, it seemed that there was a blessing lingering.

Just as Taishi Ci dug another one-meter-deep hole to collect soil as before, a slight click sounded suddenly.

Taishi Ci, who was perceptive, raised his eyebrows, as if he sensed something.

Then he swung his hoe violently and dug hard at the wet yellow mud exposed after collecting the black soil.

"Bang!!!!" A loud noise suddenly sounded.

"Boom!!!!" The next moment, a huge boom spread, and the ground trembled slightly.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, only to see Taishi Ci suddenly fall, and a ten-foot-wide cave appeared on the ground.

Good guy, what happened? !

Just digging the soil, and a fierce beast came out from the underground?

"Quick, there seems to be something!" As soon as the few people came to the edge of the big hole, they heard Taishi Ci's voice coming from the darkness.

The skilled and courageous people jumped down without any fear.

After floating in the air for another twenty breaths, everyone finally landed.

"Boom!!!~~~" Several heavy roars echoed in the cave.

"This seems to be a cave... Ziyi, where are you?" Lin Mu asked loudly. After he came in and adapted to the dark vision, he immediately judged the cave situation based on the surrounding geology.

"There is no star power here, there will be no [Star Source Fruit]..." Zhao Yun joked.

However, what Zhao Yun didn't know was that this joke really came true after a while!

"Right, this is the center of the cave." Taishi Ci responded, and everyone turned around and rushed in.

Soon, everyone passed through a narrow cave passage and came to a rather empty cave.

As soon as they entered the cave, three dazzling white lights broke through the darkness.

"What is that?" Everyone was quite surprised when they saw the three dazzling lights.

"I didn't expect that you really encountered [Star Source Fruit]! What luck..." Bai Ze's voice suddenly sounded.

I don't know when, it has followed, and even came to Taishi Ci, looking up at the two rays of light.

Lu Bu looked at Bai Ze's figure, with a trace of fear on his face. Why does he feel a little afraid to fight against this person... Forget it, this is a senior who has lived for many years... There is no need to worry about the victory or defeat of the younger generation.

"What?! This is the [Starry Sky Source Fruit]!!" Compared with Lu Bu's focus on Bai Ze, Lin Mu's focus is single-minded, staring at the three rays of light, his face full of shock.

"Your luck is thick enough. I hope your life is also a little tough." Bai Ze sighed again.

If Lin Mu and the others were in a hurry, if Lin Mu was not so "stingy" and did not even let go of the soil and did not collect the soil, then this scene would not have happened.

In other words, the birth of [Starry Sky Source Fruit] can be said to be a butterfly effect.

"Is this the luck of General Wei? Hiss, so terrible?" Zhang Liao glanced at Lin Mu and was also shocked. All of this seemed to be caused by Lin Mu.

No wonder even the old senior Bai Ze admired Lin Mu so much...

"Maybe I did something wrong before...I have to make up for this karma in the future..." Zhang Liao looked at Lin Mu deeply, thinking about something secretly...

After that, everyone came to Taishi Ci's figure and looked up at the two light balls in the air.

Three fist-sized fruits burst out with strong starlight, making it difficult to see what the surface of the fruit looks like.

"In fact, there is a [Starry Sky Source Fruit], so where is its plant?" Lin Mu looked left and right and found that there were only three fruits floating in the air, and there were no plants around.

"Hehe... who said [Starry Sky Origin Fruit] is a plant fruit?" Bai Ze said with a faint smile.

"This is an innate spiritual object condensed by the rules of a special region, but it is just named this." Bai Ze explained.

"Oh..." Lin Mu nodded after hearing this, and kept this information in mind. When he returned, he asked the recorder to collect it.

"It can directly promote a Heaven-level general to a Life-Yuan God General, and it can also allow a Heaven-level general with a solid foundation to comprehend the God Domain and Yuan Ling that suits him? This thing is a top-level divine object!!!" Lu Bu exclaimed.

Obviously, he also identified the properties of [Starry Sky Origin Fruit].

Hearing Lu Bu's words, even Zhao Yun, who had always been calm, had a touch of heat on his face.

The innate spiritual object condensed by the rules can directly promote a Heaven-level peak general to a Life-Yuan God General, and it can also allow a Heaven-level general with a solid foundation to comprehend the God Domain and Yuan Ling that suits him. This effect is too terrifying.

It's a pity that there are only three of them. Excluding Senior Bai Ze, there won't be enough to share!

At this moment, they won't be polite to Lin Mu.

Now, they have to fight for it! (End of this chapter)

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