Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 45 Rewards and Raising Troops!

In the mythical world, the area of ​​the sea is countless times larger than that of the land, and it is even more grotesque, strange, dangerous, weird and changeable. In general, people in ancient times would not go to the sea, because it symbolizes death.

Lin Mu covets the sea, and his desire to conquer is even greater than the city of the system!

In the sea, there are densely populated islands with different sizes, among which the number of huge islands is very large, and many cities can be built on any island.

In the previous life, many players on land chose to go to sea and occupy an island under the annexation and drive of the giant aboriginal forces such as Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Sun Jian, Liu Bei, etc., and being the owner of Xiaoyao Island can avoid some large forces. Expulsion and annexation, and escape from the raging war on land!

There was a time when the sea was the stage for all players to compete for hegemony!

Therefore, the battleship of Xuanjie gave a huge impetus to Lin Mu's reaching out to the sea, earlier than he planned. Although Lu Hao is a shipbuilder with an 8th-level qualification, his value is only ranked third after Feng Zhong Changyin! Much rarer than expert Jiang Yuan and Chen Hui!

After browsing the information of high-end talents in the territory, Lin Mu was in a good mood, and walked lightly towards the dock...


A few days are going to pass quickly, and everything is as easy as drinking water in the hands of Chang Yin, a god-level scribe.

On April 18, 180, a huge square in front of the village meeting hall was already filled with tables and chairs, and the tables were also filled with all kinds of food.

This square is all made of gray stones, and some mud is added in between. After drying, it is very flat.

There are fish and meat, shrimp and vegetables, vegetables and fruits, dripping everywhere, and there is plenty of food in the territory!

With the efforts of tens of thousands of people in the village, and under the illumination of the village's god-level attributes, the village is full of various resources, and even the warehouses are constantly expanding!

The villagers were full of laughter and laughter.

The tables are all made of wood, and they are all made by wood workshops. Each table can seat 20 people, 30,000 people, and a total of 1,500 tables. The entire square is arranged in 30 rows, like a long dragon, and the order is spectacular.

In front of the due east of the square, a huge wooden platform has been temporarily built, and some people are already sitting on it. They are all high-level and high-end talents of Zhenlong Village.

With the development of the village, the population will increase, and the number of management personnel will also continue to grow. Lin Mu also ordered Chang Yin to train more senior scribes. With his god-level scribe profession, he can teach his subordinates to be promoted with one word. Of course, Chang Yin hasn't grown to the peak yet, otherwise a god-level scribe shouldn't be so bad.

God level, as strange as a god, when a skill is activated, the sun and the moon are dark, the sky is dark, like the doomsday, how can Chang Yin have such a law now, in Chang Yin's usual words, it is imprisoned by the rules of heaven and earth .


Lin Mu sat on the wooden table with Feng Zhong, Xiaohu, Chang Yin and others, and there were several experts from the territory on this table, and there was also a Gouwa with a little white dog playing with him.

Gouwa usually stays in the conference hall and is very familiar with Lin Mu.

"My lord, it's almost time. You can use your chopsticks to eat. Before that, my lord can have a few words with the leaders!" Chang Yin looked at the sky and reminded Lin Mu that it was almost time.

"Okay, then I'll just chatter a few words!" Lin Mu stood up, personable and calm, and walked gently to the front of the wooden platform.

Gently raised his hands, pressed slightly, the square was a bit noisy, but seeing the lord's gesture, everyone fell silent.

"Villagers, elders and folks, today we can all gather together and sit at the same table. It is the fate bestowed by God. Many of us come from all corners of the country, from all states and counties, but now we are all sitting here, and everyone is us. For the villagers of Zhenlong Village, Zhenlong Village will be your home, your backing, your future, and your destination!" Lin Mu said slowly and loudly.

"In the past, no matter whether you were homeless, homeless, rootless, or homeless, without old people to support, or children without education, now you are my subjects, you are my family, and the elderly are left by us. Come raise your children, we will teach them, and our territory will definitely provide you with an environment to live and work in peace and prosperity! I hereby promise that as long as you are my Lin Mu’s citizens for a day, I will protect you for a day! Even if I only have one Eat hot rice, but I won’t eat it alone, I will share this hot rice for everyone to enjoy and feed together!”

"Our territory is rich in products, the land is fertile and rich, and there are countless fields. Everyone does not have to worry about food. With the development of the territory, the territory will definitely allow everyone to have land to plant and land to rely on! As long as everyone pays a drop of sweat, our territory will grow I can give you a reward!"

"As the lord, I have the obligation to lead everyone to a better and brighter front, overcome obstacles and move forward bravely!"

"However, our village is rich in resources, which will definitely attract countless covetous people. The greedy local gentry outside will definitely attack and plunder us. We need strength to protect our homeland!"

"Besides, the imperial court outside, everyone knows that the government is chaotic, the emperor's way is weak, the minister's way is prosperous, the eunuchs are in power, the foreign relatives are fighting for power, the local gentry are greedy, the world is cold, the world is going down, and the signs of troubled times have begun to ignite. In troubled times, what we need is to unite, resist foreign enemies together, protect our homeland, gain a firm foothold in troubled times, live and work in peace and contentment, and leave a stable environment for our children and the elderly!"

"Living in a corner and escaping for a while, this does not allow our homeland to survive the troubled times safely. Only when we hold the power to make others fear in our hands, can we have the right to speak, have the status to speak out, and have the ability to protect our rear. family members, for the benefit of everyone! Therefore, the conscription in the territory will be held from time to time, and I hope that the brave men and heroes will shed their blood to protect the homeland!"

"Our territory will have the best benefits for the warriors who go to war. Don't be afraid that the elderly in the family will have nothing to support, and the children in the family will have nothing to support. Our territory is their children and their fathers. Everyone can rest assured!"

"A few days ago, when our village was upgraded to an intermediate-level village, those evil forces led countless beasts and villains to attack our territory in order to plunder our territory. Fortunately, there are 3000 warriors in our territory defending their homeland. They are our heroes! The heroes of our homeland!"

"When defending against foreign enemies, we sacrificed 89 heroes. They are buried forever in the cemetery of our village. Although they have passed away, they will always remain in our hearts! They are the heroes of the village! For their Sacrifice, we are all very sad, but this is a troubled world, sacrifice is inevitable, we need to go forward bravely, break out of the sky that belongs to us!"

"We are very grateful for their sacrifices. With the sacrifices of these martyrs, we have saved our happy homeland, our laughter, and our living and working in peace and contentment! Now, please raise your glasses and pay tribute to them!" Lin Mu took He picked up the cup, raised it above his head, and slowly poured down the wine in the cup. These wines were bought in the trading market. They were just some very rough and cheap rice wine, but some of them were good for use.

Everyone on the field became serious and depressed, moved by what Lin Mu said, and saddened by those villagers who died.

After pouring the wine, Lin Mu said again: "The dead are like this, may they rest in peace!"

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