Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 859 ? Such a tempting red cloud!

Chapter 859: What an alluring red cloud!

"This year's actor must be Fengjin!!!" Lin Mu couldn't help applauding Feng Zhong in his heart.

The Great Wilderness Territory's siege campaign this time has two goals, one is to attack the forces under He Mao Zhongxing and Honda Zhongsheng, and the other is to kill the Chidi Raccoon Raccoons, so as not to cause wind and rain when they attack the city.

It is impossible to really kill Chidi Raccoon Raccoon. This guy has a lot of background, and there are many incense temples under his command, and he is very rich. It is not surprising that he has a few resurrection props or substitute props.

Since it can't be completely killed, then killing him out of the Cave of Soldiers for the purpose of maximal weakening is the first choice.

Everyone in the Great Wilderness Territory secretly discussed a sinister routine, which is to use the "stupid man" Feng Zhong to draw out the most precious thing of the Chidi raccoon, the original Yuanling, and then Huang Zhong, who was hiding in the dark, made a surprise attack and swallowed its original Yuanling ! !

It can be resurrected, but the original spirit cannot be restored by resurrection. It's like a player, if he is killed, his level will be reduced and his equipment will drop, which cannot be restored by resurrection.

After the Yuanyuan spirit is condensed outside the body, although it is quite easy to store it back into the body, it still takes some time. Huang Zhong's sneak attack was accomplished in this short period of time!

boom! ! ! !

Two different auras of wildness swayed in the sky, and the snowflakes that were originally floating did not appear at this time. The celestial phenomena near the battlefield disappeared because of the two auras.

Where Feng Zhong stood, a huge forest white figure enveloped him. Between the contours of this dark white figure, one could faintly see Feng Zhong's face.

That's an enlarged version of Feng Zhong! !

Feng Zhong's original spirit is his own appearance! !

"Uh... Fengjin's origin spirit is actually himself... that's interesting..." Lin Mu smiled with embarrassment on his face.

Looking at Lin Mu, Guo Jia was also quite disappointed. I thought I would see some magical creation, but it was still a familiar face... so disappointed!

When Lin Mu was promoted to the Xuan rank military general, the body of the mythical world condensed into the lake of Xuan Jing, which was a miraculous crystal lotus. If he condensed the original spirit in the future, it might also be the body of the lotus. According to this routine, the Lake of Profound Crystals that Feng Zhong formed when he broke through the Profound Rank before might be himself... No wonder the two of them were so embarrassed.

On the opposite side, the original Yuanling of the Chidi raccoon dog is different from Fengzhong, not its body, but a huge red cloud.

The fiery red clouds are shining brightly, filled with traces of purple mist, very auspicious.

Even if Lin Mu and the others were separated by a long distance, they could smell the fragrance spreading from the fiery red clouds. It is a strong sandalwood scent formed over a long period of time, just like the scent of incense in a thousand-year-old temple.

"Good guy!! The body's blood is extremely stinky, but the original spirit formed by it is so auspicious and auspicious. Two extremes!" Lin Mu sighed.

"Hey... this is the strange thing we want to see..." Guo Jia finally showed interest on his face.

"Well... There seems to be an original Yuanling in the Dragon Formation of Jiuxing Town. I don't know what it is?" Lin Mu thought of the Dragon Formation of Jiuxing Town, and said in a concentrated voice.

"When we reach the ninth floor, we might be able to see it! The nine-headed blue dragon and python primordial spirit defeated by Xu Fu is just an incomplete spirit." Guo Jia is not very interested in it, but is interested in the auspicious flower in the distance. Zhiyun is interested.

Ah... I really want to eat it!


The original Yuanling is the source of power for god-rank generals and counselors. The situation of these two guys is like the situation in the DOTA game where the two blood springs are directly placed in the middle of the road.

And the plan of Lin Mufengzhong and others is to swallow the original spirit of the Chidi raccoon dog! Even if you can't compete for all the work, you can swallow half of it!

Feng Zhong first showed his own original spirit, and the original spirit of Chidi Raccoon Raccoon also appeared, which represented that the most dangerous battle had begun.

Feng Zhong's original spirit is filled with inexplicable power, even if it doesn't hold a weapon, its whole body is filled with a fierce aura, as if its whole body is covered with weapons.

Feng Zhong looked at the alluring red cloud, his heart was burning hot. He seems to have eaten it too!

After gathering his mind, with a thought in Feng Zhong's mind, Yuan Ling suddenly moved, clenched his fists, and stepped towards the red cloud.

The rumbling sound exploded following its footsteps, and the originally broken mountain mausoleum shattered even more with its footsteps. It is like a crusher, crushing the rocks along the way into powder! !

Terrible! !

The Chidi raccoon dog on the opposite side and its original Yuanling Hongyun also moved accordingly, and the two blasted towards the giant Yuanling. As for the dwarf human body below, it is ready to be crushed directly with a huge bombardment.

Strength is everything! !

It believes that with the power of incense that it has condensed for many years, it can't do a law of ice! !



The drastic changes on the battlefield were seen by everyone in the city. But at this moment, Tadakashi Kamo and Tadakatsu Honda were gone on the city wall! There are only Japanese players such as Qingzang Lanzang.

"Is this the battle of the gods? That mountain peak, which was hundreds of meters, was destroyed beyond recognition like tofu!" Qingzang was terrified when he saw the battle between Feng Zhong and Chidi Raccoon.

The aura as mighty as Tianwei also affected the side of the city wall.

"Wow! Look...the huge figure and the red cloud, what's going on?" At this time, the Japanese players on the city wall also saw the changes on the battlefield.

"The huge figure actually fought with the red cloud and the beast!!"

"Damn, what kind of fairy is that? A red cloud can be so flexible, as if it is alive, it collides with a giant, and even becomes a rope to bind a giant!"

The players on the city wall saw the fighting on the battlefield and shouted loudly.

And this scene was also seen by Honda Tadakatsu and Ka Mo Tadyuki who were on their way.

"Hurry up... the battlefield is starting to enter a climax, and the enemy will definitely launch a conspiracy to make it difficult for the Zhenguo beast! Speed ​​up!" Honda Zhongsheng said in a concentrated voice.

"Stupid guy, you are desperately fighting for the Yuanling. If it is conspired by others, it will suffer a heavy loss!" He Maozhongxing snorted. He is not good at battlefield matters, but he is quite familiar with this kind of conspiracy. He has seen the surrounding points to fight for aid, the aggressive general method, etc. before.

The people of Shenzhou are the most vicious and cunning. It is rumored that Lord Yamata no Orochi resigned back then because he fought with the Shenzhou people for the original Yuanling, which caused the Yuanling to resign, and the nine heads became eight heads! Although the original Yuanling escaped the fate of annihilation, it is already very incomplete, and has completely separated from the Yaqi snake body! The Remnant Dragon Spirit is the Remnant Dragon Spirit, and Yamata no Orochi is Yamato no Orochi!

The glory is gone! This battle for the dragon veins is devoted to the accumulation of the residual dragon spirit and Yamata no Orochi for many years. If it succeeds, it's okay, if it doesn't succeed, you don't know what will happen!

"When we get to the battlefield, we will use our tactics. Mr. He Maozhongxing, you first hold off the general who may be hiding in the dark, and the summoned god-rank shikigami and the town's beast will work together to kill the opponent's general!" Honda Zhongsheng calculated. road.

"Okay... I'll listen to you." He Mao Zhongxing believed in Honda Tadakatsu's planning ability.

This time he left the city, he was going to use all his trump cards, and even sent that god-level shikigami who had never left his side to take risks!

"As for myself, I will kill the leader of the other party!!" Honda Zhongsheng stared at Lin Mu who was very conspicuous in the distance with a sinister gaze. He ignored Guo Jia who was next to Lin Mu.

"Okay, safety is the first priority. Whether it's killing the enemy's vital forces or bringing the gods and beasts back to the city, we are in an advantage! Hei Hachiro, you're doing everything right! It's amazing!" Like. Heihachiro is Honda Tadakatsu's nickname.

(Author’s note: I would like to insert a word here. Except for Shenzhou, other places do not have Biaozi. Biaozi is the characteristic and unique of Shenzhou.)

However, Honda Tadakatsu only smiled modestly when he heard He Mao Zhongxing's praise, and then a hint of worry flashed in his eyes.

Will it really go so smoothly? Surround the spot to fight for aid, is it that simple? !

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