Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 875: Cave of Soldiers State 4 Appears

If Cao Cao, Sun Jian and others knew about it at this moment, they would definitely scold them, you are so shameless!

And the Japanese players on the city wall, after these slogans sounded, did not have the slightest doubt, and shouted that it was so.

"Lin Mu has no generals under his command, only Yu Jin and Zhou Tai! Those powerful generals turned out to be subordinates of the historical princes of Shenzhou!" Qingzang said with twinkling eyes. He really didn't believe that Lin Mu had recruited god-level generals, so he filled in all the information as soon as the slogan came out.

"The appearance of these historical generals doesn't mean that Lin Mu can attack? It turns out that his advantage is that he knows these princes!"

"Yes! The most difficult step for other players is to find the traces of these historical generals. Lin Mu can have such an advantage, presumably because he has opened up the way of these princes."

Dongying players are very familiar with the information of the Three Kingdoms era in China. A lot of information about Cao Cao, Sun Quan, Liu Bei and other princes are engraved in their hearts. This is why they recognized Yu Jin and wanted to kill him to obtain the historical soul talisman.

Wu Ziliang will be banned by Wen Ze! !

"Should we spread this information?"

"Biography! Those players, who want to recruit these historical generals who have masters, must have put in a lot of effort, just like us."

"If...they succeed, won't they be the same as Lin Mu?"

"Hmph... Lin Mu has such preferential treatment from the system because he has obtained too much national power in the Huaxia District. I don't believe that other players can surpass us!! Moreover, we have even seen Yamata no Orochi. Can players have such a chance?" The Japanese players retorted with flushed faces.

"Yes! Let those Chinese players spend a lot of resources on these historical generals, delaying their progress! And we, the warriors of the Dongying Empire, face up to the difficulties, conquer Yamata no Orochi, and plunder China!"

"That's right! The warriors of our Eastern Empire are no worse than the Chinese thieves!! We will try our best to fight for the top!"

"Kill! Let's kill together with the soldiers of the Tokugawa family... With the help of the city wall, I have already risen to nearly ten levels, and the national war points I have gained have exceeded 10,000. You guys also work hard!"

After chatting for a few words, the players of Dongpu cheered up again, and kept shooting arrows like hungry wolves.

"Puff!!" The sound of arrows piercing the flesh continued to be heard, and a dazzling white light also rose with the sound.

However, the completely suppressed Dahuang territory attacked the city wall regardless of the battle damage. Some archers just came up and wanted to shoot the enemy on the city wall, but in the next second, there was a fierce sound of piercing through the air, and the archer turned into white light with a pain in his chest, and was revived in the Beidou Yuheng Tower.

"Catapult, give me the maximum throw, even if they resist, press them down for me, and cover the front army!" Orders continued to come from the camp of the Great Wilderness Territory.

"Bang bang!!!" Dozens of boulders lifted into the air and blasted towards the city wall.

Scenes of familiar routines appeared again, and the Dongying warriors on the city wall also responded with the same strategy as before.

The evil spirit all over the sky, like a scorching heat wave, kept rising into the sky, and then disappeared.

Lin Mu in the battlefield did not pay attention to the battle situation on the city wall, but observed the disappearing evil spirit and blood.

"Ah... I don't know where the bloody sky snake will appear from?" Lin Mu looked at the sky, then at the red earth, and said helplessly. The crazy blood sky snake's whereabouts are strange, it will appear suddenly from the sky and the ground, and it may even appear in the rear of the camp. What's even weirder is that it can even appear in another body!

Lin Mu held a puppet tightly in his hand. There are a large number of mysterious runes engraved on the body of the puppet, and a faint fluorescent light lingers on it.

Even if there is a chance of Yuheng Pagoda's resurrection, Lin Mu is not willing to die once, holding a double puppet in his hand.

When Lin Mu was always on guard against the Crazy Blood Sky Snake, with the fearless offensive of the Great Wilderness Territory on the battlefield, the army array had quickly advanced to the city wall.

"Boom!!!!" At this time, a huge bumper emerged from the shield soldiers camp and went straight to the city gate.

"Hurry up!! Shoot those soldiers who carry the ram, don't let the ram approach the city gate!!!" Seeing the huge ram emerging from the giant shield formation, the defenders immediately exclaimed and ordered.

However, the soldiers of the Great Wilderness, who had been prepared for a long time, lost more than a dozen soldiers carrying logs, and the huge bumper still approached the city gate.

"Boom!!!!" The sound of regular collisions continued. The dust that fell from the gate of the city was a testament to the strength of head-to-head.

After the log team officially entered the game, the other climbing teams did not lag behind. After accumulating many times of climbing experience, they climbed the city wall more easily than usual.

Le Jin and Yu Jin, two fierce generals, rushed to the vanguard without any hesitation. This time, Lin Mu did not accompany him.

"The enemy army wants to completely occupy the city, and has started to attack from multiple directions!!" Looking at the battlefield near the city wall that looked like a flesh and blood mill, the city defender said helplessly.

"Even if our soldiers have several times the combat power bonus, the number is flawed, and it is getting smaller and smaller. Now there are 50,000 defenders on each city wall, which is an imaginary number."

"As for the enemy, there are almost 200,000 people on each wall... It seems endless. The other party has reinforcements!"

At this time, a hoarse and fierce voice came from the city defender with the strength of heaven: "Open all four city gates and let the soldiers of the enemy Shenzhou come in."

"God Baqi, have you come in too?" The guard of the heaven rank immediately responded when he heard the hoarse and menacing voice. He had seen Yamata no Orochi and heard its voice.

"Well... follow my plan, let them in, you lead the remaining soldiers, fight with them, try to kill these 800,000 people!! I'm still a little bit..." The mysterious voice slowly disappeared again .

Hearing the words, the Heavenly Guard frowned, thought for a while, and then immediately said to the messenger next to him: "Send me an order, open the gates around the city, and fight against them in the city!!"

"General...if we open the gate and engage them hand in hand, then we might be encircled and wiped out!!" A lieutenant next to him hurriedly warned after hearing the words.

"This is the order of the Great God Yaqi, and you can just execute it." The guard of Tianjie said with a solemn face.

When everyone heard the words, they suffocated slightly, and then immediately followed the order. No Dongying samurai dared to question whether it was the order of Yaqi Dashen, and no Dongying samurai dared to pretend to be.

After seeing the messenger go down, the guard of the heaven rank also sighed slightly in his heart. If you want to wipe out the enemy army, how many of them defenders can be left? ! The enemies are all wiped out. From another perspective, isn't it that they are all wiped out? !

A large number of samurai in the city are basically soldiers of the Tokugawa family. Although some important generals can be resurrected, those low-level soldiers will be buried here forever!

"Boom!!!" A huge roar came from the city gate. The city gate, which was on the verge of falling but never collapsed, unexpectedly opened on its own initiative.

Such an accident made the soldiers carrying the bumper momentarily stunned. It didn't collapse, but it opened? what's the situation?

However, as soon as the city gate was opened, these soldiers made meritorious deeds. They threw the wood to the side, and the soldiers carrying the wood changed, immediately drew their weapons, stepped into the city, and opened the way for the blood in the back!

And when the city gate was wide open, Yu Jin and Le Jin, who were already standing on the city wall, had their expressions slightly darkened: "Sure enough, as expected, the enemy opened the city gate and prepared to fight hand-to-hand. I sacrificed blood for its appearance." Shame?! The commander of the enemy army is also very courageous!"

And when the soldiers of the Great Wilderness stepped into the city, a system prompt sounded in Lin Mu's ear:


"——The system prompts, Dragon Lord Lin Mu, due to the mysterious existence, you have obtained the information of the state 4 of the epic mission [Resisting the Shogunate Invasion] in the mission information:

State of the Cave of Soldiers 4: There is a mysterious and strange power lurking in the Cave of Soldiers, and now this power has taken shape, forming [Blood God Realm]. [Frenzied Blood God Realm]: Special divine beast domain, not in the same camp, the blood boiling rate in the body +30%, the smoothness of internal force operation -50%, recovery power -50%, destructive power -10 points. Those who are in the same faction, kill the enemy to gain experience efficiency +50%, national war points +50%; as long as they are in the Cave of Soldiers, death penalty will be exempted after death, and they can be resurrected immediately at the bound resurrection point. Except for special circumstances, the death penalty has been changed, but this gain still has an effect; [Frenzied Blood]: This state has been activated, and soldiers of the same camp can temporarily gain the blessing of the frenzied blood state, destructive power +5, bloodthirsty power +5! "

"It turns out that the information of State 4 of the Cave of Soldiers is like this!" Lin Mu murmured.

So far, he has understood all the states of Bingzhidongtian! This means that the situation has become clear and there will be no more variables.

(There was a small problem in the previous chapter, which has been revised.)

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