"Queen Niangniang, Queen Niangniang!" Zhang Rang trot all the way, breathing unevenly.

"Grandpa Zhang? Your Majesty is awake?" Empress He looked surprised, how did she wake up when she left her Majesty just now.

"It's not the case, but I have something to discuss with the empress." Zhang Rang motioned to Empress He with his eyes, and asked the surrounding court ladies and eunuchs to take Liu Jian back to the palace.

"What's the important thing about Grandpa Zhang?" Empress He looked puzzled. This piece of paper has always been inconsistent with the eldest brother and the others.

"Queen Empress, help!" Zhang Rang plopped and knelt down to Queen He, begging repeatedly.

Empress He was frightened, "Grandpa Zhang, please get up quickly, please get up soon."

Zhang Rang is not an ordinary eunuch. This is the great eunuch who makes Liu Hongneng call Afather. Sometimes he can't help but look at his face in this palace.

"Empress empress pity, I and others are broken people, can dominate the blessing of the emperor's favor, and now the emperor wants to establish the prince of the Association as the emperor, how can the general agree to it!"

Zhang Rang is straightforward, this kind of race against time does not allow him to play mystery.

"Your Majesty must use us to check and balance the general in the court. If the general leads troops to the side of the emperor in the future, he will castrate the party, how can the prince argue himself!"

Zhang Rang was very thorough, so he just said that He Jin would replace Liu Bian in the future.

Empress He's complexion also changed again. It was about the future of her beloved son, so she naturally tended to think more about it.

Dorgon of the Qing Dynasty proved with facts that women with children can't move their minds, and they are full of own sons.

The same is true for Empress He. Years of struggle in the harem also made her no longer a little white flower.

Empress He knows what Zhang Rang said is true. Even if Emperor Own can ascend to the throne and become emperor, he will inevitably be controlled by his elder brother in the future.

Even if I haven't read many books in my youth, my knowledge has increased a lot after I entered the palace, and the officials in charge of the court have heard of it.

"How can this be good!" Empress He was originally the daughter of a butcher, even if she was successful in cultivation in the harem, she was still a Daoist family, and she panicked for a while.

"Empress, why not look for a force to fight the general. You know that our ten permanent attendants are only attached to the emperor. If you want to fight the general, you must have a force to support you."

"With strong support outside and us inside, the prince of debate can sit back and relax Wu You!"

Zhang Rang's words made Queen He instantly think of the most suitable candidate.

Hussar General, this character repeatedly talked about by her elder brother.

Empress He had a plan for a moment, and then reached a consensus with Zhang Rang.

"Father-in-law Zhang and go back first. The Ai family knows, and the father-in-law will do his best to assist the emperor in the future."

Zhang Rang got the assurance from Queen He and left contentedly, leaving only Queen He who was still thinking about it.

Qian Shuo, who was guarding the palace gate, was irritable, and it didn't feel good to walk a tightrope on the edge of the middle cliff. Even with a heavy soldier in his hand, he couldn't guarantee that he could see the sun tomorrow.

Army Sima Pan Yin, Qian Shuo's subordinate, was deeply trusted by Qian Shuo. Seeing Qian Shuo's uneasy walking back and forth, Pan Yin couldn't help stepping forward.

"My lord, is your Majesty this time..."

"Shut up, don't talk nonsense, ask what should be asked, don't ask if you shouldn't ask, save your life and lose your life."

On weekdays, Qian Shuo and Pan Yin get along more harmoniously, and they often joked together.

But this time Qian Shuo was a headache, and Pan Yinlian was scared to confess the crime.

It is not difficult to see that Qian Shuo's mood is extremely impatient.

At this moment, a little yellow door sneaked in and whispered in Qian Shuo's ear.

"Grandpa, your majesty will let you in."

Qian Shuo immediately took a deep breath, began to tidy up his clothes, stretched out his hand to smooth out the folds of his cuffs, and walked into the Changle Palace in a stride.

When passing by the guarding Habayashi, Qian Shuo deeply felt the horror of Habayashi. It seemed that everyone in the Great Hall moved freely, but they were deeply locked in by the Qi machine. As long as he acted rashly, he would definitely be taken down instantly.

Han Emperor Liu Hong was lying on the dragon bed, his eyes closed slightly, his face sallow.

"Is it Qian Shuo?"

"The minister is here, is your majesty okay?"

"With all the imperial doctors and immortals here, I can't die yet."

Liu Hong smiled and sat up, looking at the concern on Qian Shuo's face, a warmth in his heart.

"Qian Shuo, I have something to do for you." He winked at the words.

Qian Shuo immediately got up and waved his hand, motioning everyone in the Changle Palace to leave.

"Qian Shuo"

"Chen is here"

"I can't do it anymore"

"Your Majesty, you..."

"I have decided to order the prince of the Association to inherit the throne. This matter will inevitably be difficult." The Han Emperor's voice was very weak, speaking in a voice that only two people could hear.

"Qian Shuo, while my body can still persist, tell them that I am dead, and let me smooth out this last obstacle for Xie'er." Emperor Han's voice revealed ruthlessness.

Obviously, at the last juncture of his life, Emperor Han was not at ease with everyone.


Who is the hindrance?

Qian Shuo didn't dare to think about it, he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty's dragon body must be well and healthy. As long as you give your instructions, the minister will die without hesitation."

"Go and secretly bring Pengju into the palace by yourself, then go down to make arrangements, and wait for my order."


Guo Hao followed Qian Shuo from the secret road to Changle Palace. He was puzzled by Qian Shuo who came to him. How could Liu Hong recruit him into the palace late at night.

After Guo Hao entered the Changle Palace, he felt a crisis shrouded all over his body. If Qian Shuo hadn't said something beforehand, he turned around and ran.

It is as if a needle is hanging above your pupil, even if you know that they will never fall, you already feel anxious.

"Pengju, you are here"

Han Emperor Liu Hong half leaned on the bed, watching Guo Hao and slowly said.

"Your Majesty! The minister is here!"

Guo Hao looked at Liu Hong who was groggy and could not help feeling a little sad. This was the most noble man in the Han Dynasty, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, but now he is just a poor man on the verge of death.

"Pengju, I'm determined to let Xie'er inherit the throne, and I have to ask you for help."

Guo Hao quickly said: "Your Majesty, please don't hesitate to give orders, and the minister will die without hesitation."

"I have an edict here. Take a look first." Liu Hong handed Guo Hao an edict.

Guo Hao opened it and saw that it read "Killing Uncle Guo" impressively.

"Your Majesty, this..."

"Kill He Jin, kill the general He Jin for me... The general is not dead, I am afraid that Xie'er can't sit on the throne. No, even Liu Bian can't sit on the throne. You can hold this edict. This punishes He Jin." Liu Hong was emotional and hated the malignant tumor that he supported with one hand.

If he had another ten years, he could naturally boil the frog in warm water, so that He Jin disappeared without a trace, but there were too many accidents, and he had no time.

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