"Report, leader, the army of Hulaoguan exited, after confirmation by many generals, the Chinese army has the leader of the thief Guo Pengju!"

Yuan Shao was overjoyed at once, and randomly began to issue orders to mobilize troops. He had previously ordered the army to withdraw and clear the ground in order to let Guo Hao exit.

"Jushou and Tian Feng will go out with my army, and the army will be handed over to you two. Don't be careless. The victory or defeat of our army is up to you!"


Following Yuan Shao's orders, the coalition forces selected 150,000 soldiers, and then led by the assembled generals, they formed a five-armed formation in accordance with Jushou and Tianfeng's arrangement.

Soon the army set up its position, waiting for Guo Hao to lead his army. Yuan Shao chose the battlefield just to avoid the connection line between the coalition army and Hulao Pass. It seemed that it was not fair, whether it was Hulao Pass or the follow-up of the coalition barracks. Someone who wants to join the battlefield will be restrained by the other side.

The coalition forces are terrifyingly strong on paper. There are more than 20 generals who have separated their internal qi, and the parallel version of internal qi has more than a hundred, and there are 30 counsellors in the army.

The fly in the ointment is that out of the 150,000 army, there are only less than 20,000 dual-talented elites, and the rest are all single-talented soldiers.

You must know that the double-talented, single-talented, elite, single-talented, elite battle loss is close to one to five, and Guo Hao has a full 80,000 pairs of talents, and even has a guard and army soul of 15,000.

Guo Hao withdrew all 60,000 auxiliary soldiers and was stronger than Yuan Shao's army. To be honest, Guo Hao really didn't understand how Yuan Shao dared to fight him.

Even if Yuan Shao had the means to bring down Luoyang and Hulao Pass, Yuan Shao, who was in front of the army, would definitely not be able to escape Guo Hao's clutches.

Is Yuan Shao willing to be the forerunner of the king for others? The key is that Yuan Shu, Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Sun Ce and Sun Jian are all in front of the coalition forces.

Is it true that Yuan Shaoshe's full name paved the way for Dong Zhuo?

It was funny thinking about Guo Hao, how could Yuan Shao be that kind of person, even if it was, all conspiracies and tricks were useless in front of absolute power.

What's more, he is not a noob. With so many ghosts buried in the coalition forces, why should the coalition forces fight him.

The layout of the five armies is very confusing.

The Four Tingzhu of Hebei were stationed in several large armies. Speaking of which, the four of the Four Tings of Hebei were all good generals, and their ability to lead troops was not weak at all.

As for Gao Chong, it's fine to fight, and it's almost impossible to lead a war or something.

Yuan Shao’s left and right wings were led by Yan Liangwenchou, and 20,000 troops were led by the left and right wings, and several men and women under his command assisted each other.

Yan Liang's lieutenant is Qin Qiong, and Wen Chou's lieutenant is Le Jin. Both of them are the type of commanding and almost armed, so it is very suitable to cooperate with Yan Liang Wenchou.

Yuwen Chengdu and Xue Rengui are located in the left and right wings respectively, in order to lead the dual talents of their subordinates to make breakthroughs at a certain time.The Chinese army was Yuan Shao, Jushou, and Tian Feng. Gao Lan led Jiang Qi, Lu Kuang, Lu Xiang and others to lead an army of 20,000 guards. Yuan Shao's guards were only Gao Chong and Yuan Shao's guards.

Moreover, the Chinese army is not headed by Gao Lan, but Yang Lin as the main general, Jushou as the central dispatcher, and Tian Feng and Yuan Shao as the auxiliary.

Gao Lan carried a large number of sword and shield soldiers, with a large number of strong crossbows arranged on the front, and made up his mind to protect the Chinese army to death.

As for the former army, Ji Ling is the head, and Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Sun Jian's troops are all thrown into the former army.

To be honest, Yuan Shao originally meant to leave Liu Bei's subordinates in the front army. Anyway, there must be a front army. It is most appropriate to let the unstable Liu Bei subordinates act as the first line.

I am not afraid that Liu Bei's subordinates will have any changes. The Chinese Army's Gaolan is equipped with a large number of strong crossbows. Once Liu Bei's men want to bring down the Chinese Army, a few rounds of arrows can solve the crisis.

But in the end, under Guo Tu's suggestion, all the generals of Yusanjia were thrown into the front line.

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Xiahou Dun, Xia Houyuan, Xiong Kuohai, Huang Gai, Han Dang, etc., were placed in the front army, each led by a small army of 800, a total of more than 20,000 people put out a dozen A small triangle.

The idea of ​​Guo Tu and others is very simple. If you resist Guo Hao's elite, the front army will definitely not be able to keep it. It is better to abandon the front army and turn it into a dozen nails into the chaotic army to relieve the pressure on the Chinese army. Time can be sacrificed together.

Yuan Shao cherishes Cao Cao's playmate, but Cao Cao's subordinates are nothing but clouds to him, and they die, so he doesn't feel distressed either.

Moreover, Yuan Shao, in order to serve the public and for other considerations, the 20,000 soldiers in the front army were his headquarters.

Once a general has a thousand soldiers, Yuan Shao will use a thousand soldiers to accompany the generals, and the entire coalition can hardly find any reason to stab him.

The 150,000 army was completely spread out, and the rear army of the coalition army occupied half of it. It was filled with the rest of the coalition generals, including players such as Wu Yunzhao and Wei Wentong, and the generals of other vassals were also arranged in it.

Of course, Yuan Shao filled it with his own civil and military, and the martial arts, Xu You, Zhao Rui, Wang Mo and others were all dispatched by the rear army.

Because of the large number of the rear army, the whole rear army seemed extremely bloated, and the rear army appeared very large.

In contrast, Yuan Shao's Chinese army was directly exposed to the front. The big Yuan character Shuaiqi was erected in the Chinese army. Yuan Shao stood under the Shuaiqi, telling the whole army to be there.

Yuan Shao's incomparable behavior exposed himself to Guo Hao's firepower, or Yuan Shao's purpose was to attract positive firepower.

"What does Yuan Shao mean by this arrangement?" Chen Xi was a little puzzled. Yuan Shao is not an advantage in strength, and there is a gap in quality. What do you mean by this kind of formation.

"No matter what he means, it is enough to catch him, not to mention that the group of princes are by his side." Guo Hao said excitedly. He was excited every time he went to the battlefield. It seemed that he was born for the battlefield. .

Around Yuan Shao were standing around 28 princes. Yuan Shao didn’t dare to put them in the coalition army. All of his Yuan Shao’s power had fallen into this five-army army. If princes like Liu Bei were placed in the camp, Maybe what moths are making.

Just in case, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu brought them out together. There may be three or two kittens left in the entire coalition camp. He also only left Chun Yuqiong to guard the camp, in order to fight against Guo Hao Yuan Shaowei. Empty mind.

Sun Jian, Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Gongsun Zan stood together blankly, their troops were deprived, and they couldn't laugh.

Among them, Gongsun Zan was the most depressed. He really did not think that Yuan Shao’s criticism was so dark. He used to talk to him, and finally got him drunk and took away his military power directly. He could not believe that Bai Ma Yi from his staff was taken away directly by Zhang Yun. Baima Yicong will be taken away so easily.

Bai Ma Yicong, who was originally like an ambassador, has become a force that others can take away without making a sound. His face has no expression at all, and people have to bow their heads under the eaves. It is not a high-precaution. Guo Hao, they are the princes who are defending.

Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and the two were also extremely depressed, but they didn't show up on their faces.

Their troops have been put on the front line, even if they want to fight backwater, they can't do it now.

However, the two of them are not stupid, they left behind in the coalition early.

One secretly hid the other Chen Dao, and the other secretly hid Cao Hong. The two lay in the coalition forces waiting for their chance.

To be honest, the two of them don't have much confidence now. It is the general trend to take refuge in Guo Hao, but the high pet guarding them is not a persimmon.

They didn't know if Yuan Shao was really destined to join him, and he actually picked up such a terrifying and peerless general during this kind of battle.

If there is no high favor, even if Yan Liang is guarding Yuan Shao, they are confident that Yuan Shao will be captured when the army is at war.

After all, Xu Chu next to Cao Cao and Xu Shu next to Liu Bei are not soft persimmons.

In addition, Liu Bei himself is a master of swordsmanship, and he is surrounded by two peerless warriors every day as a training partner. Even if Liu Bei is not motivated himself, he will learn two-handed skills under the influence of ears and eyes, not to mention Liu Bei himself is a determined man.

Speaking of it, Liu Bei can black out everything, whether it is in the history or the official history, but this firm will can't blacken it. He has fallen down countless times in his life and climbed up again and again, and finally founded the Shu Han in most of his life, and his mind is terrible.

Liu Bei was confident that he and Sun Jian beside him were also in three to seventy. As long as someone entangled Yuan Shao's guard, he would definitely win Yuan Shao easily.

Sun Jian already mourned Yuan Shao in his heart. His expressionless face was not depressed, he almost laughed.

It’s true that Han Dang and Zumao were left in the front line, but Sun Ce was left in the camp. Zhou Yu’s ability to lower his mind was terrifying. With the talent of Xun You under Cao Cao’s hands, Sun Ce’s existence was abruptly hidden. NS.

Ever since Guo Jia and Xi Zhi approached Xun Yu, Xun Yu proactively contacted Zhou Yu and discussed the plan with Zhou Yu.

Even Cao Cao didn't know this plan. Xun Yu had already seen the situation in silence. If Liu Bei's identity and motivation were not too sensitive, Xun Yu would have contacted Liu Bei long ago.

Guo Jia and the others can see that Yuan Shao is hiding evil intentions, and Xun Yu can naturally, but they have been suffering from no allies and can only wait for the opportunity.

Zhou Yu used to have auras of mental retardation everywhere in the camp. If it were not for Xun You’s talent that reduced the sense of existence, Zhou Yu ignored Xun You, causing Xun You to discover something wrong with Xun Yu, and even Xun Yu didn’t realize that he hadn’t noticed it. Hit the move.

However, Zhou Yu’s spiritual talent is unknowingly and directly the most terrifying. Once found to be really vulnerable, Xun Yu used Mental Energy to block Zhou Yu’s wits, and went to Zhou Yu along the mental fluctuations, and reached an agreement with Zhou Yu. protocol.

As the only insider besides Sun Ce, Zhou Yu and Xun Yu, Sun Jian knew very well what moths would come out of the coalition camp.

It's not that he looks down on Chunyuqiong, it's that the gap between Chunyuqiong and Sun Ce is too big.Sun Ce had mental arithmetic and unintentional, with one move to Chunyuqiong, and he could take over all the forces of the remaining camp.

Although it is very unscientific, Zhou Yu and Sun Jian are so confident that Sun Jian's personality charm will definitely not be a problem in taking over the force of the big camp.

This is Zhou Yu's promotion plan for Sun Ce. With such a merit of hundreds of thousands of troops, Sun Ce absolutely must be in one of the most important positions under Guo Hao's hands.

Although the combat effectiveness of hundreds of thousands of troops is low, and many do not even have dual talents, they may not be able to fight a war, but so many people surrender is definitely a great feat.

To be honest, if the hundreds of thousands of troops weren't vulnerable, maybe Zhou Yu would start thinking carefully.

For example, what kind of prince and general Xiangning is kind, and what Guo Hao is a general, how can Sun Ce fail to be a general.

However, the cruel reality made Zhou Yu firm in his idea of ​​following Guo Hao. After all, Guo Hao had too many trump cards, and as an insider, he could not see the hope of the coalition's victory.

Taking 10,000 steps back, Guo Hao defended the Tiger Prison Pass, and the coalition forces would never be able to defeat him.

The coalition forces will disperse sooner or later, and it won't be so easy to gather together again. At that time, Guo Hao only needs to copy Qin Tun's path to unify the world sooner or later.

On the other side, Chen Xi slowly started his own movement, which was different from the previous strenuous effort. This time he easily mobilized the cloud energy of the 150,000 army and the free mental energy.

Seeing the golden light floating on her body, Chen Xi knew that she had chosen the right person. He and Guo Hao were a match made in heaven.

He didn't even need to use his own Mental Energy. He directly rubbed against the blessing of the three-legged Golden Crow, and the part of the Golden Crow that represented the national movement easily mobilized 150,000 troops.

Following Chen Xi's movements, golden light representing the sun appeared on the 150,000 army.

Guo Hao and Chen Xi teamed up to cover the talents of the sun on the entire army. Although there is only a blessing effect at sunrise in the morning, the victory is wide enough.

This is Chen Xi’s assassin research based on classics. Based on the research of complex energies such as humanity, inner qi, cloud qi, and mental energy, Chen Xi has discovered the commonality of all these energies. In fact, all energies can be called spirits and spirits. .

The three elements of essence, qi and god complement each other, essence represents the body, qi represents breath, and god represents will, and the three are mutually transformed and common.

Chen Xi understood the meaning of the three classics of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism in the super encyclopedia in his mind, and successfully realized the first step of the era's change.

"It's done, give an order. With more than 800,000 strong labors, I will strive to solve the food problem within a year" Chen Xi said calmly. He is not good at fighting. Strategic or other things may be possible. Others can only be on paper. NS.

It's better to end the war early and enter the Realm he is familiar with early, 1.4 billion people, he can't believe the number he knows.

In this age of backward productivity where people may even eat people, it is a miracle that there are so many people.

Had it not been for the characteristics of the game world, the land could not be used for rotation, and the land would maintain a minimum level every year. He would not dare to imagine how many people would starve to death.

Even if it is God bless, in this situation, there are bandits and bandits everywhere, and there are too many people who can't eat enough.

Chen Xi began to prepare when he understood the situation of Dao, and finally waited until the day when he was about to show off his skills.

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