According to the refugees, they passed through the mountains, and the Huns on the other side of the mountains have already begun a large-scale looting.

Guo Hao incorporated the young and Zhuang refugees into the guards, and let the old people take them to train and start thinking about the next step.

According to the information of the refugees, there were at least one hundred Huren who were looted, including the leader of a suspected military commander, which was several times higher than the expected enemy.

Guo Hao couldn't help but frown, thinking about how to resist enemies that might appear at any time.

Face confrontation, unwise, let the enemy kill, no way.

After thinking about it, Guo Hao didn't have any good solutions, and it was difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

At the time of distress, Guang Lao came to visit.

"The village chief is worried about the looting of the hustle? I have a plan to solve this problem." Guang Lao said astonishing.

"Quickly speaking!" Guo Hao was overjoyed.

"Why doesn't the village chief go to the county seat for help?"

Guanglao awakened Guo Hao by saying that he was also a Han citizen.

But then I thought about it, how could it be so simple, how can a small and remote village be so troublesome?

Moreover, it was not a day or two for the Hu people to plunder, and the court had not seen any help for such a long time.

Guo Hao was about to ask again, but saw that the villagers beside Guanglao were holding a delicate fur, it was the giant tiger fur.

"Guang always said, bribing the county magistrate?" Guo Hao asked excitedly as he woke up from his dream.

"The village chief, it's a tribute!" Guanglao corrected Guo Hao's statement.

"Hahaha, yes, tribute, it is tribute."

Guo Hao suddenly opened, tiger skin is quite a rare treasure, let alone a complete tiger skin.

Aside from anything else, Guo Hao rushed to the county town overnight with tiger skins, not daring to delay for a moment.

Hu Ren will come at any time, he dare not delay the hour.

Beifeng Village is located in Liangzhou, and it happens to be Fufeng County Town close to Beifeng Village. Speaking of Fufeng, this is a good place for Ma Teng Ma Chao and his son.

Unlike reality, [War Civilization] certainly cannot really stretch the time as long as the Three Kingdoms, so the generals almost all appeared in their heyday.

Basically put an end to the player's desire to seize the opportunity and cultivate supernatural generals from an early age.

Although these generals will advance in accordance with the historical process and gradually enter the stage of history, there will be no outrageous plot of Deng Ai's anger and Zhang Jiao, but it does not mean that they do not exist. The system will restrict their activities near their birthplace and wait for the progress to progress.

If the player wants to help the wind and kill the young Ma Chao, you will understand how Cao Cao "cut his robe and beard" in the first place.

These are things to follow, Guo Hao's current enemy number one is still the wandering Huren.

With the official seal of the village chief, Guo Hao successfully met the county magistrate.

Under the leadership of the guards, Guo Hao stepped into the county office, where a burly, five-big and three-thin man was sitting there, looking at him faintly.

Obviously he didn't move anything, but Guo Hao felt an illusion of sharp edge on his back. It seemed burly, but it exuded a wordless coercion.

Guo Hao handed the baggage to the county magistrate, and said in a cupped hands: "The magistrate, the next official encountered a big worm and got a whole tiger skin, especially for the adults."

The county magistrate was a little surprised, not everyone can deal with the big bug, let alone a complete tiger skin, which is a rare treasure.

He took Guo Hao's baggage and opened it to see that he couldn't put it down with a delicate tiger skin.

Last time the county magistrate next door presented a damaged tiger skin to the prefect, he received a lot of rewards, and this complete tiger skin would definitely be even better.

The magistrate who received the gift was very happy: "A good thing, what reward do you want."

When Guo Hao heard it, he knew that the borrowing of soldiers had already happened in all likelihood.

"Also please save my Beifeng Village from the crisis. My village has been suffering for a long time!" Guo Hao immediately cried.

As soon as the county magistrate heard that, the mere humiliation was nothing, and naturally he agreed to Guo Hao's request to borrow troops.

After all, for Guo Hao, the troublesome Huren is just an inexhaustible trouble, but it's just a trouble. He was too lazy to pay attention to it in the past. Since someone asked for a gift, he sent someone to clean it up. Of merit.

When the time comes, when the upper person is happy, they may move him away from this desolate ghost place.

Guo Hao took a group of soldiers dispatched by the county magistrate in his mind. These soldiers are not the hunters in the village, and they have additional attribute bonuses against the Hu people.

(5 people, 1 team, 2 teams, 1 team, 5 teams, 1 team, 2 teams, 1 tune, 2 tunes, 1 battalion, 5 battalions, 1 army, and 1 army, 11381 people.)

【Army】:Hanjia County Soldier (force 19-20)

[Number]: 113

[Morale]: 80 (full of confidence)

[Characteristics]: Form a formation, one Han is five Hus

"Ending: When forming an army, the force is +3."

"One Han is the Five Hus: When fighting against the Hus, the force and morale are ascending."

The force value of the county soldiers was a bit beyond Guo Hao's expectations, and Guo Hao was a little confused by the judgment of force.

But what is certain is that a few county soldiers can hang him up and beat him. With such a group of county soldiers, Beifeng Village can regard the Huren as nothing.

It's also a coincidence that the head of the army was the head of the army who had been rescued by Guo Hao before, and he was promoted based on his military merits.

Acquaintances are easy to handle, and the chief patted his chest in response to Guo Hao's small requests.

"Men's grandfather does not hesitate to give me any orders."

The passing of the county soldiers attracted the attention of a large number of refugees, who quietly followed the troops, as if they could feel safe in this way.

It has to be said that in the land of the thirteen states of the Central Plains, the sense of security brought by the Han army is indeed unmatched by others.

After arriving at Beifeng Village, these refugees also begged Guo Hao to take them in. Guo Hao naturally accepted them. For him, the population is naturally the better.

The increase in population is certainly a good thing, but the food problem brought about by old age has once again made Guo Hao a little bit embarrassed.

The food consumption in Beifeng Village is huge, and the county soldiers are big meat-eaters, and their appetite is amazing.

The population that has doubled several times allowed Beifeng Village to spend the winter steadily and the food gradually bottomed out, even if the hunters went into the mountains every day to hunt.

Guo Hao is very eager to have a military adviser who can advise him, not to mention Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chick, even Fang Yue Wang Kuang can do it.

It is a pity that although these people seem to be influential in history, they can just pull out a famous figure in history and crush Guo Hao to death as easily as ants.

Even Fang Yue, who had been locked in Hulao by Lu Bu for a second, was a general and had four to five hundred men under him.

Fortunately, just after Beifeng Village was about to fall into a food crisis, the Hu people finally came.

Guo Hao's sentry set around the village discovered the movement of the Huren. Guo Hao quickly let the county soldiers hide him for fear that he might have taken the Huren away. He did not spend so much just to deal with such Huren.

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