Listening to Liu Chen's 'Watching the Canghai', Guo Jia and others chewed a little, and then they were shocked one by one!

"The Lord is really a great talent! Both civil and martial! Huang Zhong said with admiration, even if he was a rough man, he could hear the mastery of this poetic conception.

Guo Jia said a few words, and said with a bow: "This poem is not only about scenery, but also about love, but also about scenery lyricism, showing the grand ambition and mind of the lord!" "

"I can even feel the magnificence of the sea and the majestic domineering power of the lord from this poem!" Zhao Yun also sighed and said.

Dian Wei on the side thought about it, and also echoed: "Lie in the groove! Awesome! The Lord is really powerful! "

Liu Chen was also not proud, after all, the original author of this poem was Cao Mengde, but he recited it in advance.


Liu Chen's casual performance made Guo Jia, Zhao Yun and others even more amazed! Shocked by Liu Chen's calm calmness!

This is replaced by any other talented and beautiful person coming over and making such a famous song that has been passed down through the ages, it will be comfortable, and even a little fluttering, right?

I have to say that Liu Chen's calm and self-assured cultivation made all his subordinates admire him!

After Liu Chen visited the big ship, he looked in the direction of Qingzhou opposite him and asked, "What is Liu Bei's movement during this time?" "

Guo Jia replied: "Lord, Liu Bei suffered a crushing defeat in the battle with Cao Cao, and more than 300,000 Yellow Turban troops were also recruited by Cao Jun to surrender more than 100,000, and tens of thousands died in battle.

However, Liu Bei also lost and regained the generals Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and now his generals are Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Tai Shici, and Guan Hai. Wenchen had Sun Qian and Jian Yong and others.

"After being awarded the title of Qingzhou Mu, Liu Bei has vigorously developed Qingzhou during this time, and the situation is very good..."

Liu Chen generally knew all of this intelligence, after all, there were communication pigeons transmitting intelligence. But in terms of some details, it was still found in Guo Jia's mouth and filled in the gaps, and it became clearer.

Liu Chen bowed his head repeatedly.

Guo Jiamo added: "Lord Gong, in the opinion of his subordinates, Yuan Shao's appointment of Liu Bei Qingzhou Mu is openly inferior to the Lord Duke and Emperor Han.

"Yuan Shao must have controlled the situation in Luoyang, and presumably there will be greater actions in the near future!"

Liu Bei was a thief designated by Lü Bu and Xun Fu, pretending to be a clan relative of the Han family, which was also recognized by the Han Emperor Liu Xie and announced to the world!

Even if these are false and wronged, for the sake of the face of the Han Emperor, the edict that is not a word and no joke cannot be withdrawn.

Otherwise, this kind of 'edict' will become a joke in the world, and no one will be credible in the future.

Yuan Shao's ability to do this shows that he has taken control of Luoyang's imperial government, and even the meaning of Han Emperor Liu Xie can be completely ignored.

"Emperor Han is young and weak, as long as he encounters ambitious courtiers, there will definitely be this kind of situation of 'holding the Son of Heaven to order the princes'!"

Liu Chen said lightly, but these words made the surrounding generals and ministers look a little moved!

It is worthy of Liu Chen, and what he sees is to understand thoroughly!

"However, the soldiers will block the water to cover the soil, and Yuan Shao's hole card, this king can roughly guess.

"It is nothing more than the heritage of the fourth and third princes of the Yuan family, Qingzhou Liu Bei, Yanzhou Cao Cao and other allies, if not Gongsun Zan set himself on fire, he could add another one."

Liu Chen said without care: "If they make a move, it just so happens that these navies can give them a fatal blow!" "

Although Jizhou borders Yanzhou and Qingzhou, it is separated by the Yellow River.

Originally, on the side of Jizhou, there was also a Qingzhou Plain County to block it, but for the sake of strategy, Liu Chen directly ordered people to take it over.

At the beginning of the war between Qingzhou Liu Bei and Yanzhou Cao Cao, no one dared to bother with their lips.

In this way, Qingzhou and Yanzhou on the south side have the Yellow River natural danger, and the Bohai Bay on the east side have the arch guard of the naval force, safe and sound!

Youzhou on the north side is already under Liu Chen's control. The Union Prefecture on the northwest side is also in Liu Chen's hands.

Only Luoyang, the division on the southwest side, needed to guard against Yuan Shao's army attack.

But on the other hand, Si Zhi was also surrounded by Liu Chen's Jizhou, Union Prefecture, and Liangzhou, and it was Yuan Shao who was really worried about them.

Liu Chen controls the four northern states and is developing vigorously, becoming stronger every moment. Yuan Shao, they definitely can't wait long.

And if they made a move, it just gave Liu Chen an excuse to go south.

Liu Chen not only wants to win the world, but also take it justifiably under the premise that everyone is convinced and blocks the mouth of the world!

This moment.

Behind him, Guo Jia, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Dian Wei and other generals and advisers really felt a kind of momentum that swallowed the world, spreading out from Liu Chen's body.

If it is said that Liu Chen in the past was only domineering in the four northern states, then now, there is already a king who plots the world and controls the sky!

They vibrate!

They are equally excited!

"I'll wait for orders!!"

All the generals shouted in unison.

The further Liu Chen goes, the higher they can achieve. Who does not want to become a founding hero, who does not want to seal the wolf Juxu, celebrities for eternity!


Liu Chen stayed in Bohai County for seven days, inspecting the naval units, and at the same time training with them, conveying to them the tactical and strategic ideas of the "navy" of later generations.

If there is a big war, these navies will definitely be able to detour through Qingzhou and give Liu Bei, Cao Cao and other Yuan Shao combined forces a fatal blow!

If it continues south, the navy can also play a role in the Yangtze River region.

Even if Sun Jian has taken Yangzhou in advance and become a thorn in Yangzhou, his strength is stronger than the original. Even the territory of Soochow has been faintly formed.

Liu Chen is still not afraid!

Seven days later, Liu Chen returned to Changshan with a satisfied smile under the arch guard of Zhao Yun and Dian Wei.

Now the whole of Jizhou is under Liu Chen's control, but Changshan is the real core area.


When Liu Chen returned to Changshan, some of his deeds in Bohai were spread throughout the world along with newspapers.

Newspapers are equivalent to news transmission and fishing boat control, which is a big killer under Liu Chen. Therefore, I often brush Liu Chen's sense of existence, brush favorability and so on!

Of course, killer tools like the Bohai Navy and naval forces will naturally not be silly revealed.

However, Liu Chen's poem 'Guancang Hai' written in Bohai was still printed by the newspaper innocuously.


Inside Cao Cao's camp.

They are studying this verse, and for the literati of this era, the verse represents the mood and mood of the poet at that time, and has great research effect.

Of course.

The generals of Cao Ying wanted to study Liu Chen's ideas and prepare in advance for the subsequent battle.

"King Changshan is really an all-round talent in culture and martial arts!" Cao Cao looked at Guan Canghai and was amazed, "If I write it instead, there is absolutely no such domineering spirit that swallows the world!" "

If Liu Chen knew, he would be extremely embarrassed and embarrassed. Boss Cao, you are the original author, okay!

All the generals and advisers commented one after another.

"Even if I'm not interested in poetry books, I can feel the artistic conception in them!"

Xu Chu rarely said a word, but quickly said: "In short, it's awesome!" Very domineering! "

Zhong Wenchen was speechless.

Xia Zhicai said: "Lord, this poem seems to write scenery in sentences, but it is lyrical in every sentence, but it is actually the king of Changshan who uses the spirit of the Bohai Sea to lyricize with scenery and plot against the world!" "

"What Zhicai said is very much to my liking."

Chen Gong also bowed his head and said: "This poem is to express the broad-mindedness and lofty ambition of King Changshan.

"At the same time, it is also a metaphor for the king of Changshan, who wants to embrace all rivers like the sea, and bring the whole world under his control!"

Lü Qian and other advisers expressed their views one after another, all of which explained the expression and sustenance of Liu Chen, the king of Changshan, as well as his ambition to plot the world!

If Liu Chen knew, it was estimated that he would be a little crying and laughing.

At that time, he was just on a whim and memorized a poem that made up so much, who would have thought that others could make up so much in their brains?

"Master! We're going to get ready! "

Xia Zhicai threw up his hands and said, "Not long ago, Yuan Shao sent people over to discuss and wanted to launch an attack on King Changshan. Agree or not, you need to make a choice early! "

Cao Cao fell silent!

Yuan Shao's envoys arrived, and the coalition army of millions launched an attack on Jizhou.

Cao Cao wanted to agree, but remembering the strength of Changshan's army, he was a little afraid, suffering from gains and losses, and hesitating!

It is hard to imagine that Cao Cao, who has always been decisive, would have such indecision.

It was really the strength of the King of Changshan, which made Cao Cao tremble and couldn't make up his mind!


The situation in Cao Ying also appeared on Liu Bei's side in Qingzhou.

Sun Qian, Jian Yong and other advisers also believed that Liu Chen, the king of Changshan, wanted to use this poem to express his grand ambition to swallow the world.

Liu Bei was not too surprised and shocked, and he was in a different position, in exchange for him, Liu Bei had such a powerful force, and he had already established himself as the king!

Even, Liu Bei was not as hesitant as Cao Cao, because he had long been tied to Yuan Shao and had a gap with the King of Changshan at the same time.

If there is a chance to defeat the Changshan army, this is the result that Liu Bei wants to see the most.

Otherwise, how can others be allowed to snore and sleep next to the bed, Qingzhou is on Jizhou's side, and Liu Bei sleeps restlessly every day, and he is afraid!

Compared to the closer Yanzhou Cao Cao, Liu Bei was more afraid of the King of Changshan and the Changshan Army of Jizhou!


When Yuan Shao's envoy came to discuss the attack, Liu Bei agreed without hesitation. Instead, this won the friendship and support of Yuan Shao's side.


Huainan City, Yangzhou.

Now the whole of Yangzhou is under Sun Jian's control. After they suppressed the rebellion against the Yamayue thieves, Jiangdong became more peaceful and peaceful.

However, there are many Jiangdong families, and the Sun family naturally needs to communicate with them in order to better integrate into it.

Sun Ce made friends with Zhou Yu and received a doctor, all in order to gain a better foothold in Jiangdong.


They met friends in the tea house, Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, Liu Ye, Lu Su and other talents from Yangzhou and Xuzhou gathered here.

While everyone was discussing, the newspaper came and they finally saw the famous poem 'Watching the Sea'.

"Worthy of being the King of Changshan! It's really civility and martial arts! "

Lu Su chewed this poem 'Watching the Sea' carefully, and said with amazement: "This poem is deep and full, majestic and powerful, and it is like reproducing the magnificent scene of the sea, and there is an illusion of full view." "

"In this way, in the collection of Changshan King's poems, another ancient famous poem will be collected."

Liu Ye also sighed and said: "No wonder the second daughter of the Qiao Gong, Big Qiao and Little Qiao, it is said that the king of the mountain does not marry, it is really a talent with a beauty, a hero with a beauty!" "

"The world says that Kong Rong, Chen Lin, Wang Yu, Xu Gan and others are peerless talents, but compared with Liu Chen, the king of Changshan, they are like small witches and big witches."

Zhang Zhao also echoed and said: "The Xu family brothers' 'Yuedan commentary' is really not wrong.

"Changshan King Liu Chen, an all-round talent in literature and martial arts, shocking the ancient world, born in any life, is enough to eclipse the world's warriors!

"King Changshan is like a bright moon in the night sky, I can't wait for the stars, it's hard to compete with it!"

Everyone commented one after another, deeply agreed!

Even Sun Ce and Zhou Yu shook their heads and sighed carefully. However, when commenting on this famous poem, they also felt the domineering spirit that swallowed the world.

"It seems that King Changshan's plan is not small!"

Zhou Yu said softly: "This choppy sea that swallows the sun and the moon seems to let me see the ambition of the King of Changshan!" "

"Changshan King Liu Chen, he is worthy of being a model for my generation!"

Sun Ce admired Liu Chen immensely, especially after Sun Jian asked Dong to return, when he talked about the details, they were even more shocked and yearned for!

In a different position, if they changed to Liu Chen's position, they would definitely not be able to do Liu Chen's position.

Moreover, Liu Chen also led an expedition to Serbia to deter foreign races and exalt our country's prestige. This is a role model for my generation of boys!

Zhou Yu frowned and said, "Bo Fu, I see the momentum of Changshan King, and there will be a battle with Yuan Shao in the future." We need to prepare early. "

"I learned from my father that Yuan Shao has sent envoys to form alliances everywhere, and will soon fight with the King of Changshan."

Sun Ce said softly: "If the balance between these two giants is broken, either side wins, and it will encroach on the world." Now Yangzhou seems to be peaceful, but the undercurrent is surging, we need to strengthen our own forces! "


Zhou Yu looked at the hall full of talented people and said with a chuckle: "Bo Fu, if you can recruit these famous talents, why worry about the great cause?" "

Sun Ce bowed.

They held tea parties and poetry parties one after another, naturally to recruit these Jiangdong celebrities, and now the metaphor issued by the king of Changshan made them more eager.


Liu Chen didn't expect that he would recite a 'view of the sea' with feelings, which would cause the world to shake!

All the princes made up their brains one after another, very eager, for fear that Liu Chen would lead his army south tomorrow and sweep the country!

At this time, Liu Chen had already led his army back to Changshan.

Xun Yu and others went out of the city ten miles to greet him, and to Liu Chen's surprise, there were two other stunning beauties in this group, it was his wife Cai Yan and Sable Cicada!

Liu Chen just bowed to them, and took the lead to Xun Yu's side, he could still distinguish the main and secondary.


Xun Yu has been a lot haggard during this time, and coordinating the scheduling of the entire Jizhou still puts him under a lot of pressure.

However, this year's more than a year of experience has also made Xun Yu more capable. Wang Zuozhi got a more perfect play.

"Wen Ruo, this time has worked hard for you." Liu Chen replied with concern.

Xun Yu saluted respectfully, meticulously, compared to Guo Jia's frivolous personality, Xun Yu was much more stable and calm:

"The Lord speaks heavily, and it is the duty of a courtier to share his worries for the king!"

Liu Chen chuckled and shook his head, and then asked, "How has Jizhou developed during this time?" "

"It's better for the lord to talk to the two main mothers first, and Yu can summarize and report in the county office." Xun Yu is very discerning and has a high emotional intelligence.

This made Cai Yan and Sable Cicada, who frequently poked out the window, happy.

But to their disappointment, Liu Chen waved his hand indifferently: "Sons and daughters, how important is the development of Jizhou and the people?" "

This shocked Xun Yu!

Compared with the arrogance and indulgence of other princes and warlords, Liu Chen is really a saint, and his love for the people is beyond words!

This made him more loyal to Liu Chen, and he also saw the real future from Liu Chen!

Cai Yan and Sable Cicada looked disappointed, but quickly disappeared!

Their husbands have the world in mind, and they should be pleased.

Of course, Liu Chen was not as hard as iron, came to Cai Yan and Sable Cicada's carriage, and said softly: "You two go back to the palace first, and the king will meet you later!" "

"Yes! Your Highness! "

Cai Yan and Sable Cicada lowered the curtains with ruddy faces, and the servants quickly sent the two back to the palace.

Liu Chen was helpless.

Strictly speaking, they have not yet passed the door, and they need to prepare for the wedding next.

As a prince and king, or the king of Changshan, who controls Jizhou, Youzhou, Union Prefecture and Liangzhou, and has power over the world, the wedding naturally needs to be extremely grand!

This gave Liu Chen quite a headache, he didn't want to be extravagant and wasteful, just cave the room. Unfortunately, sometimes etiquette is not spared.

Coming back to his senses, Liu Chen came to Xun Yu's side and walked shoulder to shoulder with him towards the county capital.

Xun Yu also reported for Liu Chen in one fifty-one ten, the development and changes in Jizhou in the past year can be described as changing with each passing day, and Liu Chen has seen it with his own eyes when he inspects all counties.

But what really shocked Liu Chen was the current population of Jizhou.

“...... Today, the population of Jizhou is as high as 20 million. Xun Yu's report made Liu Chen's heart startled!

Twenty million!

What is this concept?!

In the original history, even if Jizhou had fertile land and belonged to a state with a large population, the population was only five or six million at most!

This means that after Liu Chen's development, the population has exceeded four times!

Of course.

These populations were not born out of thin air, but the sum of the immigrants who migrated from the states and counties of the world.

There are more people in Jizhou, and the population of other prefectures and counties is naturally less!

“...... This year's baby birth is as high as 100,000. "

When Xun Yu said this, his face softened: "Thanks to the medical treatment in Jizhou, thanks to those obstetrics and gynecology departments, the number of premature deaths of these babies turned out to be zero!" "

Liu Chen's heart was shocked again!

This kind of survival rate is difficult to achieve even in future generations!

But he soon came to his senses!

Since his policy reform, from the original 'poll tax' to the 'hukou tax', it has greatly stimulated the motivation of families to have children.

What's more, under the addition of the [Medical Hall] building and the treatment of Hua Tuo and other divine doctors, it is not surprising that the medical level of Jizhou has improved, and it is not surprising to achieve this feat!

Fortunately, upgrading the [Medical Hall] to level 6 in advance must have helped a little. Liu Chen thought with relief in his heart.

Xun Yu continued to report:

“...... Today, all of Changshan's land is used to grow sweet potatoes and potatoes, and this matter is very important, and only Changshan's military defense can ensure that nothing is lost.

"Other crops such as wheat are moved to other counties in Jizhou and supplied to Changshan after harvesting.

"After more than a year of rest and development, sweet potatoes and potatoes have been harvested many times, and food reserves are sufficient.

"The glass, soap, salt, book printing and other items produced by the industrial park provide us with a steady stream of money.

"Under this premise, the strength of our army has developed rapidly, and now the total strength of Jizhou is as high as 500,000!

"If we count the more than 100,000 troops in Liangzhou, the nearly 100,000 troops in Hezhou, and the 100,000 troops that can be mobilized in Youzhou, our army can mobilize nearly 800,000 troops!"

The more Liu Chen listened, the more shocked he became!

Xun Yu is worthy of being Wang Zuo's talent, and the logistics are well organized!

More importantly, the increase in total strength turned out to be so terrifying!

You must know that when he left Jizhou and went on an expedition to Serbia, the total strength of his troops was only about 350,000, and it was only 400,000 when he was full! (Ji Liang and Three States)

And now...

An army of 800,000!!

An army of 800,000!!


If it weren't for the endless supply of money, sweet potatoes, potatoes and potatoes in the Jizhou Industrial Park, this would definitely not have reached this point!

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Yuan Shao mobilized an army of 800,000 to fight the battle of Guandu, which definitely had some bragging elements.


Liu Chen's current subordinate forces, the total strength of the army, is really as high as 800,000!!

Of course.

It is still impossible to mobilize all these armies.

Liangzhou had Ma Teng Han and the chaos, and the Qiang Dynasty was in turmoil, and the 100,000-strong army was guarded, and it was difficult to move at all.

Now that Lü Bu and Zhang Liao have returned, the situation is slightly better, but in order to avoid the death of foreign races, it is also necessary to leave a large army to guard it.

Youzhou is at a border pass, and Xianbei and Wuhuan both need the army to defend it.

These three places have a total of more than 300,000 troops, and they must not move!

The total strength of Jizhou seems to be as high as 500,000, but there are nearly 100 counties in nine counties, which require army patrols and defense.

Therefore, the number of troops that Liu Chen can really mobilize should be three or four hundred thousand strictly speaking!

Very strong!

But it's not enough!

The shock in Liu Chen's heart was fleeting, and he said to Xun Yu: "We still need to continue to recruit troops and increase the total strength to one million!" "

Now it was Xun Yu's turn to be shocked, and the total strength was as high as 800,000, which was not enough? He asked, "Master, in case the logistics can't keep up..."


Liu Chen shook his head and said, "It won't be forced to supply a million troops with 20 million people!" What's more, there is a steady stream of people gathering in Changshan. "

As for Union Prefecture, Liang Prefecture and Youzhou, Liu Chen did not count them.

Today, the population of Hezhou and Liangzhou does not exceed one million, and it is estimated that Youzhou is only about two million.

The 100,000-strong army of the states is already at the limit!

"Subordinate, understood!" Xun Yu looked at Liu Chen in shock, but he could only bite the bullet.

He also thought that Liu Chen would be shocked and shocked when he heard the 800,000 army. But I didn't expect that it was too little?!!!

The generals such as Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Li Dian, and Wen Qiu who followed closely behind were even more stunned!

It is worthy of being their lord, and he really has the power to swallow the world!

This confidence and domineering alone is beyond their reach!


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