Liu Chen stood on the platform of the point general, looking condescendingly at Yuan Shao and other defeated generals.

Looking at their expressions like defeated roosters, Liu Chen was very satisfied in his heart.

The reason why I wasted so much time was to take Yuan Shao, the dying people, to visit the Changshan School District and let them admire the genius students of elementary schools, middle schools, and universities.

Just to make them recognize themselves!

At the beginning, these defeated generals and those adviser generals still thought highly of themselves, thinking that Liu Chen would definitely need to appease them when he ruled the world.

There is no self-knowledge!

Liu Chen just wanted to tell them that with Changshan's school alone, he could cultivate countless talented students by himself, and he didn't need them at all!

Sure enough.

When they returned from the college area and returned to the school again, the mood and state of the whole person were different.

That kind of arrogant literati style has disappeared.

Once they thought that in addition to the culprits and evil people of the Yuan family, others could also be lightly dealt with.

But now they are suffering one by one, waiting for Liu Chen's final judgment.

No bottom!

Because there are no more hole cards and places to rely on!

"Yuan Shao! Chop! "

Liu Chen didn't want to bother with more lips, and directly ordered coldly.

Yuan Shao wailed, and actually fainted directly!

In the past few days, he visited Changshan School, allowing him to see the young students, but it made him more hopeful about living!

Now that he was about to die, this despair collapsed in his heart, and he could no longer bear it.


The law enforcement officers did not have any mercy, and directly dragged down Yuan Shao, who had fainted to death, and directly beheaded him in the howls of some loyal ministers!


Yuan Shao's head rolled down, and blood splattered out.

This Yuan group leader, who was born in the Yuan family and was in power, and could be called the second strongest leader of the Yuan group under Liu Chen, died like this!

Liu Chen looked around, and in the horror of the defeated generals below, he said coldly: "Xu Yu! Chop! "

Xu Yu, who had been suffering from gains and losses, turned pale and shouted eagerly: "His Royal Highness Changshan King!" I asked myself why did you do this to me if I didn't offend you?!

"Please take my life and let me keep my sinful body, even if I am a cow and a horse for you!"

Xu Yu is arrogant and arrogant, and his mouth is unobtrusive, which can be described as extremely high-spirited.

It is a pity that people will die, even if they have arrogance, they can only lower their proud heads and kneel down their proud knees!

To be fair, Xu Yu is extremely resourceful and belongs to the ranks of second-rate top advisers. It is indeed a person with useful value.


Xu Yu gave advice to Yuan Shao and put Liu Chen to death, and Liu Chen knew all this.

Liu Chen said coldly: "Read out Xu Yu's information one fifty and ten!" "

Zhao Yun immediately picked out Xu Yu's information and read it out personally.

- Xu Yu offered a plan for Yuan Shao to harm other Han loyalists and Liu Chen. Design to impeach Liu Chen. Rescue Liu Bei, plant in the blame Liu Chen and other criminal evidence.

One fifty-one ten was read out by Zhao Yun.

“...... At the beginning, whether it is true or not, we can take it as true and use this matter to impeach Liu Chen, the king of Changshan. "

“...... In the beginning, this is a trivial matter, and it is indeed harmless, but we can use this to deprive King Changshan of his authority to oversee the four states! "

“...... It is difficult to control even the subordinates, what else to use to manage the land of the four states of the Great Han? "

The more Zhao Yunyu said, the paler Xu Yu's face became!

How can it be?!

Their conspiracy with Yuan Shao was carried out privately under strict supervision. Those involved are their own people, why can Liu Chen get information.

And also such clear, verbatim intelligence ?!

One of them is out of the way? Spy?

Not to mention that Xu Yu's face was pale, Yuan Shao's other advisers and generals were also livid, and they suffered in their hearts!

To be honest, there were many people present who had said bad things about Changshan King Liu Chen. Even those advisers had designed to deal with Liu Chen.

Once they were in a hostile state, as Yuan Shao's courtiers, they naturally had to worry about the monarch.


Who would have thought!

This turned out to be their talisman!

"Don't show off your cleverness in front of King Ben! Under the whole world, any wind and grass can not hide the eyes of this king! "

Liu Chen said coldly: "Drag it on!" Chop! "

The law enforcement officers directly dragged down the pale-faced and terrified Xu Yu, even though he wailed and screamed, he still did not have any mercy and sympathy.

Hands up and down!

Xu Yu's head also rolled down directly!

Blood splattered all over the place!

Many people covered their eyes and couldn't bear to look again!

The death of the two immediately made many of the advisers and generals present tremble, and many people had trembling teeth and trembling physically and mentally!

This kind of trial waiting for death is really too torturous!

Liu Chen did not sympathize with them, if he fell into the hands of these people, I am afraid that it would be even more miserable!

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself!

"Guo Tu! Fengji! Chop! Liu Chen said coldly.

Guo Tu Fengji and the two fell down.

It's just that they can't figure out why they died!

"His Royal Highness King Changshan! Can we die blind?! The two begged.

Liu Chen fulfilled their long-cherished wish: "Luoyang prison! Let Liu Bei go! But the handiwork of the two of you! "


Guo Tufengji was stunned for a moment, and then cried directly and cried.

At the beginning, they designed to restore Liu Bei's innocence as a fake Han clan relative, isn't it just to hit the face of the Han Emperor and Liu Chen's face again?!

Even if Liu Bei was wronged. But since he had already been convicted by Emperor Han and Xun Yu Lübu, then Liu Bei was fake!

This is the face of the royal family!

This is also the face of Changshan King Liu Chen!

"Sure enough, feng shui takes turns!"

Guo Tu laughed miserably, "When we designed the scheme, we were still a little complacent, we could share the worries of the Lord and get credit for it." Pity......

"Now it has become a talisman for the two of us!"

Fengji smiled bitterly and walked to the guillotine: "Success and defeat, a bad thought, only blame us for following the wrong master!" "

"If there is an afterlife, I hope to meet His Highness earlier!"

The law enforcement officer swept Yu Guang and found that Liu Chen had no intention of stopping it, so he directly raised his knife and landed the two heads on the ground!

Liu Chen just glanced at it lightly and withdrew his gaze!

Guo Tu and Fengji, the two can also be regarded as second-rate top advisers, and their intelligence and strategy are also excellent.


They designed to let Liu Bei go, which made the face of Liu Chen, the king of Changshan, disappear!

Not to mention the various bad deeds of the two.

For example, Guo Tuyuan framed Zhang Gaoyan, so that the two generals were forced to surrender to Cao, persuading the Yuan brothers to kill each other for the sake of the battle between the sons of the world.

For example, Fengjijin offered rumors, which led to Tian Feng's death. Privately tampered with Yuan Shao's life and other bad deeds.

are not enough to smooth out their merits.

Liu Chen swept away the light and said coldly again: "Gao Gan! Chop! "

Gao Gan laughed miserably, did not ask for mercy, arched his hand to Liu Chen, and walked directly to the guillotine!

He was not only an important general of Yuan Shao, but also Yuan Shao's nephew!

No monarch will spare such a close relative!


The executioner's hand rose and fell, and the head of the tall man fell to the ground.

"Yuan Tan! Yuan Xi! Yuan Shang! Chop! Liu Chen said coldly.

Yuan Shao's son, only one of them accompanied him on this expedition, and the remaining two stayed in Luoyang. This was later captured to Tsuneyama!

The original history set off a battle for the sons of the world, but now, it could not turn over any waves, and he was beheaded by Liu Chen's order.

The third son howled, and directly landed on the ground.

Liu Chen continued to order that the generals and advisers who had put him to death in those intelligences be killed one by one!

The killed Yuan Shao's forces are rolling, and the guillotine who killed is bleeding like a river!

Even the air was filled with a strong smell of blood, which made the more than 300,000 soldiers below tremble, and made those generals and advisers who did not have their turn panic!

Until an hour later, Liu Chen didn't know how many people he had killed, and he finally stopped.

"This king is not a cold-blooded and ruthless person, thinking that you will not die if you wait for sin, leave you with your lives, and let you make meritorious contributions to your crimes!"

When these words come out, the picture of the head rolling and blood flowing like a river on the guillotine is really how fake it is!

But at this moment, after hearing what Liu Chen said, those generals and advisers who had not yet died were stunned for a moment, and then cried with joy!

"Thank you, His Royal Highness Changshan!"

"Thank you, His Royal Highness Changshan!"

One by one, they knelt and kowtowed, thanking Liu Chen for Dade. Surprised that he can escape death, and grateful for Liu Chen's benevolence and righteousness, let them go!

This feeling of walking through the ghost gate made them extremely grateful to Liu Chen, and they felt five inside!

This is the effect Liu Chen wants!

If they were left alone in the first place, who would cherish it? An easy pardon will make them feel taken for granted!

But now.

After experiencing so many tragic experiences, witnessing the picture of Yuan Shao and other subordinates falling to the ground, the torment of waiting for death to be announced.

They are tormenting them little by little, making their nerves tense and in a state of imminent collapse and despair!

And at this time, Liu Chen's pardon was tantamount to giving them a new life and making them grateful!

These advisers and generals used to be in high positions, but now, they are kneeling and kowtowing one by one, bowing to Liu Chen!

After solving the generals and advisers, Liu Chen set his eyes on those more than 300,000 pawns!

Among the ordinary soldiers, there are those who follow the crowd, those who follow the orders of their superiors, and there are also some bandits and thieves, who take pleasure in plundering and robbing the people's materials.

There are even many people, who take advantage of the war and chaos to disrupt the people, and can be called soldiers and bandits!

This kind of wolf ambition, wolf heart and dog lungs, Liu Chen will never allow them to appear in the Changshan army!

And for this kind of person, Liu Chen only has one order -


Liu Bei's Yellow Turban Army, Yuan Shu's generals, and Yuan Shao's more than 200,000 soldiers, totaling more than 300,000 soldiers.

In Liu Chen's order to investigate, the wolf-hearted dog lung people who were finally killed were as high as 450,000!

The mountain of heads and the picture of rivers of blood actually made many soldiers who had experienced hundreds of battles almost want to vomit out!

Fear fills my heart!

The body shuddered!

This time, they really deeply realized -

What does this Changshan King, who commands the six states of the Great Han Dynasty, is in charge of the Changshan Army, and has power over the opposition and the world, represent!


is the real king of the Great Han!


The news of Yuan Shao's death soon spread throughout the world with newspapers.

The whole world was shaken!

Inside the Luoyang Imperial Palace.

A constant attendant, holding a newspaper, ran to the Han Emperor Liu Xie in surprise, knelt down and prayed: "Your Majesty! Yuan Shao and other chaotic thieves are finally dead!

"Captured alive by His Royal Highness King Changshan, and beheaded with Changshan Trial! Those who went to Huangquan with them were also the chaotic thieves of the Yuan Group! "

Listening to Chang Shi's report, Liu Xie was stunned, and then showed a wry smile!

"It's worthy of being an imperial uncle!"

Liu Xie did not have any accidents, but felt taken for granted.

At the beginning, Yuan Shao led an army of 300,000 people, united with Liu Bei, Yuan Shu, and Cao Cao, and marched into Jizhou.

At that time, Liu Xie had already guessed the result!

Only Liu Xie, who had experienced the battle of Dong, deeply understood the strength of the Changshan army and the strength of the king of Changshan!

That's really the First Army of the Great Han!

Chang Shi got up, came to Liu Xie's side, and asked with a puzzled expression: "Your Majesty, looking at your expression, why is there not a little joy?" "


Liu Xie said with a bitter smile: "Dong Zhuo was in turmoil and died at the hands of the imperial uncle!" Yuan Shao was in turmoil and died at the hands of his imperial uncle! The next one should be Uncle Huang!

"In fact, as early as when he killed Dong Zhuo, the imperial uncle was qualified, powerful, and prestigious.

"Unfortunately, he didn't! Xu is also unwilling to abdicate!

"Now that I think about it, it's really ridiculous! Even if death depends on this position? Yuan Shao once again turned to power, didn't he prove Xuan's incompetence again?! "

Liu Xie's broken thoughts made the constant attendant beside him look terrified, and asked again with trepidation:

"Your Majesty! You, why do you say that? If King Changshan has any objections, we can call on the loyal courtiers of the Han family in the world to beg the thief again! "


Liu Xie looked at the Chang attendant beside him, shook his head with a smile: "Correct you, King Changshan is a clan relative of the Han family, this is not called anti-intention, this can only be regarded as a mutiny."

"And... Xu also saw through it, the imperial uncle was unwilling to force Xuan, but Xu must also have self-knowledge!

"Dong Zhuo is like this, Yuan Shao is like this, who will be next? In the end, it's still incompetent!

"Instead of being thrown away by Xu and letting the Liu Dynasty be buried in the hands of Shu, it is better to let the imperial uncle take the throne and let him continue the past glory of my Liu Dynasty!"

Successively experienced Dong Zhuo's oppression, Yuan Shao's coercion, and successive ups and downs, Liu Xie also saw through!

Compared to this great Han Jiangshan Yi surname, it became Dong Zhuo's Dong dynasty, Yuan Shao's Yuan dynasty, or someone else's dynasty.

It is better to hand it over to Liu Chen, the king of Changshan who is qualified, capable, and prestigious, to sit in this position!


At least it's still a descendant of the Liu family, a clan relative of the Han family!


Liu Xie said solemnly and solemnly: "I want Chan, to give the imperial throne to Liu Chen, the king of Changshan!" "


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