Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 1002 Zhou Yu's thoughts

As long as they want some benefits, the Karasuma tribe will definitely agree. And now this Gongsun Kang also understands what Ma Chen said about the capital in his hands. It seems that he should be talking about kicking and fighting the prisoners in his hands.

Now Gongsun Kang also understands what these capitals Ma Chen is referring to, and now this Gongsun Kang himself is thinking, if he really wants to do this with Wu Yuhuan of Qilin County.

The capital in his current hands should also make Wu Yuhuan more or less able to give himself some affection.

Now Gongsun Kang was thinking about this question, and now Ma Chen turned his head and asked Zhou Yu.

"You seem to have relatively some 08 solutions to the terrain of Liaodong City. Do you think there should be some joint preparations between Liaodong City and Qilin County?"

"My lord, it is of course good to say that, as long as the two cities work together, I believe that this city will definitely be solid. When you want to attack them, you will also consider the pros and cons!"

When Zhou Yu said these things, Gongsun Kang couldn't help but look at Zhou Yu.

It seems that Zhou Yu also has some understanding of Liaodong City this time. Zhou Yu seems to be not from the Karasuma tribe. From this dressing and dressing, it only helps the Karasuma tribe to make suggestions.

And now Ma Chen looks at the eye contact between Gongsun Kang and Zhou Yu, and it can be seen that Gongsun Kang doesn't seem to have a good impression of Zhou Yu this time.

It seems that the negotiations this time should allow Zhou Yu to exert a lot of strength, so that Gongsun Kang can see Zhou Yu's strength this time.

"Since you also think this matter is very beneficial, then you can figure out what to do about this matter. You also know that Wu Yuhuan in Qilin County is a very stubborn woman."

"Is there any good way for this woman? You have to talk about it at the first time. If there is any plug in this matter, it will be difficult to talk about it for the second time!"

Now when Ma Chen said this, it was the first task given to Zhou Yu. At this time when Zhou Yu heard Ma Chen say this, he hurriedly bowed his hand to Ma Chen.

"No! I will obey the lord's words, and I will try my best to complete this task!

When Zhou Yu said this, Ma Chen's expression was also very satisfied, and Gongsun Kang saw that Zhou Yu had taken over the task, and he also looked at Zhou Yu with some suspicion.

This Gongsun Kang, but knew that Qilin County Wu Yuhuan's temperament was really worried, Zhou Yu might not complete this task this time.

"General Gongsun, look at it, this 220 time when Zhou Yu goes to do this mission, you will need your assistance more or less, you will be next to you as an assistance, as long as Army Master Zhou Yu has anything that needs to be managed this time, you try to satisfy it!"

When Gongsun Kang heard Ma Chen say this, he also hurriedly agreed.

When Liu Bowen standing behind listened to Ma Chen's arrangement, he also knew what Ma Chen's real intention was. He also smiled and had to say.

The victory this time really made the people in Liaodong City feel very uplifted. Even the soldiers were full of morale. Now the whole Liaodong City is in a state of heyday. .

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