Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 133 Gongsun Zan and Gongsun Du 【11/10, beg for full order】

Right Peiping County!

From Baima Yicong, I learned that Wuhuan Lingdun, led a hundred thousand Wuhuan cavalry, and invaded Yuyang.

Gongsun Zan of Beiping County, you, did not send troops to help, but negotiated with the soldiers at the mansion.

Last time, Liu Yu handed over power to Ma Chen, so that Gongsun Zan led Bai Ma Yi from the attack on Xianbei and failed.

At this time, Gongsun Zan still harbored a grudge, he was a caring person.

At Gongsun Zan’s mansion, a adviser cupped fist said: "Lord, Wuhuan does not want to invade Youbeiping County, but he is really afraid of the lord, so he will attack Yuyang only after kicking."

Hearing this, Gongsun Zan said in a deep voice: "This general also thinks so, but thinking of the loss of many white horses last time, this general hates Liu Yu deeply.

Another counselor pondered for a moment, and then said: "Lord, if Wuhuan takes possession of Xianzhou, he will inevitably counterattack Youbeiping County. Then, how to resist? It is better to let go of the past and attack Wuhuan's rear. At that time, Wuhuan will surely be defeated.

Gongsun Zan stood up when he heard the words, and went back and forth in the chamber.

He suddenly looked at the generals and said in a deep voice, "Why didn't this general wait for Wuhuan to attack Jicheng and cut off his rear. At that time, won't Youzhou be in the hands of this general-army?"

Hearing this, all the soldiers present said in unison: "The lord's words are extremely true. If this is the case, it is better to send detective horses to investigate. Whenever there is a situation,-inform the lord.

"Okay, pay close attention to the movements of Youzhou and Wuhuan. Wouldn't it be great that this general fisherman will make a profit?"


Immediately, I saw Tan Ma walking quickly and left Youbeiping County.

But in Gongsun Zan's heart, he thought of another figure.

The Han Wang Liu Chen who made him hold a grudge.

He also didn't expect that Liu Chen, who was canonized as the champion, would become the first king of a different surname in the Han.

Thinking of the deep hatred with Ma Chen, Gongsun Zan couldn't help showing a touch of anger.

At the same time, the Gongsun family of Liaodong also learned that Wuhuan sent troops to attack Yuyang.

At this time, Gongsun Kang, the son of Gongsundu, said to his father: "My father, why don't you send troops to help Yuyang?"

The Gongsun family occupies the eastern part of Liaoning, while Wuhuan is in the western part of Liaoning.

Hearing this, Gongsun Du looked at Gongsun Kang and said with a smile: "Kang'er, you are still young, and you don't understand some things. As a father, I will tell you that my Gongsun Du occupied Liaodong in order to maintain the land of Liaodong. Look at Youzhou. Although Liu Yu is a provincial governor, he is threatened by many foreign races. Now, the court has not ordered me to rush to help, and Wuhuan and other foreign races have no contact with me.

In this way, the old man will be happy. "Gongsun Kang was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he understood his father's words.

The Gongsun family occupied Liaodong and lived here in order to establish a small imperial court.

His father Gongsun Du seemed to be subordinate to the Han, but in fact he ruled Liaodong for many years.

Even if it was the invasion of foreign races such as the Xiongnu Xianbei, Gongsundu did not rush to help, and did not contribute to the flames, but instead stood still.

He seemed to understand that this was his father's conservative policy.

Thinking of this, Gongsun Kang cupped fist and said, "My boy, I understand."

Gongsundu heard the words and laughed and said, "Just understand. In the future, you can always occupy Liaodong according to the old man's line. My Gongsun family will be king in Liaodong, and it will not be worse than others. If you don't offend me, I won't offend others."

"Father is absolutely true.

"Well, if you go to the Liaodong border, if there is an envoy from the imperial court, or if Wuhuan Liuyu sends soldiers, it will say that the old man is sick and cannot go."


Gongsun Kang agreed and hurried away.

Looking at his back, Gongsun Du sighed: "The rest are good to cheat, that is, the Han King Ma Chen, which is difficult to deal with. Hey, I hope he doesn't miss the old man's Liaodong."

With a sigh, Gongsundu turned and returned to the study, seeming to be sorting out something.

At this time, Yuyang's emergency report soon reached Jicheng, the capital of Youzhou.

In Jicheng, after hearing the emergency report of the detective horse, Youzhou Mu Liu Yu couldn't help but be shocked: "Wuhuan 100,000 cavalry?"

"It's exactly that Wuhuan's 100,000 cavalry, led by Wuhuan Kidun and General Zhang Chun, is about to invade Yuyang. Yuyang County Shou, ordered me to come and rush."

Hearing this, Liu Yu frowned and sighed: "Who should send so many iron knights?"

But after seeing the screen, a beautiful girl came slowly.

Seeing Liu Yu, he pondered for a moment, and said, "Father, why don't you invite the Han King Ma Chen?"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Yu immediately understood what he said. He raised his head to look at the girl and said: "Yingying, if you don't say it, the old man has forgotten."

It turns out that this beautiful girl is Liu Yingying, the daughter of Liu Yu from Youzhou Mu.

Liu Yingying is also a woman who won't let her beard.

Her words made Liu Yu wake up immediately.

............ Flowers......

He was in a hurry and forgot Han Wang Ma Chen.

At this moment, a guard outside the door reported: "Master, outside Jicheng, tens of thousands of cavalry appeared.

As soon as these words came out, Liu Yu's expression suddenly changed, and he said in shock, "Why is Wuhuan's iron cavalry so fast?

Quickly walked away and boarded the gate tower with Liu Yingying.

Looking very hard, I saw tens of thousands of cavalry appear not far away, the first few generals, and soon came under Jicheng.

Liu Yu saw these tens of thousands of iron cavalry, under the banner of Han Wang Ma Chen, and couldn't help asking: "But Han Wang Ma Chen is under the command of soldiers and horses?"

The first few generals looked at Liu Yu and said in a deep voice: "I am waiting for the Han king. When the Han king learns that Wuhuan has invaded Yuyang, I am waiting to come to help."

When Liu Yu heard this, he couldn't help being overjoyed and said: "Thank you, King Han, quickly open the city gate to welcome the generals.


The gatekeeper agreed and opened the gate of Jicheng.

I saw that Li Cunxiao, Luo Cheng, Liang Hongyu, Qin Liangyu and other generals, led by ten thousand black armor and iron cavalry, five thousand white robe army, five thousand fierce sun archers, and ten thousand days of army, came to the city of Jicheng.

Liu Yu personally came to greet him, and he said excitedly: "Thank you all the generals, I don't know when will the King of Han arrive in Yizhou?"

When Liu Yingying heard the words, there was a look of expectation in her beautiful eyes.

"The lord has left Luoyang, and he should be approaching Jicheng, Youzhou. Don't worry about Zhou Mu. There are only a hundred thousand Wuhuan cavalry. I can't wait to put in one's eyes."

This sentence was like a reassurance for Liu Yu, and Liu Yu said excitedly: "Thank you, generals, please.

Li Cunxiao, Liang Hongyu and others nodded and followed Liu Yu into the city of Jicheng.

Seeing Liang Hongyu and Qin Liangyu's heroic looks, Liu Yingying's eyes flashed with envy.

She thought: "In the future, I, Liu Yingying, will also become a heroic female general and be loyal to the King of Han.

Thinking of the King of Han, there was a flash of splendor in his beautiful eyes.

And when Li Cunxiao, Qin Liangyu and others arrived at Youzhou Zhishou, Ma Chen led all the soldiers, 30 miles away from Jicheng.

At this time, Ma Chen heard a system beep.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the sign-in package this week."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the gift package is being distributed."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, gain" billion.

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