Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 154 Gongsun Zan was defeated, Yuan Shao scrambled for the position of the leader [6/10, Guiq

Outside Jicheng.

But when they heard the shouts of killing, tens of thousands of horses swarmed.

Countless crossbow arrows swept over like a rain of arrows, causing the white horse Yicong who was caught off guard to lose more than a thousand on the spot.

Gongsun Zan was shocked and said: "No, I was in an ambush.

In my heart, I was already anxious.

But when I saw, the general holding the Lieyang sword looked at Gongsun Zan, and Gongsun Yi looked at this person and asked, "Who are you?"

"Hehe, the old man is a general under the command of Han Wang Ma Chen, Huang Zhong!"

As soon as these words came out, Gongsun Zan said in shock: "Are you Huang Hansheng?"

Of course he knew that Huang Zhong was a mighty military commander.

I saw Gongsun Zan looking at the iron knights swarming around, and said in surprise: "It turns out that I have followed Ma Chen's way again."

He looked at those iron knights full of hatred, and said in a deep voice: "Retreat, "Sixty-three" retreat!"

Yun Shi, I saw those white horses who were righteous, heard Gongsun Zan's words, and followed him in a hurry to flee like a pardon.

Everyone murmured along the way, and fled back to Youbeiping County.

Arrived in Youbeiping County, I saw Gongsun Zan looking at the white horse Yicong who was only about two thousand left, and said bitterly: "Ma Chen, my Gongsun Zan doesn't share the sky with you!"

Unexpectedly, in the battle of Jicheng, he was ambushed by Ma Chen. This Ma Chen is really a magical calculation, so terrifying.

Even so, Gongsun Zan has an immense hatred for Ma Chen in his heart.He knows that he will not be a man if he does not kill Ma Chen!

The counselor on the side said to Gongsun Zan: "Lord, for the present plan, it is better than the Alliance's Liaodong Gongsun Du. When the time comes, we will deal with Ma Chen together.

Gongsun Zan frowned when he heard this, and said: "Gongsundu's son Gongsun Kang died under Ma Chen. At this time, contacting Gongsundu, wouldn't he be scared?"

The counselor heard the words, looked at Gongsun Zan, and whispered: "Master, now the master is like Gongsundu's life-saving straw. If we can unite, we should not be afraid of Ma Chen."

As soon as this statement came out, Gongsun Zan pondered for a moment, thinking of the white horse Yicong, a coldness flashed in his eyes, only to see Gongsun Zan said in a deep voice: "Well, that is the case, you go to contact Gongsundu."


Hearing this, the counselor hurried away, leaving Gongsun Zan with a hint of hatred in his eyes.

The next day.

In the endless camps of the 18th princes, in one camp, the princes sat separately.

At this time, Yuan Yi, the prefect of Shanyang, looked at everyone and said in a deep voice: "This time, although the king of Han Ma Chen invited me to come to the Jujube League and jointly punish Dong Zhuo, I have to find a leader. , Lead me to wait, otherwise, we will work separately, not to mention that we will be laughed at by outsiders, and will be broken one by one by Dong Zhuo. If we wait for the alliance and make unified arrangements, wouldn't it be wonderful?"

As soon as this statement came out, the seventeenth princes nodded together, seeming to be thinking about who can become the leader of the eighteenth princes.

But when he saw the Beihai prefect Kong Rong heard the words, he said in a deep voice, "Should we choose the leader before the King of Han arrives? This time, King Han is the initiator of the Jujube League. Why don't I wait for the King of Han to be the leader."

Kong Rong's words were nodded by several princes.

Yuan Shao heard the words, snorted coldly, and said: "Is the initiator the leader? Kong Beihai's words are too frivolous."

Kong Rong looked at Yuan Shao and seemed to have thought of something, and then asked Yuan Shao: "Could it be that Yuan Benchu ​​wants to become the leader?"

Yuan Shao turned his anger into joy and said: "If everyone's hopes are met, I will naturally share the sorrows for you, and I will be the Yuan family of Runan.

Before the sound fell, but seeing outside the camp, one person said solemnly: "You, Runan Yuan, what about it?"

As soon as he said this, he saw that a brave young man came striding forward. He was wearing a battle armor, but he was very energetic.

Behind the young man, there were a few heroines and a few military generals.

When Yuan Shao saw this person, he was shocked and said, "He is here.

He chuckled and said, "I, Runan Yuan, is not worth mentioning in front of the Han King."

Hearing this, Ma Chen smiled faintly, looked at Yuan Shao, and said in a deep voice: "Runan Yuan is indeed in front of this king, it is not worth mentioning."

As soon as this remark came out, both Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Yuan Yi and others were all surprised.

Unexpectedly, this King of Han, in front of the princes of the world, actually mocked the Yuan family of Runan?

The Yuan clan of Runan is the family second only to the wang clan of Taiyuan.

But seeing, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, and Yuan Yi all showed extremely angry expressions.

Seeing the generals behind Ma Chen, the three dared not act rashly.

At this moment, I saw Ma Chen smile faintly, strode over, and sat in the first place of the crowd.

This position is the position of the leader.

Upon seeing this, Yuan Shu said solemnly to Ma Chen, "Wang Han, why are you sitting here?"

Behind Ma Chen, Mu Guiying heard the words and said in a deep voice: "My lord Ma Chen is the king of Han today. In terms of strength, he is stronger than you. In terms of identity, he is far above the Yuan family of Runan. Could it be that you still have Opinion?"

Yuan Yi heard that he didn't want to be accused by a female general, he said solemnly: "Where is the wild hair girl, dare to be

Before the sound fell, shouted.

It turned out that Mu Guiying's pear spear fell like a bolt of lightning to Yuan Yi's throat.

This is because Mu Guiying knew that Yuan Yi was a prince and didn't want to hurt him. Otherwise, Yuan Yi had been in the throat by a spear thrust and died.

Ma Chen looked at Yuan Yi who was panicked, and said solemnly, "Get down."

Mu Guiying agreed, stepped back and stood behind Ma Chen.

Yuan Yi was panicked and shocked.

Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu looked at Ma Chen together, showing resentment at the same time.

But seeing, Cao Cao stood up and said to Yuan Shao and others: "In the beginning, I waited for the call of the Han King this time because I was doing my part for the big man. Now, I have not attacked Hulao Pass, so I have set up Neijiang. , Don’t you want to be laughed at by Dong Zhuo?"

Youzhou Mu Liu Yu also said solemnly to Yuan Shao and others: "Even if you think that the Han King is not qualified enough, he is a Han family clan, the son of Emperor Huan, and the future prince. Such characters cannot yet become a member of the 4.5 Jujube League. Leader? If King Han can't afford it, who can afford it?"

This sentence made the more than ten princes look in their eyes together. They looked at Ma Chen and said in unison: "King Han, I am waiting to hold King Han as the leader of the 18th princes.

Seeing the hope of Han Wang Ma Chen, even Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, who were very unconvinced, couldn't help but bow their heads to Ma Chen: "I am waiting to support Han Wang as the leader."

Although bowed their heads to Ma Chen, the three Yuan brothers of the Yuan family in Runan did not really assist Ma Chen.

Even, in their minds, a strategy against Ma Chen is brewing.

In this regard, Ma Chen disagrees, the three Yuan brothers, in his eyes, are like ants, not worth mentioning.

At this moment, Cao Cao raised his head to look at Ma Chen, but a complicated look flashed in his eyes.

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