Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 157 Liu Yu sent you to Youzhou, Bao Xin died at Bangshuiguan [9/10, Guiqiu customized]

Watching the three Yuan brothers leave, Cao Cao on the side said to Ma Chen cupped fist: "The King of Han, the three Yuan brothers are the Yuan Clan of Runan, and they have a high self-esteem, so they are somewhat presumptuous.

Liu Yu, Mu Liu Yu of Youzhou heard the words, smiled faintly, and said, "What about the Yuan family of Runan? Do you still have aristocratic families in Youzhou?"

As soon as this statement came out, the expressions of the other princes changed slightly.

In fact, the princes have long heard that Youzhou Mu Liuyu ransacked the aristocratic families in Youzhou, with no one's life left. For this reason, it also caused an uproar.

Whether it's Cao Cao or Tao Gongzu and other vassals, they all know that the big clans in the Han Dynasty can't get rid of their tails.

Nowadays, in a troubled time, those big families are also working in their own way.

This also made the three Yuan brothers defiant and arrogant.

Ma Chen heard the words and said indifferently: "Runan Yuan, in the eyes of the king, is nothing but an ant.,

As soon as this statement came out, Cao Cao, Tao Qian, Liu Dai and other princes looked at Ma Chen together.

Everyone knows that in this world, there is only the distinguished King of Han, Ma Chen, who will not put Runan Yuan to put in one’s eyes.

Ma Chen looked at the princes and said solemnly: "I'll wait and wait for the news from the X station, and we will leave.



Upon hearing this, the princes all saluted Ma Chen 603, and then left separately.

Liu Yu deliberately stayed behind and asked Ma Chen: "King of Han, you know that Wang Yun, Cai Yonghuangfusong and other ministers of the loyal Han faction are in the prison in Luoyang."

Ma Chen stood up, looked at the endless camp, and said in a deep voice: "Dong Zhuo wants to use Wang Yun, Cai Yong and others to blackmail this king, and these princes seem to be for the big men, but in fact they are themselves. ."

"Exactly, if it's not good, they won't come. The chaos is set for the big man, and I will leave it to you in the future.

He looked at Ma Chen, changed the conversation, and asked, "Yingying is in the Bingzhou office?"

"Exactly, Diao Chan and Cai Yan are also there."

Hearing this, Liu Yu looked at Ma Chen and said with a complicated expression: "King Han, waiting for you to calm Dong Zhuo, the old man's Youzhou will also be given to you."

Ma Chen looked at Liu Yu in surprise, and asked: "Yue Zhang, this is..."

Liu Yu heard the words and said with a smile: "The old man is getting old and just wants to support his life, can you?"

"Thank you, Yue Zhang!

Ma Chen agreed and said to Liu Yu's cupped fist who was neither humble nor humble.

At this time, Liu Yu bid farewell to Ma Chen.

In Yuan Shu’s camp, the three Yuan brothers gathered together. Among them, Yuan Shu heard the words, his eyes sank and hated: "Unexpectedly, Ma Chen is so Damn it, dare not wait for me to put in one's eyes ."

Yuan Yi said in a deep voice: "He is the King of Han and the son of the first emperor. Naturally, I am not afraid of my Runan Yuan family.

Yuan Shu bitterly said: "It's so cheap, Ma Chen? I'm uneasy, huh, I want to make trouble.

Yuan Shao heard the words, looked at Yuan Shu, and asked, "How to do it?"

At this moment, the curtain of the camp was lifted, but a person strode.

The three Yuan brothers were taken aback, looked at the man, and immediately said in surprise, "Yuncheng?"

The one who came here was Bao Xin, one of the 18 princes of Jibei.

Bao Xin looked at the three Yuan brothers and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, you guys, I, Bao Xin, will go to Baoshuiguan to fight against Li Lao Guo Bang and grab a head start."

Upon hearing the words, the three Yuan brothers said in unison: "Whether it is so, Yuncheng should be more careful.

Upon hearing this, Bao Xin said solemnly: "Don't worry, my brother Bao Zhong has outstanding martial arts."

Immediately, he strode out and led Bao Zhong to wait for 10,000 soldiers and horses, and quietly left the camp.

The three Yuan brothers looked at each other, and all showed coldness.

As Bao Xin ordered the horse to explore the terrain in advance, he led Bao Zhong and 10,000 soldiers and horses to get ahead and came to Bangshuiguan.

At this time, Sun Jian was still outside Bangshui Pass, dozens of miles away.

Holding a weapon in his hand, Bao Zhong shouted to the Fanshuiguan: "The thief will open the door, I'm here, Bao Zhong."

Bao Zhong is a burly and mighty man. When he came to Baoshuiguan, he called for battle.

When the floodwater was closed, I saw the second general Guo Pan and Li Cui. He looked in his eyes and said with a cold expression: "Bao Zhong is no more than a child. I, Li Cui, will go to fight."

Li Cui shouted (bjef), and led five thousand Liangzhou cavalry to rush out of the floodgate.

Bao Zhong shouted abruptly, brandished his weapon, and killed Li Cui.

Li Su saw this, his expression was cold, and said: "Thief general, still not to die?"

With a loud shout, he raised the knife and dropped Bao Zhong with a single knife.

Bao Xin was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly wanted to escape Tiantian, but was urged by Li to rush forward and cut the head with a single blow.

But seeing Bao Xin's first-level flying officer go out, blood gushing out of the cavity.

The soldiers and horses under Bao Xin's command suddenly went into chaos.

Li Cui shouted, five thousand Liangzhou cavalry, a burst of crossbow arrows, shot most of the ten thousand soldiers and horses under Bao Xin's command, only about one thousand, fleeing every day in the mountains and plains.

Li Cui laughed and led his army back to Baoshuiguan.

Guo Bang walked down the city, saw Li Cui, sneered and said: "It turns out that these princes are all mobs.

Since then, there has been a heart of contempt.

Sun Jian, the Jiangdong tiger, led Huang Gai, Cheng Pu and others under his command straight to Bangshuiguan.

He saw the defeated army ahead, ordered someone to arrest him, and asked, "Who are you waiting for?"

"We are under the command of Jibei Minister Bao Xin.

"Where is Bao Xin, Minister of Jibei?"

"The lord's brother has been killed by Li Wei, Baoshuiguan, along with the lord's younger brother Bao Zhong."

Hearing this, Sun Jian sighed and said: "Bao Xin is unfavorable to go to school, really deserve to die." To the guards under his command, he said in a deep voice: "Go to Jujube to tell the leader that Jibei Minister Bao Xin went to war without authorization and has been killed.


The guard agreed and hurried away.

Sun Jian looked at the soldiers and said in a deep voice: "Xingye rushed to Boshuiguan, took down Li Cui, and avenged Bao Xin."


Tens of thousands of Jiangdong soldiers agreed in unison and followed Sun Jian.

Jiangdong guards rushed all the way, and soon saw the king of Han Ma Chen, the guards said: "Report to the leader, Jibei minister Bao Xin and his brother Bao Zhong have been killed."

In fact, Bao Xin Bao Zhong was killed in Ma Chen's expectation.

His eyes sank, and he said to the guard: "Jibei Minister Bao Xin was killed and told the other princes that no one was allowed to send troops without authorization."


The guard took the order and walked away quickly to inform the princes.

Yuan Shuyingzhai.

Yuan Shao was discussing matters with Yuan Shu, but when he saw Yuan Yi strode forward, his expression was terrified: "The event is not good, Bao Xin, the minister of Jibei, died in the floodgate!"

As soon as these words came out, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu said anxiously: "Who killed?"

"The two generals of Baoshuiguan, Li Nao and Guo Ben.

Yuan Shao sighed after hearing the words: "Bao Xin lost in the first battle, and his military spirit is unstable. This time, let's see how Han Wang Ma Chen responds."

Yuan Shu smiled and said, "If you can't overcome the floodgate, wouldn't it be the laughingstock of the world?"

Before the sound fell, the guards came to report: "General, the King of Han would like to ask."

The three Yuan brothers looked at each other and said in their hearts: "Here."

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