Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 162 Li Cunxiao cuts Huaxiong, Xu Rong can't shrink

The death of Zhang Yang, the prefect of the Shangdang party, shocked the rest of the princes.

Hua Xiong looked up to the sky and laughed-holding Zhang Yang's head in his hand, looking at the prince with contempt.

Two princes, Wang Kuang and Qiao Hao, said angrily: "Hua Xiong, dare to do this, and not take his life."

With a loud shout, the two princes looked at each other and killed Hua Xiong together.

Hua Xiong's expression was cold, his eyes flashed with coldness, and he contemptuously said, "Is it up to you?"

With a loud shout, he killed Wang Kuang and Qiao Hao.

But when Wang Kuang and Qiao Hao felt Hua Xiong's strength, they were shocked.

Hua Xiong looked at it with contempt, and said coldly, "Wang Kuang, Qiao Hao, you two ants, go to death."

The broad sword swung out like a horrible knife light, killing Wang Kuang and Qiao Hao.

When Wang Kuang and Qiaocheng saw this, they were shocked in their hearts, and they all retreated for several steps.

With a puff, Hua Xiong slashed Wang Kuang's left arm. Wang Kuang yelled and ran back hurriedly.

Seeing Wang Kuang's defeat so terribly, Yuan Shao's eyes sank, and his heart felt like vying for Hanoi.

Seeing Hua Xiong's horror, Qiao Feng hurriedly patted his horse back. He was flustered and uneasy.

At this moment, I saw Yuan Shao's gloomy face, and Yuan Shu also showed a touch of shock.

At this moment, 617, I heard Cao Cao cry out in a deep voice: "The King of Han is here!

As soon as this statement came out, even the three Yuan brothers couldn't help but split a road.

I saw the king of Han Ma Chen, followed by several generals, striding forward.

When the tiger prison was closed, the guard Xu Rong, hearing that the king of Han Ma Chen had arrived, couldn't help but watch.

I saw the king of Han, Ma Chen, who was extraordinary and looked very good.

Xu Rong couldn't help but praised in his heart: "The King of Han is really heroic, like a murderous god."

There is already something on my mind.

When Hulao was closed, Hua Xiong saw the heroic young man, Ma Chen.

He couldn't help showing a look of contempt.

An illusion that made him think that the princes are nothing but this, made Huaxiong finger Ma Chen and shouted: "Han Wang Ma Chen, dare you dare to fight with me?"

Ma Chen looked into the distance, and saw that the tiger prison was closed, a bearded military commander, with a head inserted in the blade, it was Zhang Yang, the prefect of the Shangdang party.

Ma Chen's eyes sank and looked at Hua Xiong.

At this moment, Hua Xiong said: "Han Wang, are you afraid of me Hua Xiong?"

Then the three Yuan brothers seemed to have thought of something, and they saw their eyes exchanged with each other.

Then (bjef) Yuan Shao Yin & Yang complained to Ma Chen strangely: "Leader, now, Zhang Yang is killed, Wang Kuang has broken his arm, I am waiting for the princes, and my heart is uneasy. Will you kill Hua Xiong?"

He knows that Hua Xiong is a general and powerful, so he wants to make Ma Chen embarrassed.

Even, Hua Xiong intends to kill Ma Chen's military commander, rubbing his spirit.

Ma Chen heard this, but before he spoke, he saw Yuan Shu and said: "In the beginning, I couldn't kill Hua Xiong. Can the generals of the Han king be allowed? You don't want these generals to go and die."

The two seemed to sing a double song. When Cao Cao, Liu Yu and others heard the words, their brows wrinkled, and they suddenly realized that the three Yuan brothers were too presumptuous.

The generals under Ma Chen also gave the three Yuan brothers a coldly glance.

Behind Ma Chen, Li Cunxiao told Ma Chen: "Lord, I will go there in the end."

Ma Chen heard the words, his eyes flashed, and he said: "Okay, keep filial piety.


Li Cunxiao agreed, slapped his horse and left, flashing a ray of light on the frame of King Yu in his hand.

Seeing that Hua Xiong saw Li Cunxiao, he couldn't help but said in a cold voice: "You young general, think you can beat me? Ha ha, really overwhelming."

Li Cunxiao's eyes were cold, and he said solemnly: "Talk more!"

When Hua Xiong heard this, he couldn't help but angrily said: "Boy, take your life."

Slap a horse and swing a knife to kill Li Cunxiao.

He didn't know that Li Cunxiao's force was very powerful.

Li Cunxiao smiled coldly when he saw this. Huaxiong's force was not as powerful as the three brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang.

Hua Xiong saw Li Cunxiao showing contempt, his gaze sank, and angrily said: "Boy, do you dare to despise me?"

With a loud shout, he swung his knife towards Li Cunxiao.

Li Cunxiao smiled coldly, and the King Yu frame went out to sea like a dragon, and he knocked down Huaxiong's sword to the ground.

Hua Xiong was shocked, but Li Cunxiao took another look and poked his throat without knowing what was going on.

With a puff, Hua Xiong yelled and fell off his horse.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this.

In particular, the three Yuan brothers all showed extremely shocked expressions. Unexpectedly, Li Cunxiao would kill Hua Xiong in one fight.

After killing Hua Xiong, Li Cunxiao shouted and led tens of thousands of cavalry to kill those Liangzhou cavalry who were still at a loss.

Xu Rong said in shock: "This person actually killed General Hua Xiong."

Seeing Li Cunxiao leading the crowd, Xu Rong was shocked and hurriedly ordered people to close the Hulao Pass.

Those tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry were detained outside Hulao Pass.

I saw Li Cunxiao and others shouting to kill, those Liangzhou cavalry, like building ants, have no resistance.

Seeing this, the three Yuan brothers hurriedly ordered the soldiers to rush over.

More than 100,000 soldiers and horses crushed tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry, causing the tiger prison to shut down and blood flowed into rivers.

Until the evening, Hulao was shut down, and corpses were piled up all over the field.

Tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry died in violent deaths, and only a few fled from the mountains and plains.

Xu Rong and the Liangzhou cavalry at Hulao Pass were restless, and the military was unstable.

At the same time, a battle report, following the previous battle report, went to Luoyang.

At this time, Cao Cao and other princes looked at Li Cunxiao and suddenly realized that Li Cunxiao was really a peerless god.

Such a powerful existence is rare in the world.

The three Yuan brothers attacked those Liangzhou cavalry, but because their troops were not strong.

Although he killed a thousand enemies, he also hurt himself eight hundred.

The three Yuan brothers looked at Ma Chen together, showing strong hatred.

The three Yuan brothers finally realized the power of Ma Chen's generals.

Immediately, Ma Chen gathered all the princes and set up camp outside Hulao Pass, ten miles away.

The place is flat, and the camps of the lords are endless and magnificent.

After this battle, Xu Rong couldn't shrink from the Hulao Pass, and ordered Liangzhou Iron Cavalry, and no one was allowed to fight.

And the three Yuan brothers are in the camp again, and they seem to be discussing something.

But they didn't know that their plan was made clear by the all-pervasive black ice platform.

At this time, Ma Chen also got a good news from Jicheng, Youzhou.

Liu Yu was in the camp of Ma Chen and learned that Gongsun Zan of Youbeiping County was trying to lead his subordinates Baima Yicong into Jicheng, Youzhou.

But he was blocked by Ma Chen's generals and returned in a terrible defeat.

At the same time, Heibingtai discovered that Gongsun Zan, who had been defeated and returned to Youbeiping County, sent people to Liaodong, seeming to say something to Gongsundu.

Ma Chen disagrees with this, Gongsun Zan and Gongsun Du are like ants, and they are not a problem.

The next day, the report of the Battle of Hulao Pass reached Luoyang!

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