Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 177 Take care of everything, Yuan Shao’s acting [7/10, begging to decide]

Jizhou government office!

I don’t know when, in Jizhou city, news came from Gongsun Zan of Youbeiping County, intending to lead Baima Yicong to attack Jizhou.

Hearing this, Na Jizhou Mu Hansuan immediately summoned his generals and counselors to discuss the matter.

At this time, I saw Han Fu looking at the advisers and generals, and said in a deep voice: "Recently, do you all know the rumors in Jizhou City?"

After hearing the words, two counselors Xin Ping and Xun Zhan, under Han Suan's command, looked at Han Suan together.

Xin Ping said in a deep voice: "Gongsun Zan led Bai Ma Yicong to attack Jizhou? Isn't his Bai Ma Yicong in Jicheng, Youzhou, damaged a lot?"

As soon as this remark came out, Xun Chen looked at Han Fu and said in a deep voice: "Master, if Gongsun Zan is killed, it will be unacceptable. I will have to find a helper to make Jizhou foolproof."

But when I saw Han Fu's generals, Guan Chun and Geng Wu heard the words, they looked at Xun Chen, and said in a deep voice: "Sir, I have many troops in Jizhou, can't it be that Gongsun Zan can't be beaten?"

"If you need a helper, who in the world will not laugh at me as a fellow of Yanzhao?"

Hearing this, Xun Chen sighed and said: "The two generals, Gongsun Zan's white horses are not trivial. Now, the lord has just returned from Luoyang. The soldiers and horses are exhausted and rushed to fight. I am afraid that the army will be unstable. The only way to help is to ask for help. Come here."

Han Fu frowned when he heard this, looked at Xun Zhan, and asked, "Mr. 650, who should I ask for help?"

"It is Yuan Shao who occupies Hanoi. This person is the Yuan family of Runan, the fourth generation and the third gong. He is very extraordinary.

Hearing this, Han Fu refused on the spot: "No, Yuan Shao killed Wang Kuang of Hanoi. With such wolfish ambitions, how can he invite Jizhou?"

Xun Chen looked at Han Fu and said solemnly: "If you don't invite Yuan Shao, I'm afraid Jizhou is in danger."

Guan Chun suddenly said in a loud voice: "Why don't you invite that Han Wang Ma Chen?'

As soon as this remark came out, Han Fu and the others were like an initiation. They all looked at Guan Chun and said in a deep voice: "The words are extremely true, if you invite Han Wang Ma Chen, Jizhou has no worries."

Xun Chen shook his head and said: "If you go to Luoyang, it is as far away as the water can't quench your thirst, why don't you want to be far away?"

Geng Wu yelled and said angrily: "Xun Chen, I already knew that you were in the same way as Yuan Shao."

There was a sudden shout, and the big knife in his hand slashed straight towards Xun Chen.

Xun Chen was taken aback, and hurriedly ran away, but was overtaken by Geng Wu, grabbing the head with one hand, and cutting down Xun Chen's with a knife with the other.

Suddenly, blood surged and splashed all over the place.

Such a change caused Han Fu and others to look at Geng Wu in surprise.

Geng Wu took out the secret letter from Xun Chen's arms and presented it to Han Fu, and said in a deep voice: "Lord, I saw Xun Chen Guigui Chong Chong last night, and it seemed that I didn't feel at ease. I saw it today, and it was true.

Han Su glanced at the contents of the secret letter, and suddenly furious: "Xun Chen really colluded with Yuan Shao, intending to take my Jizhou."

When Xin Ping heard this, he looked blankly and hurriedly said: "Master, it is not too late to send someone to invite Han Wang Ma Chen.

Han Fu nodded and said in a deep voice: "Hurry up." Immediately, he wrote a secret letter, handed it to Tan Ma, and left for Luoyang.

Since Yuan Shao and his counsellors both felt that Han Suanfu might not believe it at first, they did not send troops, which also gave Han Fu time to explore Luoyang.

The next day.

The Tan Ma ran all the way and came to Luoyang City.

Hei Bingtai had already informed Ma Chen of this matter: "Report to the lord, the envoy from Jizhou will come."

Hearing this, Ma Chen's eyes sank and looked at Guo Jiaxizhong.

But when they saw Guo Jiaxizhong, they said in a deep voice: "Lord, you can send General Li Cunxiao to Jizhou for assistance.

Ma Chen heard the words, looked at the two of them, and said: "Okay, Fengxiao, you and Li Cunxiao will go together. At that time, you will come up with a plan to win Jizhou and defeat Yuan Shao."


Guo Jia and Li Cunxiao agreed and led 10,000 mysterious armored cavalry to help Jizhou.

And Ma Chen went to the tomb of Qin Shihuang to sign in, temporarily put it down, waited for Jizhou to be taken, and then went to Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum.

At this time, Xi Zhong saw the soldiers leave and whispered: "Master, you can send General Zhao Yun and General Mu Guiying to Hanoi. When Yuan Shao leaves Hanoi, he will enter (bjef) and occupy Hanoi. At that time, Yuan Shao's army was bound to be in chaos.

Hearing this, Ma Chen looked at Zhao Yun and Mu Guiying, and said solemnly: "You two, Houtian, go.


Zhao Yun and Mu Guiying agreed, and the second general left the chamber where Ma Chen was.

Another day later, as Luoyang arrived in Jizhou, a map of Pingchuan, Li Cunxiao and Guo Jia, led by ten thousand mysterious armored cavalry, hurried to Jizhou in a rapid march.

But Yuan Shao who was in Hanoi didn't know that Li Cunxiao and other 10,000 troops came to Jizhou.

Outside Jizhou City, learning that General Li Cunxiao had arrived, Jizhou Mu Han Su walked out quickly and said to Li Cunxiao’s cupped fist: "Han Suan pays homage to the general."

He knew that Guo Jia was a celebrity in Yingchuan and a peerless adviser. He immediately said to Guo Jia cupped fist: "Meet Mr. Feng Xiao."

Guo Jia and Li Cunxiao heard the words and said to Han Fu: "General Han Fu, you don't need to be polite. Let's go to the city to discuss.

When Han Fu saw the arrival of the two, he lifted his spirits and said, "Please!"

Immediately, Guo Jia and Li Cunxiao were invited to go to the city.

When they arrived at the mansion in the city, Guan Chungengwu and others saw Li Cunxiao's extraordinary temperament, and they immediately felt respect.

Everyone was seated in the mansion.

I saw Xin Ping under Han Suan and told Guo Jia and Li Cunxiao the matter.

Upon hearing this, Guo Jia smiled and said: "This matter is easy, you can send someone to invite Yuan Shao to come, and then he will be destroyed outside the city.

Han Suan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he thought of something, and smiled: "Mr.'s words are extremely true, I will send someone to invite Yuan Shao to come."

Immediately, he ordered his cronies to go to Hanoi and invited Yuan Shao to Jizhou.


The cronies agreed, hurried away and left Yizhou.

Guo Jia began to deploy troops in Jizhou to ensure that Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses could be wiped out.

At this time, the confidant went straight to Hanoi. When he arrived in Hanoi, he saw Yuan Shao and cried bitterly, saying: "General, please help my lord."

As soon as this statement came out, Yuan Shao pretended to look at the Han Fu cronies and asked: "What's the matter?

"The general doesn't know? That Gongsun Zan from Beiping County, you, tried to attack Jizhou. My lord is helpless. Please send the army to help."

Upon hearing the words, Yuan Shao pondered for a moment, and then said: "General Han Fu and I live next to each other. In that case, I will go, and you will first go back to Jizhou Prefecture."


The cronies agreed, turned around and hurried away, but there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Yuan Shao looked at the counselors and military commanders present, and smiled: "In this way, Jizhou will be taken by this general, and come here."

Before the sound fell, a counselor stood up and said solemnly: "Master, don't go easily."

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