Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 182 Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao calculated separately [12/11, Guiqiu for full order)

At this time, when the Black Ice Platform was about to arrive in Luoyang, Yuan Shao's Feng Ji and Xu You had already arrived in Youbeiping County.

Knowing that Yuan Shao had been defeated in Jizhou, he came to You Beiping County to seek refuge, Gongsun Zan said in a deep voice: "I was defeated in the army.

Immediately, he led his soldiers and waited for Yuan Shao in Youbeiping County.

But I saw a counselor whispered: "Lord, Yuan Shao is defeated. Come to take refuge. This is like bringing a wolf into the house. Be careful."

When Gongsun Zan heard the words, he ignored him, and sneered: "I have a common enemy with Hachu, the Han King Ma Chen. Now, I have formed an alliance with Gongsun Du of Liaodong, plus Yuan Shao, the three princes, are still afraid of Ma Chen? Besides, Ma Chen is far away in Luoyang, if I wait for a conspiracy, I will definitely win Youzhou. "

It turned out that the last defeat made Gongsun Zan harbor a grudge.

Therefore, he formed an alliance with Gongsun Du of Liaodong and invited Yuan Shao to come to Youbeiping County, intending to gather the power of the two to attack Youzhou.

He also found out that Huang Zhong and Zhang Liao under Ma Chen were in Youzhou, so if he was alone, he would never dare to go rashly.

Hearing the words, the counselor seemed to have thought of something, and looked to Gongsun Zan.

Gongsun Zan showed a triumphant look and smiled: "Don't worry, Yuan Benchu ​​still dare not tear his face with me."

The counsellors heard the words and said in unison: "The lord's words are extremely true."

Immediately, Gongsun Zan led all the soldiers under his command and walked out of Youbeiping County.

And Feng Ji Xuyou and the other two went to meet Yuan Shao.

In a short while, I saw the flags fluttering in the distance, and it was Yuan Shao who led his soldiers slowly coming.

When he got outside the city, Yuan Shao got off his horse and Gongsun Zan said excitedly: "Brother Benchu, I'm looking forward to you.

As soon as this statement came out, Yuan Shao showed gratitude and said to Gongsun Zan: "Brother Bo Gui."

Gongsun Zan stepped forward, held Yuan Shao's hand, and said: "With the help of my brother, I can accomplish great things.

Immediately, he invited Yuan Shao to go to Beiping County on the right.

When Yuan Shao heard the words, showing gratitude, he asked his soldiers to stay in the city. He and Gongsun Zan arrived at the mansion.

In the mansion, the two were seated as guests and the host.

I saw Yuan Shao take out his tiger charm and said, "Today, I will give the tiger charm to brother Bo Gui.

Gongsun Zan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then smiled: "Brother Benchu, what are you doing?"

He was about to get up to pick up the tiger charm, but he heard a cough from the counsellor behind him.

(bjef) saw Gongsun Zan suddenly change his face, righteously refused: ""Brother Benchu, you behaved like this, do you look down on my Gongsun Zan?"

Yuan Shao heard the words, looked at Gongsun Zan, and sighed: "I didn't expect Brother Bo Gui to be so benevolent. I admire Yuan Shao.

He bowed to Gongsun Zan, and saw Gongsun Zan lifted up and said: "From now on, you and I will be one body, and we will share blessings and share difficulties."

Yuan Shao heard this and said to Gongsun Zan: "Brother Bo Gui said it is extremely true that you and I have a common enemy, Ma Chen.

Gongsun Zan smiled and said: "There is another person, just like me, that is Gongsun Du of Liaodong. This person has a murderous vengeance with Ma Chen."

"So that's the case, I will definitely kill Ma Chen this time."

Gongsun Zan waved his hand and said: "Brother Benchu ​​is not in a hurry, but wait two days for recuperation."

Yuan Shao heard the words and sighed: "Don't hide the truth from Brother Bo Gui, I haven't closed my eyes for a day and night."

Immediately, I saw that Gongsun Zan approached the attendant guard beside him, saying, "Brother Benchu, please go and rest first. Waiting for the evening, Brother Benchu ​​and I will meet the wind and dust.

Upon hearing this, Yuan Shao cupped fist said: "Okay."

Immediately, Yuan Shao and his generals went to the room arranged by Gongsun Zan.

Seeing Yuan Shao's leaving figure, Gongsun Zan looked at the coughing counselor and asked, "Why?

The counselor said solemnly: "Lord, Yuan Shao has no intention of giving tiger charms. If the lord picks them up, both of you will have grievances."

Gongsun Zan said disapprovingly: "Yuan Shao is in my right Beiping County, under the fence, eating and drinking for nothing, can't I take the tiger charm?"

When the counselor heard the words, the cupped fist said: "Lord. This matter is set aside for the time being, it is important to deal with Ma Chen first."

As soon as this remark came out, Gongsun Zan sighed and said: "That's it. He listened to what his husband said, and waited until Ma Chen was killed, or occupied Youzhou, before making plans. Yuan Shao, after all, is a prince of a party.

When the counselors heard the words, they all looked at Gongsun Zan, cupped fist said: "The lord's words are extremely true."

And that Yuan Shao returned to the room that Gongsun Zan arranged for him, and also summoned Ji Xuyou, Guo Tushen and others.

Yuan Shao said solemnly: "Today, I think that Gongsun Zan has the meaning of picking up a tiger talisman."

When Feng Ji heard the words, he said: "The lord, sending people to the horns, after all, is not a long-term solution. After two days, he will instigate Gongsun Zuo to attack Youzhou. Once he loses his army, the lord can seize Youzhou and kill Gongsun Zan."

Yuan Shao heard the words and said with a surprised look: "Bo Gui let me live in Youbeiping County, but I killed him. It seemed wrong because of reason."

When Xu You heard this, he said: "Master, a man who is in the world, how can there be a woman's benevolence? If you don't kill Gongsun Zan, there will be no chance."

This sentence made Yuan Shao slightly hesitate, looked at Xu You, and sighed: "So, I will be that unrighteous person."

"Lord, even if the winner is not benevolent, it is also benevolence and righteousness. This so-called reverses black and white. Lord, think that the high ancestor and the overlord of Xichu will eventually discredit the overlord of Xichu? As long as the lord kills Gongsun Zan, it will To say that he is wolfish ambition, and desperately slander it.

Upon hearing this, Yuan Shao chuckled softly and said: "So, I said that Gaozu was no more than a pavilion, how can I fight that clan. If this is the case, I will wait until the time is right, and then act."



Under Yuan Shao's command, all the soldiers responded in unison.

At this time, Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan had their own concerns and were calculating each other.

In Luoyang, the king of Han Ma Chen quickly learned of the information.

"The lord, General Li Cunxiao and Army Division Guo Jia, occupied Jizhou, and Han Su committed suicide."

"The lord, General Zhao Yun and General Mu Guiying occupied Hanoi, causing Yuan Shao to flee north.

Hearing this, Ma Chen smiled faintly and looked at the generals and counselors under his command.

But I saw Xi Zhong's cupped fist and said: "Congratulations to the lord, in this way, Liang and Ji Sanzhou, Hanoi County, and Luoyang will all be in the hands of the lord."

Hearing this, Ma Chen nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "Yuan Shao must be in collusion with Gongsun Zan of Youbeiping County, and ordered Huang Zhong and Zhang Liao to guard Youzhou, always beware. In addition, Youzhou Mu Liuyu, no Back to Youzhou?"

"Lord, Zhou Mu Liu Yu went to the Bingzhou Office, and saw his wife Liu Yingying."

"Well, all the soldiers, that's the case. This king is also going to leave Luoyang temporarily and go to Liangzhou."

When Xi Zhong heard the words, his expression was stunned, and then he said, "Master, is it possible to destroy the alien race of Qiang and Hu?"

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