Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 184 Dong Zhuo, Li Ru, and Lu Bu looked at each other [14/11, begging for full order]

As soon as this remark came out, Dong Zhuo and Li Ruqi all showed shocked expressions.

The two looked at each other and saw Dong Zhuo look at Li Ru and asked, "Wenyou, how should this matter?"

Li Ru heard this and said to Dong Zhuo: "Lord, let me first find out why the king of Han Ma Chen came."

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo looked at Li Ru and said solemnly: "Then Ma Chen must have killed the old man. How many Liangzhou cavalry are there in Chang'an today?"

"Report to the lord, about one hundred thousand.

"Hundred thousand Liangzhou cavalry? Maybe, it can block the soldiers and horses under Ma Chen."

A thought flashed in Dong Zhuo's mind, he looked at that Li Ru.

Li Ru heard the words and said: "The lord's words are extremely true. You can send Wenhou Lubu to go outside the city to check Ma Chen's movements.

"Okay, call Bong to come earlier.


A guard "six six three" led the order and quickly left the mansion and came to Lu Bu's mansion.

Lu Bu was drinking in the mansion, heard the words, looked at the guard, and asked: "Foster father called me, why?"

The guard said: "The lord didn't say that, the subordinates don't know."

Lu Bu nodded, holding Fang Tian's painting halberd, followed the guards with a detailed look of surprise, and came to Dong Zhuo's residence.

Seeing Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu hurriedly bowed and said, "My boy, pay respect to the foster father.'

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo looked at Lu Bu and said solemnly: "Fengxian, let me tell you something for my father."

As soon as he said this, Lu Bu saw Dong Zhuo's solemn expression, so he looked at him and asked, "I don't know what the foster father is doing?"

"Fengxian, you don't know anything, that Han Wang Ma Chen, with tens of thousands of cavalry, is about to arrive in Chang'an."

"What? Ma Chen is here?"

Lu Bu was shocked, and when he mentioned Ma Chen, he suddenly felt a sense of fear in his voice.

He looked at Dong Zhuo, as if thinking of something, he said: "I don't know how the foster father decided?

Dong Zhuo said solemnly: "The old man is going to send you out of the city to see what Ma Chen wants, Feng Xian, what do you think?"

As soon as this remark came out, Lu Bu was shocked in his heart. Of course he knew what Dong Zhuo wanted to do when he sent him there.

However, Lu Bu knew that if he did not go, he would inevitably arouse Dong Zhuo's anger.

Last time, Hulao Pass had lost many soldiers and horses, and Dong Zhuo had already scolded him severely.

Now, if you don't go, I'm afraid Dong Zhuo will be completely annoyed.

At that time, not only will he be deprived of official posts, but his career will come to an end.

When he thought of this, Lu Bu looked at Dong Zhuo and said, "Foster father, if the child calms down Ma Chen, please ask the foster father to canonize the child as King of Ping Han."

In fact, Dong Zhuo did have the idea of ​​abolishing Liu Xie and replacing it.

But he followed Li Ru's suggestion and calmed down Ma Chen first.

Now, Lu Bu asked him for King Ping Han, Dong Zhuo's expression changed and he seemed to be angry.

But seeing Li Ru coughing at him, Dong Zhuo heard this and smiled at Lu Bu: "Fengxian, when you kill Ma Chen, King Pinghan will definitely be yours."

Lu Bu was overjoyed when he heard this, and told him Dong Zhuo: "Thank you, my foster father, my son will go now."

Immediately, Nalubu left in large strides, led tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry, and left Chang'an.

Dong Zhuo looked at Lu Bu's back and said with hatred: "Nizi, I actually want the old man canonise him as King of Ping Han, Wenyou, this Nizi is too bold."

In fact, Li Ru also felt that Lü Bu's request seemed inappropriate.

But he said in a convenient way: "Lord, now it is the time when people are employed. Only when there is sacrifice can there be gain."

Dong Zhuo snorted coldly, looked at Li Ru, and said solemnly: "Although the old man is in Chang'an, but he has many doubts and is excellent in literature, it is better to send someone to the land of Xiqiang and inform King Naxiqiang that the old man wants to form an alliance with him."

As soon as this statement came out, Li Ru looked at Dong Zhuo. He cupped fist and said: "The lord's words are extremely true, the land of Xiqiang is on the plateau, close to Liangzhou. If you conspire with Xiqiang, you can definitely win Liangzhou. , And even that of Yizhou.

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo said solemnly: "It is so good, Wen is excellent, and after Ma Chen retires, the old man will send you to the land of Xiqiang. Persuading the King of Xiqiang."

Hearing this, I saw Li Ru cupped fist and said: "The lord's words are extremely true."

Immediately, I saw that Li Ru and Dong Zhuo came to the gate of Chang'an together.

But Nalubu led tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry, but set up camp ten miles away from Chang'an.

Gao Shun, who was next to Lu Bu, told Na Lu Bu: "The lord, the king of Han Ma Chen came suddenly. There must be something weird. I don't know what the lord plans to do?"

Hearing this, Lu Bu looked at Gao Shun and sighed: "The king of Han Ma Chen has many military commanders. If I go to stop it, it is like hitting the stone with pebbles and moths to the fire. It would be better to stop the soldiers before making plans."

Gao Shun heard the words and said: "The lord's words are extremely true.

At this time, I saw the Malay newspaper: "The King of Han, Ma Chen, is about ten miles away from here.

As soon as this statement came out, Lü Bu felt nervous and led Gao Shun, so he looked away from the camp, ten miles away.

In a short while, I heard the sound of iron hoofs like thunder, tens of thousands of iron cavalry, heavy infantry, following several generals, and a young man wearing a war armor, and an extraordinary young man, hurriedly arrived.

Lü Bu was shocked. He saw that the few generals were Luo Cheng, Zai Min, Liang Hongyu, and Qin Liangyu.

However, Ma Chen and his subordinates did not even look at Lu Bu and the tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry, and went away.

For a long time, Lu Bu looked at him for a moment, and asked Gaoshun: "Why Han Wang, Ma Chen, doesn't break my tens of thousands of cavalry?"

Gao Shun also appeared at a loss when he heard this, but in his heart, he said: "Under the world, who can stop such a powerful force?"

There was a sigh of emotion in my heart.

Upon seeing this, Nalu Bu looked at the figure of Han Wang Ma Chen and his tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, leaving the dust, and said in surprise: "Is he going to attack Chang'an?"

As soon as these words came out, Gao Shun and Lu Buqi said in surprise: "It's awful." Hastily ordered tens of thousands of cavalry under their command to rush to help.

On the Chang'an city gate, Tan Ma said: "The general, the lord, and the soldiers and horses of Han Wang Ma Chen, are about to come to the city."

As soon as this remark came out, Dong Zhuo's eyes sank, and he said to everyone: "Be rigorous, don't act rashly.


The soldiers agreed in unison, all standing at the gate of Chang'an, waiting for the Han King Ma Chen to attack Chang'an for 4.5.

Upstairs at the gate, Dong Zhuo and Li Ru both showed extremely shocked expressions.

In the distance, tens of thousands of iron knights came straight to Chang'an. The headed man, wearing a battle armor, was Han Wang Ma Chen.

Dong Zhuo was surprised at Li Ru: "Could it be that Lu Bu could not stop Ma Chen?"

I was shocked, but I didn't know what to do.

Hearing this, Li Ru was also uncertain.

At this moment, I saw Ma Chen, the king of Han, led his iron cavalry, and without even looking at them, he walked forward.

Li Ru and Dong Zhuo looked at each other, and they all showed surprise.

They didn't know why the king of Han Ma Chen didn't attack Chang'an, but left in a hurry.

After a while, Lu Bu led tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry, and everyone looked at each other, not knowing what Han Wang Ma Chen intended. .

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