Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 190 Since then, there will be no Qiang and Hu aliens in the world [5/10, Guiqiu for full ord

On Riyue Mountain, the Qiang Huying Village, completely exploded the camp!

In the camp at this time, those Qiang Hu iron knights who were awakened from their sleep wielded big swords, and those Qiang Hu iron knights who were too late to react were hacked and killed on the spot.

They seem to have lost their humanity, each of them has red eyes and salivating mouths, just like zombies.

With a bang, I saw those Qiang and Hu iron knights in the camp, trotting out quickly to other camps.

Such a move immediately alarmed the leader of Qianghu.

Chief Qianghu, who was resting in the camp, suddenly heard a sound in the camp.

He woke up suddenly, and saw a Qiang Hu Tieqi, swinging a knife at him.

The leader of Qianghu was taken aback and hurriedly dodged. He reached out his hand and grabbed the big knife on the side, and slashed the Qianghu iron cavalry to the ground.

The Qiang Hu Tieqi couldn't help twisting on the ground, looking very terrifying.

The leader of Qiang Hu said in shock: "How could this be?" After striding out, he saw blood flowing into the river outside the entire camp, and those Qiang and Hu iron knights were killing each other.

Such a tragic situation made the leader of Qianghu shocked: "No one should do it!"

As soon as this statement came out, those Qiang and Hu Tieqi like zombies didn't respond at all and continued to do their own way.

Those Qiang and Hu Tie 19 riders who stopped, did not respond, and were immediately slashed to the ground by those riders like zombies.

At this moment, I saw Chief Qianghu's heart startled, and I really don't know what the scene was before him.

Among them, a counselor hurriedly ran to the leader of Qianghu, and said in surprise: "The leader, such behavior, is it a bombing camp!"

As soon as this statement came out, Chief Qianghu looked at the counselor and said in surprise: "Break camp?"

The bombing of the camp meant that the soldiers were stimulated. Although they were in their sleep, they thought they were still on the battlefield.

Therefore, when they lose their humanity, they will kill each other.

Now, seeing the Qiang and Hu cavalry fighting each other, the head of Qiang and Hu was suddenly shocked.

If it is really a bombing camp, how can it be?

At this moment, he had no idea in his heart.

The counselor said solemnly: "The leader, there is only one way to break this situation, and that is to destroy the Han army under the Riyue Mountain."

When the leader of Qianghu heard the words, he looked at the counselor with a cold face.

His eyes sank, he looked at the counselor, and hummed: "If it's what you said, what should I do?"

The counselor whispered a few words to the leader of Qianghu. The leader of Qianghu's frown, stretched out, and he said solemnly, "That's it, tell those horsemen quickly."


The counselor agreed, standing on a high place, looking at the Qiang Hu Tiqi who was fighting, he said solemnly: "Brothers, the leader has already destroyed the Han army under the Riyue Mountain, please brothers, stop here."

As soon as this statement came out, those Qianghu Iron Cavaliers who were fighting, heard the words, immediately put down the weapons in their hands, and looked at the Qianghu leader together.

Before the sound fell, I saw a rain of arrows, shot from halfway up the mountain.

But when he saw a mighty military commander, he said in a deep voice, "Who said you Qianghu killed me and waited?"

This person is Zai Min.

But see, behind Min, Wang Li, Zhang Han, Luo Cheng, Liang Hongyu, Qin Liangyu and other generals led tens of thousands of cavalry to kill from the foot of Riyue Mountain.

Those Qiang Hu Tieqi who had just gone through the bombing camp were shocked in their hearts. They were shot by a burst of crossbow arrows, and died suddenly.

It turned out that when Qiang and Hu Tieqi bombed the camp on Riyue Mountain, those black ice platforms that lurked up told Na Zaimin and other generals about this matter.

Zai Min and other generals heard the words, and without any hesitation, they led the troops and went to the Riyue Mountain to kill.

At this time, Zhang Han Wangli led thousands of Wei Wushu and Da Qin cavalry to kill those panicked Qiang and Hu cavalry.

Da Qin cavalry's crossbow arrows are very powerful. When Qin crossbow comes out, no matter how powerful Qiang and Hu cavalry is, he will die under the crossbow arrows.

Such Qin crossbows shot through the battle armor, causing many Qiang and Hu cavalry to die.

Zai Min, Qin Liangyu and other generals led the Shence Army, Xuanjia Iron Cavalry and other troops to kill those Qiang and Hu Iron Cavaliers who had no time to dodge.

The leader of Qianghu was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly ordered those Qianghu iron horses to counterattack.

But these Qiang and Hu iron knights are already scared, so where is the courage?

Suddenly, I saw these Qiang and Hu Tieqis. Before they were killed, they were rammed by Wei Wu's soldiers and crushed for a while.

The leader of Qianghu was uneasy, and he hurriedly led thousands of cavalry to go down the Riyue Mountain.

At this time, he saw Luo Cheng holding a Zhangba Gun silver spear and killing the Qianghu leader.

The generals under the head of Qianghu shouted loudly and killed Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng snorted coldly, and shot with a silver spear.

The other Qiang and Hu Tieqi were also rushed to death by Luo Cheng's Zhangbagun silver spear and died on the spot.

The leader of Qianghu hurriedly ran down the mountain, but was shot by the Qin crossbow of the great Qin cavalry with a burst of arrows, like a rain of arrows, that immediately pierced his heart with ten thousand swords and turned him into a hedgehog.

With the death of the leader of Qianghu, the remaining Qianghu cavalry was completely wiped out, with no survivors.

The Qiang and Hu aliens that lie in the northwest of Liangzhou and Qinghai were completely annihilated by the generals under the command of Ma Chen.

Since then, Qianghu, like that of Xianbei, Xiongnu, and Wuhuan, has become history.

Even the culture of Qianghu, like the culture of Xianbei, Xiongnu, and Wuhuan, completely disappeared.

From then on, there were no nomads like Qianghu in Liangzhou and Qinghai.

However, when Zaimin et al. 663 destroyed Qianghu, the battle at Riyue Mountain in Qinghai Lake was also learned by Naxiqiang's horse exploration.

And as the generals such as Ran Min, Liang Hongyu, Qin Liangyu and tens of thousands of cavalry cleared out those Qiang and Hu Yuyu, Li Ru, who was far away in Xiqiang, was also persuading the King of Xiqiang.

For several days, Li Ru tried his best and painstakingly persuaded King Xiqiang to attack Liangzhou.

But King Naxiqiang always played Li Ru perfunctorily and let Li Ru stay in Xiqiang for a few days.

Li Ru had no choice but to obey the order of King Xiqiang.

But he also visited Xiqiang's dignitaries every day.

Among them, there are the prime ministers and marshals of Xiqiang.

These two are the right arms of King Xiqiang.

And Li Ru's persuasion has gradually been effective.

The next day, under the leadership of the prime minister and marshal, Li Ru once again met with King Xiqiang.

"The king, like the situation today, is very unobjective, and the land of West Qiang has a cold climate. If the king goes to Liangzhou, he can establish a royal court in the northwest, and even govern the big man separately from my lord."

The king of Xiqiang heard this, looked at Li Ru, and sighed: "Mr. Li Ru, this king knows what you said, but the Han king Ma Chen is very powerful. He has already eliminated Xianbei, the Xiongnu and Wuhuan."

At this moment, I saw a horse walking quickly outside the palace, saw King Xi Qiang, and said: "The King, the King of Han Ma Chen killed Qiang Hu!.

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