Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 194 Attacking the camp at night, the panicked King Xiqiang [9/10, begging for full order]

Jishi Mountain, the crimson peak, is a branch of Chiling.

This time, the Xiqiang King led his iron cavalry, and together with the Faqiang King and the Tang King, went to Jishi Mountain.

After a long journey, I arrived at Jishi Mountain.

Looking at this majestic mountain range, the King of Xiqiang was full of pride, patted his horse, and came up the mountain.

The mountain roads of Jishi Mountain are gentle and wide, even if the King Xiqiang and the two Kings Faqiang and Tang Yan go side by side, they do not appear to be crowded.

When I came up to the mountain, I saw King Xiqiang said in a deep voice: "This time, with Wusun and Cheshi, this king also intends to annex Wusun and Cheshi."

When the two kings of Fa Qiang and Tang Yan heard the words, they looked at King Xi Qiang, and said in a deep voice: "Majesty, that Cheshi is not so good. Behind Wusun is the Guishuang dynasty."

The King of Xiqiang heard this and said with a deep smile: "When I occupy Liangzhou, the land of Liangzhou and Xiqiang in Qinghai, can't it be against the Guishuang dynasty? "Seven Four Three"

At this time, King Xiqiang showed an extremely proud look, as if his iron hoof had already occupied Liangzhou.

When the two kings of Faqiang and Tang Yan heard this, they said in a deep voice: "I will wait forever to follow the king and revitalize Xiqiang.

The King of Xiqiang said solemnly: "Hmph, as long as you kill the King of Han Ma Chen, everything will come naturally, and I can even go straight to Yizhou."

"The king said that he hates Han Wang Ma Chen for destroying Qianghu."

"Don't hate it, if it wasn't for Qianghu's extinction, how could this king take Liangzhou rightfully?"

At this time, King Xiqiang smiled triumphantly, making the two kings Faqiang and Tang Yan Qiqi look shocked.

The two kings looked at King Xiqiang with a surprised look, and felt that King Xiqiang was really unfathomable.

After enjoying the scenery of Jishi Mountain, King Naxi Qiang led the two kings of Faqiang and Tang clan to walk down Jishi Mountain.

Down the mountain, the Xiqiang cavalry has been camped, and the camp that stretches for dozens of miles is magnificent.

The King of Xiqiang waved his whip and pointed at the camp of Xiqiang, and said in a deep voice: "God protects me, I ride the Xiqiang cavalry, and it's easy to break through Liangzhou!"

As soon as this statement came out, I saw those Xiqiang iron horses, and said in unison: "God protects, step through Liangzhou, step through Liangzhou!

There was a thunderous bang after another.

King Xiqiang returned to the camp and ordered people to build a high platform on Jishi Mountain.

When the two kings of Wusun and Cheshi arrived, they were on the high platform, and they were allied by blood.

Immediately, King Xiqiang was in the camp to worship the gods.

And those Xiqiang cavalry, some guarded the camp, some returned to the camp to rest.

Unconsciously, it was late at night.

The dead of night is when people are sleepy and tired.

I saw hundreds of thousands of Western Qiang cavalry, all resting in the camp, and only about 10,000 Xiqiang cavalry patrolling back and forth.

The entire Xiqiang Camp was as bright as day, with torches reflecting in the sky.

But no one knows that on that Jishi Mountain, there are shadows, and it seems that there are many figures in action.

King Xiqiang never expected that the figures on Jishi Mountain were Li Xin and Wang Li under the command of Han King Ma Chen.

The second general was hiding on Jishi Mountain, watching the movement under Jishi Mountain.

Ten thousand Qin Tieqi followed closely, with a firm expression in every gaze.

Li Xin and Wang Ben looked at each other, and the two of them said solemnly: "The lord ordered me to wait and attack the Xiqiang camp. I might as well just rush over and make the Xiqiang camp go into chaos. When the time comes, kill a piece and return to Qinghai. ."

Immediately, the two of them negotiated and settled, and they led Daqin Iron Cavalry to quietly not far from the Xiqiang Camp.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of Western Qiang cavalry came from the land of Western Qiang to Jishi Mountain. People were sleepy and lack of horses. It was the time when they were drowsy.

I saw Li Xin, the king and the second general, riding on the horse, and said solemnly: "Da Qin Tieqi listens to the order."

"The end will be!"



For a time, 10,000 Qin Tieqi, under the leadership of the Second General Li Xin Wang Ben, went straight to the West Qiang Camp.

First, there was a wave of Qin crossbows like a rain of arrows, and then 10,000 Qin cavalry rushed into the camp.

Those Xiqiang cavalry were fast asleep, even the guard Xiqiang cavalry was also scared by the great Qin cavalry who was like a tiger and wolf.

Whoosh whoosh!

A burst of crossbow arrows fired quickly, about 10,000 West Qiang cavalry, unprepared and panicked, was beheaded by Li Xin Wang Ben Er and 10,000 Da Qin cavalry.

King Naxiqiang awakened from his dream, hurried out of the camp, and led his army to kill with all the generals.

But seeing that Li Xin and Wang blamed the two generals, they didn't want to fight at all.

At this time, several Xiqiang generals tried to lead all the soldiers to guard the gate of the village, trapping Li Xin Wang and waiting for 10,000 Qin Tieqi.

But seeing Daqin Iron Cavaliers, a burst of crossbow arrows shot quickly, and rockets shot out from behind, causing the entire Xiqiang camp to ignite.

As a result, the entire Xiqiang camp was in chaos, and King Li Xin accused the second general and led 10,000 Qin Tieqi to kill.

About 20,000 Xiqiang cavalry died at the hands of the second general.

King Li Xin blamed the second general, and 10,000 Qin Tieqi, headed for Qinghai Lake.

In the West Qiang Camp, when the fire was extinguished, the group of cavalry had already disappeared.

The King of Xiqiang said bitterly, "Who is under his command, so terrifying?"

A surviving counselor said solemnly to King Xiqiang: "Lord, is it the Han King Ma Chen?"

As soon as this remark came out, King Xiqiang was shocked, but he said solemnly: "It turned out to be him?"

Seeing the corpses on the ground spread across the field, hundreds of thousands of Xiqiang cavalry, morale low, the Xiqiang King said in anger: "Han King Ma Chen, really Damn it.

He was still angry, and led the two kings of the Faqiang and Tang clan to Jishi Mountain.

The peaks of Jishishan towered up, and he could see the direction of the group of cavalry leaving.

As soon as I arrived on the hillside, I heard a swish of crossbow arrows.

The two kings of Faqiang and Tang Yan couldn't dodge in time, and a shower of arrows came one after another, causing the two kings to shout and fell off their horses.

King Xiqiang was shocked and rushed down the Jishi Mountain while shouting for God's blessing.

When he reached the bottom of the mountain, he had lingering fears and worried about the safety of the second kings of the Faqiang and Tang clan, so he led thousands of cavalry to the Jishi Mountain 4.5.

At this time, the heads of the two kings Faqiang and Tang Yan appeared on Gaopo.

King Xiqiang yelled, turned over and fell off his horse, and fainted.

Those Xiqiang iron riders hurriedly carried King Xiqiang to the camp.

It wasn't until the next afternoon that King Xiqiang woke up from a coma, thinking that the two kings Faqiang and Tang Yan were killed, he bitterly said: "If you don't kill Ma Chen, I will not be a man!"

The voice was heavy, gritted his teeth at Ma Chen, and held a grudge against Ma Chen.

He ordered the guards to bury the two kings Faqiang and Tang Yan, and then led the soldiers to the outside of the camp.

But see, outside the camp, there are about one hundred thousand iron horses coming here quickly.

On the left side of the camp, there were also 100,000 horses, slowly coming.

"King Xiqiang, my king Wusun is here."

"The King of Xiqiang, I have arrived, the king of coaches."

Upon hearing this, the King of Xiqiang couldn't help showing his overjoyed expression. ,

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