Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 199 Mysterious armored cavalry, smashed 100,000 chariots and soldiers [14/10, begging for fu

That cold face Luo Cheng held a silver spear with a zhangba roll, and 10,000 mysterious armored knights behind him, looked at the King of Chashi majesticly.

The look of the king of the rider changed suddenly, and the 100,000 riders behind him were shocked.

The burly general was a general under the command of the Cheshi King, who knows, was killed by this cold-faced young general with a single shot.

At this time, I saw the 100,000 riders iron cavalry, and all looked towards the rider king.

The coach Wang knew that if this continued, the army would be unstable. He shouted and shouted: "The coach rides, kill!"

When the sound fell, one hundred thousand riders cavalry, shouting loudly, slammed to the ten thousand mysterious armored cavalry.

Luo Cheng's eyes sank, he raised his zhangba silver spear, and shouted: "Xuanjia Iron Cavalry, kill with me!"


But seeing the ten thousand mysterious armored cavalry, openly not afraid, shouting, went straight to the hundred thousand cavalry division cavalry.

One hundred thousand riders' iron cavalry was immediately attacked by ten thousand Xuanjia's "Sixty-six-three" iron cavalry.

But seeing Luo Cheng led a 10,000 mysterious armored cavalry, rampaged, and directly smashed a bloody road.

Behind him, from time to time, there was a rider with a horse, falling down and dying.

Chashiwang was guarded by tens of thousands of cavalry, and there were dozens of generals beside him.

One of the coaches and generals shouted loudly, swung the hammer, and smashed Luo Cheng.

But when he saw Luo Chenghan said: "It's just a rat, dare to make a second?"

With a sudden shout, Zhangba rolled the silver spear, like a brilliance, with a swish, directly piercing the throat of the general who wielded the hammer.

The military commander looked at Luo Cheng in horror, and fell to the ground unwillingly, and died violently.

All of a sudden, I saw the other military commanders, shouting loudly, killing Luo Cheng one after another.

Na Luo Cheng was holding a silver gun with Zhangba roll in hand, openly not afraid, as if his strength was very powerful.

Although those chariot generals killed Luo Cheng, some were also killed by Luo Cheng.

The King of Chashi looked in his eyes, and his heart was shocked. Such a powerful military commander is rare in the world.

Even, he has lived for so long and has never seen such a powerful military commander. In his heart, he can't help showing a look of fear towards the Han King Ma Chen.

He didn't understand why the military commander of Han Wang Ma Chen was so powerful, and why his cavalry was so powerful.

A hundred thousand trainer cavalry wanted to crush the black armored cavalry, but was rammed by the black armored cavalry, blazing a trail of blood.

On every bloody road, there are those riders' iron knights, incomplete corpses, and rivers of blood.

In the distance, the Hu Bibo of Qinghai Lake was rippling, and the Chiling in the distance was bright red, as if it was also stained with blood.

Luo Cheng yelled and shot his silver spear, instantly killing seven or eight coaches and generals.

Seeing this, the coach adviser said solemnly to the coach king: "My lord, the thieves will be raging, so it is better to return to the Xiqiang camp."

As soon as this remark came out, a flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of the king of the car.

Immediately, I saw the car master Wang hate said: "That's it, return to the Xiqiang camp with the king."

A military commander beside the king of Cheshi said in a deep voice: "Retreat, retreat!"

As soon as this remark came out, Luo Cheng yelled loudly and shouted: "Who dares to retreat!"

Before the sound fell, Zhang Ba rolled a silver spear, and with one shot, the general was stabbed to death on the spot.

The chariot king was taken aback and hurried away.

However, Luo Cheng rushed forward and hit the horse's belly with a spear thrust.

However, when he saw that the horse of the chariot Wang Xuan had a pain, and when he looked up to the sky, he threw the chariot king off the horse.

Upon seeing this, the tens of thousands of chariots' cavalry threw down their weapons together. There were a total of 50,000 chariots' cavalry, disarming and surrendering.

And the remaining 50,000 car market cavalry died under the impact of 10,000 mysterious armor cavalry.

It can be seen that the combat power of the black armored cavalry is very powerful.

Chashi Wang was trembling, before he stood up, he was tied up into a hedgehog by several black armors.

At this time, looking at the surrendered rider's iron cavalry, Luo Cheng's eyes sank, and he shouted: "All pit kills!"

As soon as this statement came out, the ten thousand mysterious armored cavalry said in a deep voice: "No!"

In an instant, before the surrendered riders reacted, they were killed by those black armored riders, or a spear thrust, or cut off the head.

And the screams of those riders' iron cavalry are even more prolonged and horrible.

The King of Cha Shi looked in his eyes and said anxiously: "Devil, you are all devils.

He did not expect that all the surrendered 50,000 riders would be killed without a lifetime.

Suddenly, he saw the coach Wang yelled and fainted on the spot.

And the surrendered fifty thousand rider's iron cavalry, and the previous slain rider's iron cavalry, were cast into a majestic Jingguan by ten thousand mysterious armored iron riders.

After Zhucheng Jingguan, Luo Cheng ordered the people to take the Chashiwang to Ma Chen's camp.

When he arrived at the camp, Luo Cheng strode away and saw Ma Chen, the cupped fist said: "Master, will destroy the 100,000 rider's iron cavalry at the end, and cast the 100,000 rider's iron cavalry into a Jingguan. Brought to by the end..

Hearing this, Ma Chen said indifferently: "Behead the King of Chashi to show the public, and send his head to the front of King Xiqiang. King Xiqiang wants to kill this king, and this king will give him a big gift.

Luo Cheng heard that, cupped fist said: "No!"

Immediately, he saw Luo Cheng ordered the people to behead the king of Chashi, and then ordered people to send his head to the only way for King Xiqiang.

At this time, King Xiqiang and the hundreds of thousands of Xiqiang cavalry did not know that the King of Chashi and the cavalry of one hundred thousand chariots died in the hands of Luo Cheng and Xuanjia cavalry.

He is leading the Xiqiang cavalry under his command to Qinghai Lake.

At a distance of fifteen miles from Qinghai Lake, a box obtained by a horse-traveler was handed over to King Xiqiang.

King Xiqiang looked at the box and asked in a deep voice, "What is this?"

Tan Ma heard this, and said: "My lord, I don't know when I wait, so I will show it to the lord."

Hearing this, he saw King Xiqiang's expression in a daze, looked at the box, and said solemnly: "Open it.

But when he saw a counselor, he hurriedly stopped and said: "My lord, no,"


Upon hearing this, King Xiqiang looked at the counselor in surprise.

"My lord, I'm afraid there will be something ominous in it, so it's better to bury it on the spot."

The counselor frowned, as if he could see what was in it, he shook his head to King Xiqiang.

Upon hearing the words, King Xiqiang said in a deep voice: "Could it be that this king is still afraid of something ominous? 4.6 Come, open it."

King Xiqiang heard the meaning of the counselor's words, his eyes sank, and he looked at the box.

The king of Xiqiang still doesn't know what is hidden in that box.

His eyes fell, and he ordered the guard beside him to open the box.

The guard agreed and opened the box cautiously. Suddenly, a bloody head appeared in front of King Xiqiang.

When King Xiqiang saw this, he couldn't help yelling, and said in surprise: "The King of Chess, the King of Chess.

He looked nervous, and the crowd heard the words and looked at the box together. Sure enough, the first class was the king of the car master.

At this moment, he saw Prime Minister Xi Qiang heard the words, and said nervously: "Major, is it possible that the 100,000 rider iron cavalry and the rider king also died in the hands of Ma Chen?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked!

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