Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 201 Avalanche, flooded West Qiang with 300,000 iron riders [2/10, Guiqiu customized]


In the distance, there was a loud and deafening noise.

With the sound of drums and shouts, it grew louder and louder, and the whole valley seemed to shake like the mountains.

Whether it is the King of Xiqiang, or those Xiqiang cavalry, they all showed an expression of incomparable shock.

They watched in unison, raised their heads, and saw the valley above the valley, like an avalanche.


It's like a galloping horse, extremely fast, pressing down from the top of the head.

King Xiqiang looked shocked and hurriedly shouted: "Run, run.

As soon as his voice fell, those Xiqiang generals hurriedly sent orders.

However, there were less than 300,000 Western Qiang cavalry crowded in the valley. Although the valley was large, there was no gap at all.

Without a gap, there is no possibility of retreat and escape.

At this time, those Xiqiang cavalry, who were near the exit of the valley, wanted to escape.

But seeing a burst of crossbow and arrows swiftly fired, making the Xiqiang cavalry who wanted to escape, a burst of people turned on their backs and died.

Now, the black armored cavalry and the Daqin cavalry seemed to stand by and wait for the rabbit. As long as there were Xiqiang cavalry, they wanted to rush out, and they shot crossbow arrows at the valley mouth, making those Xiqiang cavalry unable to escape at all.

As a result, the entire Xiqiang cavalry began a commotion.

Those who usually have feuds drew big swords and killed each other.

This move has been seen by some interested people.

Killing the nearby Xiqiang cavalry will free up a large area.

For a while, those Xiqiang cavalry seemed to have found a way to survive and began a brutal massacre.

Those Xiqiang cavalry did not die under the crossbow and arrow spears of Daqin cavalry and Xuanjia cavalry, but died under the swords and spears of their companions.

The commotion of hundreds of thousands of Xiqiang cavalry was also seen by the Xiqiang King. His expression changed suddenly and he said in shock: "You are not allowed to kill each other.

As soon as I said this, I saw the Xiqiang cavalry who were killing each other and ignored the Xiqiang King at all.

Now that life is critical, who cares about King Xiqiang?

However, King Xiqiang shouted loudly and ordered the generals to stop.

Unexpectedly, these generals were killed by the nearby Xiqiang cavalry before they even went.

Fortunately, these Xiqiang cavalry also knew that the King of Xiqiang was here, and just killed those generals, he went to kill the rest of the Xiqiang cavalry.

The king of Xiqiang had a lingering heart, and he was still in shock. He discovered that hundreds of thousands of Xiqiang cavalry had killed each other, and half of them had died under the swords of their companions.

With a bang, above the head, the ice and snow collapsed and hit it directly.

Such terrifying ice and snow made those Xiqiang cavalry unable to dodge, and were killed by an avalanche on the spot.

Immediately, the whole valley was covered with snow and ice, and it appeared quite slippery.

At this moment, there was a loud noise on both sides of the valley.

The stone blocking the breach suddenly fell, and then, like a waterfall, the water of Qinghai Lake poured into the valley like a flood.


The water of Qinghai Lake spread in the valley, making the appearance of more than 100,000 Xiqiang cavalry and King Xiqiang suddenly changed.

King Xiqiang saw the flood rushing to the sky, pouring down from the mountain wall, and quickly spreading across the valley. He was shocked and said, "It's over, it's all over~". "

He now regrets his own recklessness.

If he obeyed the counselor's words, how could he have such a defeat?

In an instant, those Xiqiang iron riders rushed to the exit of the valley.

They, with blood-red eyes, roared like a heartbreak.

At the exit of the valley, the Xuanjia Iron Cavaliers and Daqin Iron Cavaliers shot crossbow arrows expressionlessly, directly repelling those Xiqiang Iron Cavaliers who were trying to escape.

As the Qinghai Lake's water backlogged too fast, those Xiqiang iron riders were immediately involved in the flood.

Some were hit by the flood and hit the jagged rocks.

Some could not swim and were washed away by the flood.

Some are still in the flood, lingering.

At this time, Ma Chen's tens of thousands of cavalry stood on both sides of the valley, looking at those hundreds of thousands of Western Qiang cavalry, struggling back and forth in the valley.

To treat alien races, Ma Chen's generals, just like Ma Chen, will never be soft.

Therefore, those generals and iron cavalry, watching hundreds of thousands of Western Qiang cavalry, in the struggle, gradually lost consciousness.

At this time, King Xiqiang climbed to a mountain wall, wanting to linger for a while.

However, he was dragged down by several Xiqiang iron riders.

Hundreds of thousands of Western Qiang cavalry were struggling in the cold flood.

Unconsciously, there was a heavy snowfall in the sky.

The weather around Qinghai Lake is changeable, so, apart from leaving 10,000 Qin Tieqi, guard Gukou.

The rest of the generals and iron cavalry returned to the camp.

The snow is all over the sky and wine is sprayed, but in Ma Chen's camp, it is warm like spring.

It turned out that Ma Chao led thousands of soldiers and horses and escorted fresh and tender mutton enough for tens of thousands of troops to eat to the camp.

Inside the camp, the sound of roasting lamb sizzled. Inside the camp, the soldiers clamored and drank freely.

This time, the three tribes of Wusun, Cheshi and Xiqiang were broken, and the hidden dangers in the northwest of Liangzhou were completely eliminated.

Ma Chen raised the wine jue, looked at the soldiers, and said solemnly: ".|All the soldiers, this king wishes you all victory."

The soldiers heard the words and said in unison to Ma Chen: "Thank you, lord!"

At this time, a large plate of roast mutton was brought up. The soldiers drank and ate meat. They were happy and comfortable.

After a full meal, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses rested separately. This night, they all slept very securely.

Early the next morning.

The snow fell all night, and the momentum has not stopped.

And Han Wang Ma Chen, led all the soldiers under his command, went straight to the valley.

Last night, the Daqin cavalry guarding the valley was also in front of the Xiqiang cavalry who hadn't died, eating a large amount of roast mutton.

On the next day, Ten Thousand Great Qin Tieqi looked towards the valley, but saw that the valley had been frozen by the night's snow.

The hundreds of thousands of Western Qiang cavalry seemed to be ice sculptures (by Zhao De), showing various postures.

For some reason, seeing the Xiqiang alien race was annihilated, these generals and iron knights all showed a touch of indifferent expression.

Non-my family, its heart must be different!

It seems cruel to drown and freeze hundreds of thousands of Western Qiang cavalry, but it is also to prevent them from rebelling.

Even these Xiqiang iron knights, sects, were demoted to slaves.

But the slave would also take risky treason, which is no different from time bombs, which may explode at any time.

In addition, the hearts of the Vulgarists are more or less distorted.

Therefore, Ma Chen has never been merciful to foreign races.

Looking at the hundreds of thousands of Western Qiang cavalry that were frozen into ice sculptures, Ma Chen's eyes sank, and he said solemnly: "Cut off the head of the hundreds of thousands of Western Qiang cavalry, and cast it into a Jingguan!"



Hearing that, tens of thousands of iron horses agreed in unison, and stepped on the frozen ice river to reap the first level of the Xiqiang iron horses! Cold,

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