Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 228 Wu Mourning Heavenly King, Lu Bu flees in panic [2/10, Guiqiu Complete Order]

The killing of Xiahou Dun was indeed unexpected to Cao Cao.

In grief, he looked at Ma Chen, with a hint of hatred in his eyes.

At this moment, Cao Ren shouted and waved his knife to kill Qin Liangyu.

Upon seeing this, Cao Cao said in his heart: "Zixiao's force is indeed not low. This time, he may be able to defeat Qin Liangyu.

In fact, Cao Cao didn't dare to decide.

After all, both Qin Liangyu and Mu Guiying are like heroines-in general.

Mu Guiying can kill Xiahou Dun, will Qin Liangyu be able to kill Cao Ren?

Cao Ren is a burly figure, with a long sword out, like a strong wind.

Qin Liangyu is holding a red tasseled spear, but does not confront Cao Ren's big sword. It seems that she also sees Cao Ren's Saber Technique skill and amazing arm strength.

But seeing Qin Liangyu yell, the red spear suddenly went to Cao Ren's flaw.

At that sound, Cao Ren looked terrified, the long knife fell, and hurriedly slapped his horse back.

He didn't want to be Xiahou Dun, and died at the hands of a female general.

Cao Cao couldn't help being shocked when he saw this, but he saw Cheng Yu whispered: "Lord, it is better to retreat and set up camp outside the city, and then think about countermeasures."

Cao Cao heard this and thought it was feasible, so he shouted: "Retreat, retreat.

When these words came out, Ma Chen sneered and said: "Kill!"

As soon as the word killing came out, the mountains and forests on both sides shouted for killing.

Then I saw Yuan Chonghuan and Li Rusong, led by 10,000 Guanning cavalry, into the 300,000 Qingzhou soldiers.

Li Siye and Tai Shici led an army of 10,000 Mo swords and entered the army of Qingzhou.

Because Cao Cao ordered to retreat, the Qingzhou soldiers were unprepared.

Ten thousand Mo sword army, ten thousand Guanning iron cavalry, rampage, directly let the 300,000 Qingzhou soldiers throw away their helmets and abandon their armor, and evade trial in a hurry.

Cao Cao was also shocked in his heart, and Qin Liangyu and Mu Guiying slapped their horses and went away, shouting, "Cao Aman, why don't you catch it without your hands?"

In the midst of the sound, the two female generals killed several generals who came to stop him. Cao Cao was frightened and worried, and struggling to slap away.

When Ma Chen saw this, he ordered the soldiers to retreat.

Hearing the sound of gold, Mu Guiying, Qin Liangyu, Li Siye, Tai Shici, Yuan Chonghuan, Li Rusong and other generals led the iron cavalry back to Mount Tai County.

Ma Chen ordered the soldiers to return to the city.

And that Cao Cao led the army, threw his helmet and armor all the way, and fled to about 30 miles away from Mount Tai County.

He looked at the Qingzhou soldier, but saw only two hundred thousand left.

Among them, 20,000 were killed, and more than 80,000 Qingzhou soldiers had already fled day after day in abandoning their helmets and armor.

Cao Cao said bitterly: "If there are any more fugitives, let's kill them!"

All the soldiers said in unison: "No!

Cao Cao was very angry, and hurriedly called the crowd to return to the account to discuss.

Due to the rush, the body of Xiahou Dun was also lost.

Cao Cao's grief came from his heart, and he wept bitterly with false feelings.

Advisers Cheng Yu, Man Chong, Jiang Ji and other advisers on the side advised: "Lord, don't worry.

Hearing this, Cao Cao looked up at the crowd, and sighed: "Yuan Rang was killed, and my heart is sad. You guys, can't you make me sad for a while?"

Cheng Yu looked at Cao Cao and said: "The lord, although he is defeated, there is still a chance for a turnaround. The lord forgot? Dong Zhuo sent Lu Bu to attack Luoyang, and that Lu Bu is the God of War. Once he attacks Luoyang, Ma Chen must retreat."

Upon hearing this, Cao Cao stopped crying and asked: "If this is the case, he will hang up the free battle card.


Immediately, Cao Cao camped and hung up the free battle card.

In Mount Tai County, the Black Ice Platform hung up Cao Cao's free card and informed Ma Chen.

Ma Chen looked at the generals and sneered: "Someone must have told Cao Cao that Lu Bu was coming to Luoyang. Someone came and went to Luoyang to tell Ran Min that he would destroy Lu Bu's 30,000 Liangzhou cavalry."


Hei Bingtai took the order and hurried away.

In fact, Ma Chen didn't know that at this time, outside Luoyang City, banners were fluttering, and tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry, led by God of War Lu Bu, were approaching Luoyang.

Lu Bu carried Fang Tian's paintings in his hand, and rode a red horse.

He is majestic and majestic, as if reappearing the style of God of War in Binzhou.

However, he saw the military commander upstairs in Luoyang City Gate, staring coldly.

When Lu Bu saw this person, he was shocked and said, "Ran Min?"

It turned out that on the upper floor of the city gate, it was the Wu Mourning Heavenly King Ran Min!

Lu Bu remembered that he was defeated by Zaimin at Yanmen Pass.

Now, when I meet Ran Min again, how can Lu Bu not be surprised?

However, he saw Gao Shun say from the side: "Master, how do you act in the current situation?"

When Lu Bu heard this, he was shocked in his heart.

Now, no matter how Min is like God of War, standing on Luoyang City, whether his 30,000 Liangzhou cavalry can conquer Luoyang is still unknown.

However, I saw a Liangzhou iron cavalry leader ask Lu Bu for instructions: "What should Wenhou do now?

............ Flowers......

Lu Bu was anxious and hesitated.

At this moment, he saw the gate of Luoyang city wide open, Na Zaimin rode on his horse, riding one by one, holding a hook in his hand.

He looked at Lu Bu, smiled contemptuously, and said, "Lu Bu, are you here to die again?"

But when he saw Lu Bu's commander, Cao Xing and Cheng Lian shouted, patted his horse and killed Ran Min.

Min's eyes sank again, and even the hook and halberd were sent forward. Cheng Lian couldn't dodge, and was killed by the continuous halberd for a year.

Cao Xing was shocked and hurried back.

But Ran Min rushed forward and stabbed to death with a halberd.

Na Cao Xing struggled back and forth on the hook and halberd, and died in a terrible state.

Lu Bu was horrified and faintly meant to retreat.

Gao Shun yelled and shot Xiang Ran Min with a shot.

Zai Min didn't evade, with a hook in his hand, and stab forward.

With a bang, he knocked down the spear in Gao Shun's hand.

But Lü Bu said in surprise: "It's not good.

Before the sound fell, Gao Shun was stabbed to death by Zai Min Yiji before he could react, and died on the spot.

Lu Bu was flustered and wanted to avenge Gao Shun, but his hands trembled.

He held Fang Tian's painting halberd, looked at Ran Min, suddenly shouted, patted the horse and ran back.

Nalubu fled in a hurry, but made the 30,000 Liangzhou cavalry face each other with a look of surprise.

At this time, outside Luoyang city, ambushes on both sides came out, tens of thousands of cavalry rampaged, causing 30,000 Liangzhou cavalry to panic.

Whoosh whoosh.

A burst of crossbow arrows caused more than half of the 30,000 Liangzhou cavalry to be damaged. The Liangzhou cavalry, like the dog of the mourning family, followed Lu Bu, and some were crushed by the cavalry and died.

Zaimin sneered when he saw Lu Bu fleeing in a hurry, and returned to the city.

That night, Guo Jia and Min ordered the Black Ice Platform to go to Chongzhou to report, and said that he had repelled Lu Bu's 30,000 Liangzhou cavalry.


Hei Bingtai agreed and hurried away.

About thirty miles away from Luoyang City, Lü Bu only then realized that he saw 30,000 Liangzhou cavalry, and only less than 10,000 left.

He sighed up to the sky and sighed: "The King of Han, Ma Chen, is really my nemesis. Why, my Lü Bu is so fateful?"

He was unwilling and extremely sad.

At the moment, how to return to Chang'an and tell Dong Zhuo.

Along the way, Lu Bu was miserable and miserable, like a defeated cockfight. NS.

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