Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 256 Luoyang city broke, Lu Bu fled in a hurry [5/10, begging for full order]

On that day, Lu Bu was in the city of Chang'an to recruit soldiers.

He didn't know that among the recruited soldiers, Li Ruan's Xiliang soldiers in Chang'an were among them.

After recruiting these soldiers, Lu Bu ordered a simple training, and then assigned these soldiers to their own.

At night.

The whole city of Chang'an is quite quiet.

The Imperial Forest Army guarding the city was also very sleepy.

After all, after a day of fighting, they are already exhausted physically and mentally.

At this time, I saw those imperial forest soldiers on the city gate, swaying from side to side.

At the same time, under Chang'an City, Niu Fu led tens of thousands of Liangzhou soldiers and horses, quietly coming not far outside the city.

At this moment, I saw Niu Fu shouting and shouting: "Kill!'

As soon as this statement came out, the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses went straight to the city of Chang'an to kill.

This ancient city of Chang'an was once again under the attack of Xiliang soldiers and horses.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the imperial forest soldiers upstairs from the city gate were also awakened at the same time.

Perhaps it was just after waking up and was too confused, so that these Yulin Army had not reacted, they were shot by a burst of crossbow arrows, and died suddenly.

Niu Fu saw this and shouted: "Kill!"

But upon hearing the shouts of killing, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses attacked Chang'an City.

A ladder, carrying Xiliang soldiers, went to the city to kill.

At this time, the Imperial Forest Army hurried to Lu Bu's mansion.

But seeing Lu Bu heard this, his heart was startled, and he showed an expression of incomparable shock.

He stood up, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, and shouted: "How can this be?"

In his heart, Ge Ran was taken aback and hurriedly walked out.

On the upper floor of the city gate, the Xiliang soldiers had climbed up and killed many Yulin troops.

Shuangyi fought for a while upstairs in the city gate.

Lü Bu led the camp and shouted: "Kill!"

I saw Lu Bu yelling, the camp and the Imperial Forest Army, brandishing weapons, went to Xiliang soldiers to kill.

How can those Xiliang soldiers compare to Lu Bu?

But seeing the God of War in Bingzhou, Lu Bu holding a painting of Fang Tian, ​​as if into a man's land.

At the time of ink, there was a shout of killing, and Niu Fu shouted under the city: "Siege/々!"

He desperately urged in the rear, causing the Xiliang soldiers to kill them desperately.

Lu Bu shouted abruptly, picked up the weapon, and slammed the Xiliang soldiers.

He knew that once the city was broken, everything he did would lose nothing.

The official position obtained would be useless.

Therefore, this battle is extremely important to him.

At this time, at the gate of the city, I saw the recruited soldiers and suddenly drew their swords to kill the imperial forest army.

Those imperial forest troops had not yet reacted, they were beheaded with a big knife.

The soldiers hurriedly opened the gate.

They were the Xiliang soldiers who Li Ru secretly hid in Chang'an.

Lu Bu was on the city gate and saw that the city gate was opened. He couldn't help but shouted, "Don't open the city gate!

Before the sound fell, Niu Fu shouted and led tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry into the city.

Lü Bu was taken aback. Seeing the Xiliang Iron Horse's momentum was too strong, he hurriedly shouted, "Go back."

Immediately, Nalubu led the camp and fled straight out of Chang'an City.

Niu Fu shouted, "Kill!"

Tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry rushed into the city like a tide, and in an instant, they occupied the entire city of Chang'an.

Wang Yun, Cai Yong and others were at the mansion when they suddenly heard shouts of killing in the city.

Everyone's expressions changed suddenly, and everyone was taken aback.

Immediately after hearing the knock on the door, Huangfu Song was shocked and hurriedly opened the gate of the palace.

But he was about to swing away, saw the black ice platform, and said, "What's the matter?"

Hei Bingtai said: "Chang'an City is broken, Niu Fu attacked Chang'an, please wait for all the adults to leave Chang'an with me."

Wang Yun, Cai Yong, Huangfu, Song, Lu Zhi and other ministers said in surprise, "What? It broke Chang'an?"

When everyone heard the words, their hearts were stunned, and Qi Qi thought of Emperor Han Xian in the palace.

Hei Bingtai said in a deep voice, "Everyone, leave Chang'an first.

Wang Yun and the others were helpless, knowing that time was pressing, and said: "Okay."

Immediately, I saw the ministers such as Lu Zhi, Huang Fusong, Wang Yun, and Cai Yong, hurriedly following Hei Bingtai to leave the mansion.

Under the escort of hundreds of black ice platforms, he left Chang'an City.

Na Niufu rushed into the city with tens of thousands of soldiers and horses.

At this time, I saw that the people in Chang'an City were all killed by Niu Fu and others.

At the same time, the ministers who were too late to escape were also killed.

Emperor Xian Han was in the palace. He heard the shouts of killing outside the palace. He couldn't help feeling lingering. He hurriedly ordered the Imperial Forest Army to guard the palace gate.

Na Niu Fu led the Liangzhou iron cavalry, slammed into the palace, and launched a decisive battle with the imperial forest army.

Under the powerful offensive of Liangzhou Iron Cavalry, the Yulin Army suddenly failed miserably.

Na Niu Fu shouted: "Kill, avenge the Lord."

In the shout of killing, I saw that Liangzhou Iron Cavalry was exceptionally brave and brazenly killed the Yulin Army.

Those imperial forest troops retreated steadily, and some fled.

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty heard that the Yulin Army had been defeated, and hurriedly fled every day under the escort of an Yulin Army of about a hundred people.

Who knows, that Niu Fu had already expected that he led 10,000 Liangzhou cavalry to block the path of Emperor Han Xian.

Na Han Xiandi looked surprised, looked at Niu Fu, and said: ".|You, what are you doing?"

Niu Fu heard this and said coldly to Emperor Xian of the Han, "Liu Xie, if it weren't for you, could my lord be killed?

With a loud shout, he raised his hand and cut down the head of Emperor Han Xian.

Poor, this big man, the emperor, died unexpectedly.

At this time, Niu Fu looked at the Liangzhou iron horses and shouted: "It's not a matter of killing."


Niu Fu gave an order, and tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry began a brutal massacre.

The corpses of the people in Chang'an who were killed were everywhere, and blood flowed into rivers.

Outside the city, somewhere on the hillside.

Lü Bu led a trapped camp of less than a thousand and stood out. He felt lingering and sighed: "Unexpectedly, there are Li Ru's spies in the city, Damn it.!

At this time, a trapped camp asked: "Master, where am I waiting next?"

Hearing this, Na Lu Bu sighed: "Now that the world is so big, there is no place for me (Nuo Li's)?"

As soon as I said this, I saw an old man appearing from the hillside.

When Lu Bu saw it, he couldn't help but be surprised: "Are you?"

Now he is like a frightened bird.

The old man looked at Lu Bu and said with a smile: "God of War, do not come."

Lü Bu heard the words and looked at the old man. He suddenly thought of something and said in surprise: "It's you?"

Back then, when he was at a loss, it was the old man who instructed him and asked him to take refuge in Ding Yuanzhi.

Later, the old man disappeared, making Lu Bu feel uncomfortable.

At this time, seeing the appearance of the old man, Lu Bu hurriedly stepped forward and cupped fist said: "Lü Bu pays respect to Mr."

The man looked at Lu Bu and said with a smile: "Do you know who the old man is?"

Lu Bu looked blank and said, "The disciple doesn't know.

The old man raised his head, looked into the distance, and said in a deep voice: "The old man is the Master of the old Nanhua immortal, the reclusive Guiguzi!".

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