Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 338 Guardian of Ba County, each with his own thoughts

That loud drink was like a bolt from the blue.

However, behind Ma Chen, a military commander flashed out and patted the horse.

At this time, Ma Chen saw Dian Wei playing, but instead of stopping, he let him go out.

After all, Dian Wei is such a jealous character.

He smiled faintly and looked at Na Dianwei.

Yan Yan saw Dianwei rushing, and immediately retreated to the side.

He looked up and saw Dian Wei, and he couldn't help but angrily said: "Who am I, I turned out to be a reckless man."

Dian Wei is a burly figure, holding a double iron halberd to kill Zhang Ren.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Ren shouted and killed Dianwei.

With a bang, his weapon clashed with Dianwei's double iron halberd.

Suddenly, he heard a loud noise, and his weapon flew out of his hand.

At the same time, Zhang Ren was numb.

He was shocked, knowing that Dian Wei was so powerful, he hurriedly patted his horse and headed for Berkshire.

When Na Dianwei saw this, he said angrily: "Where are you going to escape?,

Seeing Zhang Ren fleeing to Bajun, Dian Wei was very lucky, picked up the double iron halberd, and threw it forward.

But when he heard a bang, Zhang Ren was inserted from his back and his chest came out before he could react.

He was slapped away, feeling a sharp pain in his chest, and hurriedly looked down.

But seeing the pair of iron halberds inserted into his chest, Zhang Ren yelled and turned over and fell from his horse.

He struggled a few times and remained motionless.

At this time, the brave Dian Wei killed Zhang Ren and immediately picked up the double iron halberd.

When Yang Huai saw it in the city, he hurriedly used his bow and set an arrow, hitting Dian Wei's arm with one arrow.

Dianwei screamed in pain. He didn't expect that the city would hurt people with secret arrows.

He hurried back a few steps, looking at Yang Huai with a gloomy look.

At this time, Ma Chen's eyes sank, and he shouted: "Siege!'

As soon as this remark came out, that Lieyang bowed his bow and used his bow to set up arrows.

Whoosh whoosh!

Only the sound of crossbow arrows can be heard endlessly, like the rain of arrows.

The crossbow arrows of the Lieyang archer immediately hit the Yizhou soldiers in the city.

The group of Yizhou soldiers yelled and fell like dumplings.

At this time, a ladder was built up to the city, and the soldiers and horses, like a colony of ants, rushed up.

He saw that Yang Huai's eyes sank, and he hurriedly said, "Hurry and hold on.

Upstairs of the city gate, some shot arrows down, and some used rolling woods and rocks.

For a time, the two sides competed and fell into a stalemate.

With a bang, the crash hit the city gate, but was also seen by the city's defenders and hurriedly greeted with a crossbow.

0……Look for flowers….

For a time, it was impossible to break through the city of Napa County.

At this moment, Ma Chen looked in his eyes and said: "Retreat."

The tens of thousands of soldiers and horses heard about it and said in unison: "No!"


In need of time, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses retreated twenty miles outside the city.

Seeing that Yang Huai was on the top of the city gate, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Leng Bao's eyes sank and he shouted: "I would like to send troops to attack Ma Chen."

He saw that Ma Chen hadn't attacked Chiba County, and he couldn't help showing a look of contempt.

At this moment, Yang Huai said in a deep voice, "No hurry."

Immediately, I saw Yang Huai say to the prefect of Bajun: "Prefect, you guard the gates of the city. I have something to say with General Leng Bao.

The prefect of Ba County heard this and said: "Two generals, let's go.

Immediately, Yang Huai nodded slightly, and went to the city with Na Lingbao.

At this time, the prefect of Ba County, standing on the top of the city gate, looked at the leaving figure of Yang Huai and Lingbao, but he muttered: "Good birds choose woods and dwell, and good days choose their masters."

He looked at the figure of the departed Han Wang Ma Chen, and he couldn't help showing a firm look in his eyes.

At this time, he seemed to be brewing something. factory,

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