Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 340 The generals ambushed and besieged Leng Bao

Ma Chen heard the words, looked at Xu Shu and Fazheng, and said: "Send someone to inform the prefect of Ba County, let him set a Hongmen banquet, and kill Yang Yanghuai, so that he can see his heart of obedience to the king."

Fazheng and Xu Shu heard the words in unison: "The lord's words are extremely true."

Immediately, the black ice platform was sent to Berkshire.

And at the same time, Na Lingbao, taking advantage of the darkness, led 30,000 Yizhou soldiers and quietly opened the Bajun city gate.

At this time, Ling Bao led 30,000 Yizhou soldiers and went straight to the camp where Ma Chen was located.

Na Lingbao hesitated in 08 and said in a deep voice: "If you can kill the Han King Ma Chen, it will be a great achievement."

He showed an extremely proud look, and immediately, with 30,000 Yizhou soldiers, quietly approached Ma Chen's camp.

Inside the camp, the lights were dim, and it seemed that tens of thousands of soldiers were already asleep.

At this moment, Lingbao smiled triumphantly, his eyes sank, and he shouted, "Kill!"

Before the sound fell, there were shouts of killing from both sides, and at the same time, the torch reflected half of the sky.

Na Lingbao was shocked, and immediately saw countless crossbow arrows shooting out from both sides.

Whoosh whoosh!

A burst of crossbow arrows made the 30,000 Yizhou soldiers too late to dodge, they were shot by the crossbow arrows and died.

At this time, beside Lingbao, there were only 20,000 Yizhou soldiers left.

But seeing the 20,000 Yizhou soldiers, she looked at Na Lingbao with an expression of shock.

For a while, a thought flashed in Lingbao's mind.

He said solemnly: "No, it's hit.

He suddenly felt that he must have been ambushed by the king of Han Ma Chen, and hurriedly ordered the Yizhou soldiers to go back.

However, all four are the soldiers and horses under the command of the Han King Ma Chen.

But seeing that the 20,000 Yizhou soldiers hadn't reacted yet, they were instantly crushed by the rampant cavalry.

Just hearing the endless screams made Leng Bao's heart split.

Leng Bao hurriedly led a hundred guards and ran back.

But there was a general who appeared in front of him, it was Yan Yan.

Ling Bao was taken aback and fled to the left.

But I saw a military commander flashing on the left, it was Dian Wei holding a double iron halberd.

Na Lingbao was shocked, and couldn't help but ask, "How can this be?"

He was so flustered in his heart that he fled to the right.

But seeing Qin Liangyu and Mu Guiying blocking his way made Leng Bao uneasy.

Then Yan Yan shouted in a deep voice: "Lingbao, you are just a clown, don't you surrender?"

Leng Bao heard this, suddenly like crazy, shouted to Yan Yan: "Yan Yan, you are a seller who asks for glory, dare you to say me?"

With a loud shout, she saw that Lingbao kill Yan Yan.

Yan Yan sneered, picked up a big knife, and killed Lingbao.

At this moment, he saw that Liang Hongyu was holding a flintlock musket and slapped his horse.

With a pop, the flintlock lance pierced Leng Bao's chest.

But seeing Lingbao yelled, she was killed by a flintlock shot.

Killing Lingbao, the remaining Yizhou soldiers 733, all surrendered.

Ma Chen arrived late and scattered and incorporated these Yizhou soldiers.

Immediately, the army went to Berkshire.

And the Yizhou soldiers in disguise on the black ice platform hurried to Ba County.

Yang Huai was waiting for news on the upper floor of the gate of Napa County.

However, I saw the hundreds of Yizhou soldiers pretending to be from the Black Ice Terrace, hurriedly rushing outside the city, and said: "General, General Lingbao was killed.

As soon as he said this, he saw Yang Huai's heart startled, and then he showed pain.

He covered his chest with one hand, and said in a deep voice, "How can this be?"

At this time, Yang Huai finally couldn't bear it, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out.

Upon seeing this, the prefect of Napa County hurriedly ordered Yang Huai to help him down.

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