Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 342 Prefect of Ba County and Yang Huainei

In the evening, the prefect of Napa County sent someone to invite Na Yang Huai.

This time Yang Huai brought several military commanders and a hundred guards.

The prefect of Ba County saw it at the gate of the mansion and couldn't help but smile: "General, you don't trust me."

He saw that Yang Huai had brought a lot of military commanders, so he obviously didn't put him in his eyes.

Yang Huai heard the words and said with a smile: "This general is reckless. If this is the case, let them be outside the mansion, how about?

The prefect of Ba County pondered for a moment, and then said: "If this is the case, please take the army to your seat."

Immediately, the prefect of Napa County asked Yang Huai to enter the mansion.

At this moment, Yang Huai felt something vaguely in his heart.

His eyes sank, he smiled quietly, and then sat down with the prefect of Napa County.

After drinking for three rounds, I saw the prefect of Napa County 750 and said to Yang Huai: "General, before you said that you would take refuge in the King of Han Ma Chen, is it true or not?

He frequently raised his glasses to Yang Huai. Yang Huai drank a full glass and smiled and said, "And how about the prefect? ​​Does the prefect also have to take refuge in Han Wang Ma Chen?"

As soon as this statement came out, the prefect of Napa County said: "This is natural. Today, when the Han King Ma Chen occupies the twelve states of the Han Dynasty, then Yizhou is like exploring his pockets. Isn't the general thinking about his future?"

Then Yang Huai heard the words and sighed: "But I have received the kindness of Liu Zhang, and if I take refuge in Ma Chen, how can Ma Chen let me go?"

This sentence made (aibd) the prefect of Deba County stunned and looked at Yang Huai.

At this moment, I saw Yang Huai suddenly standing up and shouting to the prefect of Napa County, "But you are eating inside and out, and the seller is asking for glory."

Without waiting for the response of the prefect of Pakistan, he cut off the head of the prefect of Napa with no warning.

The prefect of Napa County yelled and died unexpectedly.

At this time, the ambush soldiers on both sides saw the prefect of Berkshire being killed, and they suddenly emerged from the ambush, all with a look of stunned expression.

And one of the generals shouted and killed Yang Huai.

Yang Huai wanted to call the soldiers and horses outside the mansion, but the generals rushing from all around made him too late to shout.

At this moment, Yang Huai secretly yelled badly. He dodged to the left hurriedly, but was slashed in the arm by a general's broadsword.

Whenever there was a sound, his hand fell to the ground with a big knife.

At this time, the generals under the command of the prefect of Napa County shouted in unison: "Vengeance for the Lord, revenge for the Lord."

The call to kill alarmed the general Yang Huai who was outside the mansion.

Those generals hurriedly swung their swords into the residence of the prefect of Bajun.

And the generals of the prefect of Napa County, all the swords came out, and they came in all directions, causing Yang Huai to yell, and his head was in a different place.

At this time, both Yang Huai and the prefect of Bajun were killed. This was a situation no one expected.

Yang Huai's generals, seeing the lord being killed by random swords, shouted and rushed forward to avenge the lord.

All of a sudden, he was killed in chaos at the mansion of the prefect of Napa County.

Such a scene caused great chaos in the city.

No one thought that the prefect of Napa County and Yang Huai would be in conflict.

The black ice platform in the city hurriedly informed Ma Chen, who had already arrived outside the city.

"Master, the prefect of Bajun and Yang Huai in that city were all killed, no one will survive!"

"Master, there is a mess in the city of Bajun."

At this time, Black Ice Terrace will inform Ma Chen of the detected news. Ma Chen couldn't help but sneered when he heard the words: "In that case, attack the city."



Under Ma Chen's command, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses slew towards Bajun City. .

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