Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 349 To Shushan, set up camp

At this time, outside the city of Shujun, Mu Guiying was holding a pear spear and looked at the generals above the gate.

She is a female athlete who won't let her beard.

Na Lou Fa was killed by a female general, causing Na Deng Xian and others upstairs to the city gate to be angry and shocked.

"It is a shame that a female player killed Lou Fa."

But seeing that Deng Xian shouted in anger.

When Shen Mi and Liu Huang next to him heard the words "Seven Five Zeros", they said to Deng Xian in a deep voice, "Don't make mistakes."

Now that Lou Fa was killed, they felt that even a female player under Ma Chen was very powerful.

Therefore, these few military commanders are all standing on the city, and they dare not make mistakes easily.

When the prefect of Shu County saw this, he ordered people to hang up the free battle card.

Later, he discussed with Liu Huang, Shen Mi, Deng Xian and other generals at the mansion in the city.

The pressure of the army made it difficult for them to fly.

Ma Chen saw the war free card hanging in the city, he smiled contemptuously and showed disapproval.

Immediately, he ordered people to set up camp outside the city of Shu County.

The generals under Ma Chen came to the Chinese army camp where Ma Chen was.

Everyone sat separately and looked at Ma Chen.

"Lord, when Lou Fa was killed, Liu Huang, Deng Xian and others must take action. Now, it is better to send people to the Shu Mountain on the left, set up camp, and monitor every move in the city."

Hearing the words, Fazheng said: "I see Liu Ji and others in that city also want to set up camp in the nearby Shu Mountain."

Xu Shu heard the words and hurriedly said: "Master, it is not too late. I will go there soon.

Ma Chen looked at the generals and said: "Dian Wei Xu Chu, you two led five thousand soldiers and horses, and went to the Shu Mountain on the left.


The two generals, Wei, Xu and Chu heard the words, and responded in unison.

At this time, in the city of Shu County, he saw the prefect of Shu County and sighed to the generals such as Liu Huang, Shen Mi, and Deng Xian: "I didn't expect that Han King Ma Chen killed Lou Fa, the generals, what do you think? ?

When Deng Xian heard the words, he couldn't help but shout in a deep voice: "In that case, I will wait for the attack tonight and take down Ma Chen's camp, how about?"

As soon as his voice fell, he looked at Shen Mi and Liu Huang beside him.

When Shen Mi and Liu Huang heard the words, they looked at Deng Xian, and the two of them groaned briefly, and said, "No."

Deng Xian was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked, "Why?"

Liu Huang said solemnly: "Han King Ma Chen, resourceful, would he not know that you attacked the camp at night? I think you might as well go to the nearby Shu Mountain and set up camp.

Hearing this, Deng Xian looked at him for a moment and asked: "Shu Mountain?"

Liu Huang pointed to Deng Xian and said, "This mountain is a big mountain near Shu County, named Shu Mountain. Shu Mountain is a commanding height. If you win Shu Mountain, besides being easy to defend and difficult to attack, you can also monitor Ma Chen. What do you think of Yingzhai's every move?

Deng Xian licked his tongue when he heard the words, and said: "In that case, I am willing to go to Shushan to monitor Ma Chen's every move."

Immediately, I saw that Deng Xian looked at the generals with a firm look in his eyes.

1.3 Shen Mi looked at Deng Xian, he seemed to have thought of something, so he whispered: "I will go to Shushan tonight, set up camp, so as not to meet Ma Chen's generals."

Deng Xian's eyes sank and asked Shen Mi: "You mean? That Han Wang Ma Chen, will he send soldiers?"

Shen Mi sighed: "When I want to get it, then Han Wang Ma Chen may not have thought of it. Now, he led his army secretly to Shushan, how about?".

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