Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 355 Liu Zhang intends to fight to the death

When Liu Zhang heard the words, he pondered for a moment, looked at Zheng Du, and asked: "What is the interpretation of what the gentleman said?"

"My lord, although the king of Han Ma Chen has obtained Bajun and Shujun, the people of Yizhou are not attached. If the lord moves the people of Chengdu to the west of Luoshui and burns the granary, then Ma Chen will have no grain and grass. Time will not last long. What's more, it is heard that the Guishuang Dynasty invaded the Western Regions Duhu Mansion and Liangzhou, and the lord was deep in the ditch and braked with silence. Then Ma Chen must

However, the army was unstable and went to Liangzhou. When the time comes, the lord can sneak attack from behind, and Ma Chen will undoubtedly lose. "

As soon as this remark came out, 08 Liu Zhang couldn't help showing a thoughtful look.

But Qin Mi, Dong He and others under his command said in unison: "Master, no, that Zheng Du's words are extremely dangerous."

Zheng Du heard the words and shouted: "Are you waiting for not knowing, letting it die and reborn?"

Qin Mi sneered when he heard the words, and then said: "Let him die and live? Now, the king of Han Ma Chen, who is occupying Shu County, is about to invade Jinzhu, but you say such things that do not know the importance of it. If there is a strategy to break the enemy, why not talk about it. ? Do you know the consequences of abandoning Chengdu?"

When Zheng Du heard the words, he couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Then ask Mr. Qin Mi to tell me what are the consequences.,

Qin Mi said in a deep voice: "Chengdu is the governing office of Yizhou, lord, do you want to abandon Chengdu?,

He looked at Liu Zhang, clasped his fists in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Liu Zhang couldn't help but ponder for a moment, and said: "It's best to hold Chengdu. "Chengdu is his foundation, he doesn't want to give the foundation to Ma Chen.

Zheng Du heard this and said solemnly: "Master, in this way, there is no chance to escape.

Liu Zhang looked at Zheng Du and shouted: "Where do you want me to escape? Huh, where is the world? You know that King of Han, Ma Chen, occupies the thirteen states of Han Dynasty."

When Zheng Du heard this, he couldn't help showing a look of fear. He whispered: "Subordinates don't know."

Liu Zhang became even more angry when he said that he didn't know.

His eyes sank and he shouted: "Today, if Ma Chen attacked Chengdu, I would definitely fight him to the death.

He swept away the previous wins and weaknesses, making the counsellors and military commanders look at him together.

At this time, these advisers and generals all admired Liu Zhang.

But seeing, the Master Zixu smiled at Liu Zhang: "Okay, okay, Zhou Mu really made the old man look at him with admiration."

The words of Master Zixu made Liu Zhang couldn't help showing a touch of complacency.

He asked the Master Zixu, "Master, what should happen next?"

Master Zi Xu cast an unfathomable look at Liu Zhang, saying: "Zhou Mu, next, let's go all out and take Ma Chen.

As soon as this statement came out, Liu Zhang said solemnly: "It is extremely true, I have this intention."

Immediately, Liu Zhang ordered his generals to guard Chengdu, and he would fight 750 to the death of the Han King Ma Chen.

The generals and counsellors heard the words and said solemnly to Liu Zhang: "No!'

Immediately, I saw that Liu Zhang's counselor and military commander had dispersed and got busy.

And then Liu Zhang and Master Zi Xu discussed some things about how to become the emperor in the future.

At this time, Han Wang Ma Chen occupied Bajun and Shujun and was about to attack Jinzhu.

But Liu Zhang was particularly excited, he was even thinking about it.

If Ma Chen attacked Chengdu, then Master Zixu would definitely help. At that time, Ma Chen would undoubtedly die.

It turns out that in the eyes of Yizhou Mu Liu Zhang, Master Zixu is like a god who has attained Taoism.

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