Downstairs to the gate.

Seeing Han Wang Ma Chen gave an order, he shouted: "Sitting on the city, beheading Fei Guan Li Yan."

As soon as this statement came out, I saw Ma Chen's subordinates, tens of thousands of soldiers, all responded in unison: "No!"

Want time, Luo Cheng and Wang Xuance led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to kill Jinzhu City.

Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, majestic and high-minded, made Na Fei Guan and Li Yan amazed.

The two hurriedly ordered the defenders to place defensive weapons such as rolling woods and rocks, crossbow arrows "Seven Fifty Zero" and other defensive weapons on the city.

At the same time, in order to guard against archery under the city, a row of shields is like raising the city a lot.

But seeing the city, Luo Cheng gave an order, and Lieyang bowed and shot rows of crossbow arrows on the city.

Whoosh whoosh.

The crossbow and arrows were like rain, hitting the shield.

Some passed over the shield, and some penetrated into the shield.

But when he heard the Jinzhu city gate upstairs, the Jinzhu defender yelled, and they were all killed by an arrow.

Immediately, they fell like dumplings from the upper floors of the city gate.

Fei Guan and Li Yan hurriedly ordered people to close the gap.

Luo Cheng and Wang Xuance, armed with a silver gun and a long knife, took the lead and used a ladder to attack the city.

Those ladders were built on the city wall, making Fei Guan and Li Yan's heart startled.

The two immediately ordered them to cut off the ropes of the ladder.

But as soon as the Jinzhu defender showed his head, he was shot and killed by the crossbow and died on the spot.

Such a scene shocked Fei Guan and Li Yan. The two seemed to have thought of something and hurriedly looked at each other.


Outside the city, the crash hit the gate of Jinzhu City, causing both Li Yan and Fei Guan to be surprised.

At this time, the first batch of soldiers and horses under the command of Ma Chen boarded the gate tower of Jinzhu City and started fighting with the Jinzhu defenders.

Then Li Yan and Fei Guan hurriedly brandished their weapons, led the soldiers and horses, and killed them.

However, Luo Cheng and Wang Xuance were about to go to the city, but they were stopped by Fei Guan and Li Yan.

Because Luo Cheng and Wang Xuance were on the ladder, they could only hold the ladder with one hand and the weapon in the other.

Therefore, it was very inconvenient for Er Ni to fight against Fei Guan and Li Yan.

But seeing Fei Guan and Li Yan said in a deep voice: "Kill, you must never let them attack the city."

For a time, Na Fei Guan and Li Yan blocked Na Luo Cheng and Wang Xuan Ce, preventing the second general from attacking the city.

At this time, Luo Cheng and Wang Xuance looked at each other, then took their weapons and walked down the ladder.

Fei Guan and Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief, their eyes sank, and they shouted, "Kill!"

At this time, the first group of soldiers who attacked Jinzhu retreated.

Fei Guan and Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly feeling dangerous.

However, at the same time, the endless crossbow arrows shot out, making Fei Guan and Li Yan two generals shocked, but they saw thousands of defenders, unable to resist them, and fell down.

But seeing Li Yan and Fei Guan said solemnly: "In any case, we must guard Jinzhu.

Jinzhu is the gateway to Chengdu.

Once Jinzhu falls, Chengdu is in danger.

As soon as Fei Guan and Li Yan spoke, they saw the defenders who had ascended the gate tower from the city and said in unison: "No!"

If you want time, see 1.3 that Jinzhu defending army, guarding the city wall, to guard against Ma Chen's siege.

Behind Ma Chen, Mu Guiying, Qin Liangyu, Liang Hongyu and other crossbow arrows suddenly went to the city to kill.

Upon seeing Li Yan, Fei Guan hurriedly shouted, "Let's let go, let's let go."

But Mu Guiying, Qin Liangyu, and Liang Hongyu were three female generals who were powerful and crushed all the way to the city. .

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