Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 371 Kill Wu Lan, Thunder Bronze Out

The second general of Wu Lan Lei Tong, led by Lei Tong 10,000 soldiers and horses, lay in ambush in the forest on the left.

And Wu Lan sits in the camp, waiting for the king of Han Ma Chen.

Soon, I heard the sound of iron hooves outside the camp like thunder, and there seemed to be thousands of troops and horses rushing.

Wu Lan looked out, but saw the smoke and dust billowing, and the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses came outside the village.

The headed person is handsome, heroic and heroic. He wears battle armor and looks like a killer.

Behind him, there are several generals, men and women.

Male military commander, burly figure, heroic.

The female military commander, on the other hand, is a woman who doesn't let her beard.

At this moment, Wu Lan felt a look of horror in her heart.

He felt that the person in front of him was extraordinary, could it be that Han Wang Ma Chen?

Thinking of this, Wu Lan ordered someone to open the gate of the village.

He immediately swung his sword under the gate and shouted, "That young man, is the King of Han Ma Chen?"

Although he was very calm, there was a look of horror in his heart.

That young man was Han Wang Ma Chen.

He hadn't spoken yet, but Xu Shu beside him said solemnly: "Wu Lan, your life is not long, and you still have to surrender, 々?"

Of course Xu Shu knew that Wu Lan would not dismount and surrender. This was just his official tone.

When Wu Lan heard the words, her eyes sank, and she shouted, "Han Wang Ma Chen, you also want to pass by my camp?"

Obviously, Wu Lan is in the chest and doesn't pay attention to Ma Chen and others.

Ma Chen sneered when he heard the words, but saw the military commander Yan Yan behind him, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Wu Lan, my lord Han King Ma Chen, is the prince of the Han Dynasty, and that Liu Zhang is disobedient and unfilial, and timid by nature, such a person. , How to manage Yizhou?

As soon as this statement came out, I saw Wu Lan yelling at him, saying: "Yan Yan, you are betraying your lord and begging for glory, and you are not going to die. You will take a knife."

With a loud shout, he slapped his horse away and killed Yan Yan.

Yan Yan looked cold and hummed: "It seems that you are a thing that doesn't know good or bad.

With a loud shout, Yan Yan picked up the big knife in his hand and killed Wu Lan.

Wu Lan felt that Yan Yan was so powerful, she couldn't help stepping back a few steps, and said solemnly, "This Yan Yan is so powerful.

He dodges in a hurry, for fear that Yan Yan's knife will hit him.

Unexpectedly, Yan Yan smiled coldly, patted a horse to catch up, and cut off Wu Lan's head with a single knife.

Then Wu Lan was taken aback, opened her mouth and yelled, but was chopped off.

But seeing him yelled, he died on the spot.

When Yan Yan killed Wu Lan, he killed the Yizhou soldiers in the camp.

At this time, Lei Tong was lying in ambush and suddenly saw Wu Lan being killed, and he was shocked in a cold sweat.

I saw Lei Tong shouting:

Originally planned to lie in ambush in the mountains and forests, waiting for an opportunity to attack Ma Chen, but because of that Yan Yan killed Wu Lan, Lei Tong shouted and slapped his horse to change.

Upon seeing this, Yan Yan said coldly: "It turns out that you are hiding here.

Lei Tong snorted coldly when he heard the words, and said, "Yan Yan, you killed the generals of Yizhou. Today, (Wang Zhao) ended up with you."

With a loud shout, Lei Tong was struggling to kill Yan Yan.

Upon seeing this, Yan Yan sneered and said, "I don't know what is good or bad."

After all, Yan Yan saw that Lei Tong and Wu Lan had the same strength, so he looked down on his face.

The thunder copper shouted suddenly, like a bolt from the blue sky, making those Yizhou soldiers who were panicked and wanted to flee, suddenly, shocked.

These Yizhou soldiers, seemingly thinking of something, shouted to the thunder copper to cheer.

"Yan Yan, you betrayed your boss for glory, and you dare to kill General Wu Lan. "

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