Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 373 Yan Yan slashed Liu Ba

Outside the city of Chengdu, Han Wang Ma Chen is majestic, and behind him are tens of thousands of soldiers and horses.

At this moment, seeing Liu Zhang strode upstairs at the gate, he looked anxious and looked out.

When he saw Ma Chen, he couldn't help but glared and said, "Han Wang Ma Chen, you and I are brothers from the same clan, why bother to do so?"

Beside Ma Chen, the counselor said solemnly: "Liu Zhang, you are disobedient and unfilial. My lord walks the way for the sky to save the people of Yizhou, but you are so stubborn."

Liu Zhang heard the words and looked down, but the law was upright. He couldn't help but said coldly: "The law is upright, you are betraying the Lord for glory, what can you say?"

At this time, Liu Zhang took the opportunity to look at it and saw Yan Yan again, and couldn't help glaring at him.

Fa is upright and stern, once a military commander and counselor in Yizhou.

However, for some reason, he defected.

Now, seeing Fa Zheng Yan Yan again, Liu Zhang suddenly realized that Ma Chen was able to break through the Napa County and Shu County, which must have something to do with the Fa Zheng Yan Yan.

Suddenly, I saw Liu Zhang glaring at him-, very angry.

Liu Zhang's words caused Fazheng to sneer and said: "Liu Zhang, you are not filial. Today, I am waiting to avenge Liu Yan."

As soon as this remark came out, Liu Zhang said angrily: "Liu Yan is my father. Even if it is revenge, it will not be your turn.

At this moment, he felt that Han Wang Ma Chen hadn't spoken all the time, and he couldn't help showing a touch of surprise in his heart.

I saw a military commander beside Liu Zhang, and shouted in a deep voice: "Master, the law is upright and stern, so Damn it, I'll kill him.

Immediately, I saw the military commander strode out and directly killed the Fazheng and Yan Yan.

The appearance of this person caused Yan Yan's eyes to sink, and he shouted: "It's you.

Yan Yan knew that this person was Liu Zhang's confidant, Liu Ba.

Liu Ba heard the words and shouted to Yan Yan: "The seller asks for glory, not to die, huh, today, I will behead your head to let Ma Chen know how good I am waiting."

Liu Ba shouted, and then killed Yan Yan.

Yan Yan's eyes sank, and he said solemnly: "Liu Ba, Ma Chen, the King of Han, is the Crown Prince of the Han Dynasty."

Where is Liu Ba willing to listen? He shouted, and then killed Yan Yan.

Yan Yan said solemnly: "It seems that you are toasting and not eating fine wine."

Yan Yan also had a murderous heart at this time.

Since Liu Ba Damn it, he killed him.

0………Look for flowers…

With a flash, Liu Ba and Yan Yan were in a confrontation outside Chengdu.

But seeing Liu Ba's weapon is extremely powerful, but Yan Yan is not weak.

Yan Yan shouted to Liu Ba, "Liu Ba, today is your death date."

Liu Ba glared at Yan Yan.

However, Yan Yan saw a flash of coldness in his eyes, and the big knife in his hand slashed towards Liu Ba's head.


Liu Ba was shocked when he saw Yan Yan's sword approach.

But then he thought of something and hurried back a few steps.

But seeing Yan Yan rushing forward, with the knife in his hand, with a poof, he saw Liu Ba's head and cut it down.

Liu Ba yelled and died on the spot.

At this moment, Liu Zhang couldn't help but startled when he saw this. He said in horror: "Not good."

Can't help looking at that Master Zixu.

Upon hearing this, Master Zixu said: "Zhou Mu does not need to convene, the soldiers and horses of Han Wang Ma Chen are just like children's fans.

This sentence made Liu Zhang think of something in his heart. He nodded and said: "What the Master said is extremely true.

But he couldn't help but trembled in his heart, still panicking. factory,

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