Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 382 Zheng Du jumped off the city

Liu Zhang was upstairs in the city gate, flustered.

He felt that Zhuo Ying might not be able to beat Luo Cheng.

After all, that Ma Chen's military commander Luo Cheng is very powerful.

At this moment, Zhuo Ying shouted, brandishing a weapon, and slaying Luo Cheng.

When Luo Cheng saw this, he sneered. He picked up the silver gun and killed Xiang Zhuo Yin.

Suddenly, Zhuo Ying's expression changed suddenly. It turned out that he felt Luo Cheng's strength, and his heart panicked.

At this moment, Na Zhuo Yin hurriedly backed up a few steps. When Na Luo Cheng saw this, he smiled coldly and rushed forward.

With a puff, Luo Cheng's Zhangba rolled a silver spear and stabbed Na Zhuo Ying with a single shot.

But seeing Zhuo Yin yelled, he died on the spot.

When Liu Zhang saw this, he said in shock, "Quickly close the city gate.

With a bang, the city gate closed, and Liu Zhang looked at Luo Cheng with lingering fear.

Na Luo Cheng held Zhangba 763 silver spear, looked up to the sky, and shouted: "Kill!"

Suddenly, he saw the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses that he had grind down to kill the city.

Then Liu Zhang's heart was lingering, and the other counsellors were also flustered, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, I saw Zheng Du looking at the Master Zi Xu, and said in a deep voice: "Master Zi Xu, now Chengdu is about to be breached, what else do you have to say?"

He held a long sword and stared at the Master Zi Xu.

Master Zi Xu suddenly changed his face when he heard the words. He looked at Zheng Du and said in surprise: "Zheng Du, are you looking forward to Chengdu being breached? It turns out that you have already taken refuge in the Han King Ma Chen."

As soon as this remark (aibd) came out, Zheng Du furiously said: "Nonsense." He wanted to kill Master Zixu with the sword.

However, Master Zi Xu jumped behind Liu Zhang and said to Liu Zhang: "Zhou Mu, then Zheng Du is going to kill the lord."

Upon seeing this, Liu Zhang saw Zheng Du swinging his sword to kill, and shouted, "Zheng Du, do you want to kill the master?"

Zheng Du looked surprised. The long sword in his hand was already taken by the military commander beside Liu Zhang. He looked at Liu Zhang with a sullen expression, full of resentment.

Master Zi Xu said solemnly: "Zhou Mu, look at Zheng Du's face full of resentment, he must have taken refuge in Han Wang Ma Chen.

This sentence made Liu Zhang even more convinced. He hated Zheng Du and said: "Zheng Du, I didn't expect you to be such a person."

When Zheng Du heard this, his expression was miserable, and he said, "Master, the matter has come to this point, and the city of Chengdu is broken.

He suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed. Before Liu Zhang could react, he jumped down from the city.

With a bang, Zheng Du fell to the ground, vomiting blood and died.

Upon seeing this, Ma Chen said solemnly: "It's really a Yizhou righteous scholar.

Liu Zhang saw Zheng Du jump off the city, and said bitterly: "Fortunately, you still know yourself."

At this time, the Lieyang archer under the city shot a series of crossbow arrows.

The crossbow arrows rained, making Liu Zhang feel dangerous and hurried to the city.

The defenders of the city suddenly felt flustered when they saw Zheng Du committing suicide.

At this time, the defenders under Liu Zhang's army were already unstable and their morale was low.

Na Luo Cheng and the others fought hard to attack the city and almost went to the city.

Returning to the mansion in the city, Liu Zhang had a lingering fear.

After all, Hanwang Ma Chen is the fourth team to attack Chengdu this time.

If one door is broken, Chengdu is in danger.

Therefore, at this time, Liu Zhang was anxious.

The generals under Liu Zhang's command also felt uneasy when seeing Zheng Du being killed.

At this moment, I saw those counsellors gathered together and seemed to be discussing something.

Liu Zhang also had no intention of looking at these, and Master Zi Xu behind him saw a flash of murder in his eyes when he saw Liu Zhang.

But his killing intent quickly disappeared.

It turned out that a guard hurried to report: "Master, the major event is not good, General Zhang Yi was killed."

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