Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 388 Burning Vine Armor

At this moment, I saw Luo Cheng and Wang Xuance, walking away quickly, seeing Ma Chen, the second general showed a look of shame, and said: "Lord.

Ma Chen heard the words, looked at the second general, and said in a deep voice: "How about the two generals?

Luo Cheng and Wang Xuance said with shame, "Master, I didn't expect that the vine armor soldier is so powerful, and I can't compare with the two of us."

Hearing that, Ma Chen smiled faintly and said: "It's okay, everything is in the king's expectation. Second general, follow the king~ come." "No!"

Upon hearing this, Luo Cheng and Wang Xuance hurriedly followed Ma Chen.

Immediately, I saw the ridicule of the vine armor soldiers, leading 10,000 vine armor soldiers into the valley.

Na Xi Ni looked up and saw an extraordinary young man, he couldn't help showing a look of contempt, and said coldly: "That's Han Wang Ma Chen."

Immediately, he led 10,000 vine armor soldiers and rushed over.

At this moment, Ma Chen gave an order, and the valley on the left shook suddenly.

That piece of kerosene and flames was sprayed down with wine.

For a while, I saw that the vine armor soldier was full of kerosene and gunpowder.

The pungent smell of kerosene made Xi Mu couldn't help showing a touch of shock. He was shocked: "It's not good.

Before the sound fell, I saw the Lieyang archer, shooting rockets.

Whoosh whoosh!

The rocket hit the vine armor soldier like a sea of ​​fire.

As soon as the rocket encountered kerosene and gunpowder, it exploded immediately.

In this way, the vine armor soldier was burnt crying father and mother.

Xi Ni's expression changed suddenly, he did not expect that Han Wang Ma Chen was so powerful.

There was a look of horror in his heart.

He looked at the military commander under Ma Chen, but saw that the sky was shot from the rocket.

Whoosh whoosh.

A burst of rocket blast, like a gust of wind and rain, made Xi Ni look extremely shocked.

Whoosh whoosh!

Accompanied by the screams, the armor of the ten thousand vine armor soldiers was immediately burned by the fire.

The screams of Xi Mu also being burned by the flames.

At this time, the vine armor encountered fire and was extremely fragile.

Na Luo Cheng yelled, holding a zhangba roll silver gun, and pierced Xi Mu's chest.

Xi Ni let out a scream and died unexpectedly.

At this time, ten thousand cane soldiers and Xi Ni were killed.

After killing that Xi Ni and ten thousand vine armor soldiers, Ma Chen sneered and looked at the military commander under his command.

This group of military commanders saw that although the vine armor soldiers were inaccessible with swords and arrows, they were afraid of the rocket, and immediately showed admiration.

0……Look for flowers…

Upon seeing this, Ma Chen thought of Jianwei County's crisis, and ordered the soldiers to go to Jianwei County with him.

Now that there is a way to break the vine armor, the soldiers are not afraid, and they said in unison: "No!"

Immediately, the generals followed Ma Chen to Jianwei County.

At this time, there was already that brutal soldier hurriedly to Jianwei County.

When he saw the Mulu King and Wutugu who were drinking, he clasped his fist and said, "Two big kings, the big thing is not good."

King Mulu and Wutugu heard this, half awake from the wine, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Report to the two great kings that the 10,000 vine armor soldiers and Xi Mu were lured into the valley by the Han king Ma Chen, sprayed with kerosene and wine, and then used rockets to burn the 10,000 vine armor soldiers alive."

As soon as this remark came out, it was like a bolt from the blue sky, causing the expression of the bones to change suddenly, and he was extremely shocked: "How can this be?"

With a pop, the Yuanju bone opened his mouth and spouted blood, looking in a trance.

King Mulu was also heartbroken when he saw this. I didn't expect Han Wang Ma Chen to be so terrifying.

At this time, Wu Tugu said bitterly: "Han Wang Ma Chen, I am at odds with you!" Factory,

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