Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 390 Ambush and burn the horses.

At this time, Nawutu bone and Mulu King, leading 30,000 brutal soldiers and 20,000 vine armor soldiers, went to the place where Ma Chen passed.

The black ice platform under Ma Chen quickly learned the news.

Immediately, the black ice platform rushed forward and informed Ma Chen of the matter.

"Master, Na Wutugu was very angry when he learned that 10,000 vine armor soldiers had been killed, but the Mulu King led 30,000 brutal soldiers and the wolves, tigers and leopards."

As soon as this remark came out, Ma Chen's eyes flashed with coldness.

When Ma Chen's Fazheng and Xu Shu heard the words, he said: "Lord, the jackal and tiger leopard of King Mulu is very powerful, it is better to avoid its sharp edge first."

After all, Ma Chen's subordinates are all ordinary war horses.

Even if the horse is very powerful, but when you encounter those wolves, tigers and leopards, you have to be so scared that your calves will spin.

Therefore, Na Fazheng and Xu Shu reported to Ma Chen.

Ma Chen heard the words, but showed a look of disapproval. He looked to the sides and said: "All the soldiers, they lie in ambush on both sides.

There are dense forests on both sides of the mountain, and there are steep slopes that go straight to the mountain.

Upon hearing this, the soldiers immediately followed Ma Chen's order and laid ambush in the mountains and forests on both sides.

Behind Ma Chen, followed by black armored iron cavalry and Lieyang archer, as well as military commanders such as Luo Cheng and Wang Xuance.

At this time, everyone was waiting for the Jackal Tiger Leopard of the Mulu King.

Ma Chen, who is familiar with history, certainly knows how to break these wolves, tigers and leopards.

He smiled slightly, then looked not far away.

At this time, I heard a terrifying roar from both sides.

At the same time, Ma Chen felt his horse bend his crotch and his calf spinning.

His eyes sank, and he said: "Get off the horse.



Ma Chen gave an order, and his soldiers and horses dismounted quickly.

Immediately, the generals under Ma Chen's command all led their horses and looked at Ma Chen.

Ma Chen sneered and looked at the jackal tiger leopard in the distance.

At this time, I saw the wooden deer king riding on the white elephant.

He looked at Ma Chen with a gloomy look and shouted: "The King of Han Ma Chen, this king is fighting with you today."

But behind King Mulu, the 30,000 brutal soldiers, leading the jackal, tiger and leopard, looked at Ma Chen.

Ma Chen smiled coldly when he heard the words. The tens of thousands of soldiers and horses behind him, as well as the two generals Luo Cheng and Wang Xuance, all looked firmly at Ma Chen.

Ma Chen smiled coldly and suddenly shouted, "Ignite"

Swipe it.

But seeing the soldiers behind Ma Chen, they lit the ponytail of the horse under the crotch.

The war horses felt their tails burned, and ran forward amidst sorrows.

But seeing the jackal, tiger and leopard, before they acted, they were kicked out by the horses that came suddenly.

Originally, these war horses were afraid of the jackals, tigers and leopards. This was the instinct of animals.

But the horse tails were lit, and these war horses showed a frightened look.Where can they care about these wolves, tigers and leopards?

But 763 saw the jackals and tigers and leopards before they reacted, they were kicked out.

At the same time, the 30,000 brutal soldiers under King Mulu saw the thousands of horses rushing and dodged hurriedly.

After all, this group of horses for survival is very fast, even if it is cut by a barbarian, it only stops after it hits forward.

It can be seen that this group of war horses is very frightened.

And the 30,000 brutal soldiers of King Mulu immediately fled to the hillside under the impact.

Ma Chen's eyes sank, then he sneered, and said, "Let the arrow go."

Whoosh whoosh!

In the mountains and forests on both sides, the soldiers and horses that ambush in advance shoot out rain-like crossbow arrows.

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