Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 405 Ten people are against the army!

Isn't this a joke? Only Fan Pingping next to Ma Chen has already killed both of them.

The strength of this tomato is not bad, and they can fight the tigers, how to say they are a strong goalkeeper!

The wind blew slightly, brushing across their black hair, their sharp eyes were like beasts hidden in the darkness!

The breathing sound is like a beast, and the roar is ready to go!

Overpowering tigers!

On the tall city wall, I saw Guiguzi involuntarily. After pushing back a few steps, dense beads of sweat were already overflowing on his forehead.

That is a kind of fear!

I have to say that they are ready to attack Ma Chen's side in one fell swoop, but Ma Chen led an army of only a few dozen people, but stood outside their 08 wall, which is indeed provocative enough.

Ma Chen had a calm expression on his face, and glanced at the Wang Yanzhang in the city of Huangsha in the distance.

Wang Yanzhang waved the spear above, suitable for breaking bamboo.

At that moment, there was a ray of fire in his eyes, almost spreading.

It can be felt that his aura can reach people's hearts.

Obviously, Ma Chen had the upper hand in the first round just now, and Gui Guzi in front of him was obviously afraid.

That is a kind of power to expect.

Gui Guzi breathed a sigh of relief. Dense beads of sweat were already overflowing on his forehead. He turned his head and looked at the teacher of the country behind him.

Those soldiers are already ready to go, but they still face Ma Chen with their current strength. There are only ten troops, and he still feels an inexplicable pressure.


"Didn't you say you want to go heads-up?,

Ma Chen smiled slightly and the smile became stronger.

For him, it is enough to have these ten fighters.

"Archer prepares"

Gui Guzi swallowed his saliva to recover, then moved his hand tightly, and then hundreds of assault archers behind him set up a strong crossbow.

The gentle force coming from between his arms gradually emerged.

Soon there was a congratulation, and a white blue light flashed in the sky.

Ma Chen opened his eyes wide, and several violent generals next to him reacted instantly, and then rushed to Ma Chen.

The hundreds of bows and arrows in front of him disappeared in no time.

What happened just now? Everyone present was confused.

But the very sharp bows and arrows of those flying in the sky were instantly crushed.

As the wind dissipates

"Just a few broken bows and arrows just want us

"Many arm blocks the car, you can't help it!"

Ma Chen frowned and roared.

He doesn't need to be afraid at all, and with his current strength, he is sure to be able to fight the 300,000 Guishuang National Master in front of him!

810. With the yellow sand all over the sky, the blood gradually spread, and Gui Guzi took a step back again, but he wouldn't be persuaded anymore.

"There are 300,000 Guishuang National Masters behind me, am I still afraid of you?!"


Gui Guzi laughed loudly, but he was just the last straw that grew up in his heart.

What was the last straw that crushed the camel?

No one knows!

"The ten fierce generals behind me are able to reach the Ten Thousand Army!"

Ma Chen spoke more calmly, making the Guiguzi in front of him extremely frightened.

It can be said that the chips in his hand are the ten strong players behind him.

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