Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 417 Go deep into the tiger's den

Their behavior this time is undoubtedly death.

But for Guiguzi, he is not sure whether Ma Chen can forcefully break through the diamond wall.

If it is really possible to break through the diamond wall and come here directly, then this thing is not good next.

Ma Chen took a deep breath, came directly to them, and then rushed over again.

Their speed gradually increased, and they were stronger than before to read.

Being able to feel the growth of this kind of tree, they can indeed rush past it naturally.

If they can’t follow this logic, there is no need for them to take a breath and continue to rush forward.


Because being able to resemble the power of Qin Zhong, they have proved that they are above a peak, and this peak is even more peaked than the peak just now.

After finishing pointing fingers, he can get those powerful forces in one hand, which is much stronger than before, so he doesn't need to be afraid.

Since they can directly photograph this huge stone with the power of their hands, they don't have to worry about it.

The power on their hands gradually broke apart, and after the power on their hands opened the city wall, they once again laid a new route.

Gui Guzi immediately pushed his army back a few steps, but the 300,000 Xueshuang National Division army could retreat as soon as possible.

In the end, the remaining more than 20 Xueshuang National Division troops came to the edge of the city wall in an instant, trying to escape, but there was no way to avoid it completely.

Because the real name Meng will follow the location where Coloane is located, and then rush to them, and then take a pedestrian attack on them.

This attack state is very powerful, and there is no way to hide it at all.

When Ma Chen was at a turning point, he found the location of the city wall and completely absorbed this force.

Now that they can find their attack mode in this turning point, there is no need to be afraid of what will happen to this attack mode.

At the last step, Ma Chen seemed to have (aibd) found the strength of the performance, the roars that fire when it was strong.

As these roars become stronger and stronger, the damage to them will also become stronger.

Since they will get stronger, they can only prepare for the second move and implement another plan.

Ma Chen glanced at Guiguzi, and the Guiguzi at this moment seemed to be much stronger than before. They had no way to identify whether the force on the hand of Guiguzi would be changed.

But Gui Guzi seems to have done the last arm of the state of struggle, and this state of struggle seems to be much stronger than just now.

If they really want to get this kind of struggling state to the end, they don't have to wait here, because they seem to have relaxed a lot at this time.

After breaking the wall, they rushed in immediately, and the remaining Huang Zhong was to clean up the mess.

Huang Zhong burned all the remnants and defeated generals behind him, and there was a supreme power in his hand, which was a kind of inconspicuous for them.

Naturally being able to raise this power to such a level, which means that they can also raise other powers in the future.

After Ma Chen promoted his own strength, he gradually formed his own small circle, which was a range of attack.

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