The thunder light flashing in the sky gradually revealed, and they couldn't see clearly.

Where did these people come from?

As for Ma Chen, this person. Riding on that sweaty BMW, he looked like a gentleman.

Obviously this person does not want to make concessions.

Ma Chen waved his hand, and specks of sweat came out of the wine on his hand.

Can feel that kind of full leverage.

At this time, the "August One Zero" they still stopped here, and then looked at the few clouds that flashed in the sky.

Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun seem to understand that Ma Chen is stepping back and letting Ma Chen move forward.

Ma Chen was not afraid, and directly picked up the spear knife on his own hand, and told the other party a life and death.

The spots flashing in the spear knife, the light of thunder made the man riding a sweaty BMW in front of him instantly frightened away.

How can he feel that kind of deterrence?

Obviously the person under this helmet paid great attention to the weapon on his hand, and he deliberately dodged it.

Previously, he was looking for Ma Chen from above the city wall.

He observes. Ma Chen's method of accounting for a long time, but obviously he is still not sure about Ma Chen's attack and defensive direction.

He can only retreat again and again, and the sweaty BMW next to him also retreats tacitly following his actions.

Ma Chen continued to move forward, but at this time the two people always kept a certain distance.

He could feel that the distance between that person was gradually shrinking, and he didn't know why it was getting slower and slower.

And in this slower and slower distance, he can feel the fear of the other party.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Chen rushed up directly regardless of the three seven twenty one, and the big knife in his hand smashed directly into the opponent's armor.

The armor was rubbed to give out a little light, that is the color of its pupils.

Although the two people kept a certain distance, the other party obviously did not dare to attack Ma Chen head-on.

The small videos next to them, although they followed the National Frost Army's seats, were very frightened.

They had already felt the power of the 10 troops on Ma Chen's hands before, but they didn't expect that it was very frightening to them here.

This force is obviously much stronger than those just now.

According to this logic, they have no way to investigate here and continue to investigate, but it is a ridiculous thing.

Continuing to give them a little bit of strength here means that the next step is to work hard, and there is no way to completely disappear.

Obviously they have no way to wait for this waiting here, and it will take more and more time.

Since they are in such an observation point, if they want to draw from the east and west parts of the atlas, they must also take advantage of the right time and place and these conditions.

Looking at those on their hands and gradually increasing their strength, they are very happy.

This is indeed the case. Through the city wall above, all they can see is the city that Guiguzi is guarding.

The direction of the city is much more than the direction they saw at the beginning, but at this time, they were afraid again at 1.3.

After entering this city, Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun went on a killing spree.

He didn't. He was tossing here because the venue was very small just now. Obviously, this matter has been resolved.

After entering inside, Huatou still picked up the big bag on his hand and banged it a few times, but those cannons were not as powerful as before.

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