Shang Yong is a military fortress from which the Qin army can threaten Hongnong.

Only when Shang Yong became a city, it was like a nail, inserted between Baishui and Xincheng, breaking the horns of the three parties.

"How many brothers are there in the city?" Wang Shuang asked the lieutenant boredly, wondering when to start work.

The lieutenant sighed helplessly and said, "The general might as well wait a little longer.

This time, General Chen said that when he launched a surprise attack, he would listen to Huo Jun's news. It doesn't matter if you don't listen to Huo Jun's orders.

There is no harm in disobeying General Chen's orders. But if you can't bring this to Shangyong, you can't tell your Highness Longzi. This is the first battalion. "

When Wang Shuang heard his lieutenant mention that he was going to camp first, he shuddered. This matter was a warning knife in the mind of General Jin. Speaking of going camping first, no one dares to call the shots.

"You are right! Then wait tonight, wait for news from Huo Jun" Wang Shuang calmed down, he was no longer so impatient. That night, Huo Jun and the many soldiers who sneaked into Shangyong City sneaked up to the North Tower and quickly solved all the city defense soldiers!

Seeing the flame swaying three times, Wang Shuang exclaimed in the forest ecstatically: "Brothers, let's go! Take Shangyong City as an example, 々!"

Leading two thousand elite soldiers under his command to rush out of the mountain, Wang Shuang took the brunt, wishing to kill all the enemy troops in the city to vent his anger. However, in the past few days, Wang Shuang was suffocated in the mountains, and he did not dare to leave.

"Brothers, kill!"

"Go! Take Shangyong City for example!"

Assembled Wang Shuang troops rushed into the city, but suddenly found that Wengcheng's gate had not been opened yet.

"General, Wengcheng did not open, ah! Not good!" The lieutenant had just reported to Wang Shuang, and Wang Shuang, and felt a little strange, so they found that the outer door had been closed.

At the same time, Wengcheng was surrounded by fire, and each of Qin's archers pulled their bows full of strings and prepared to shoot arrows.

"Hahaha! Wang Shuang, it's amazing! Huo Jun, how can I take refuge in your Jin Dynasty? Good bird selection. Today I will use your head for wealth! Yang Xiu's strategy is really good, not bad!" Huo Jun laughed loudly, looking at Wang Shuang who was trapped in Wengcheng.

"Beast! General Chen was so kind to you that you betrayed him! Laozi is a ghost today and won't let you go!"

Hearing Wang Shuang was still yelling, Huo Jun snorted and shouted, "Fall arrows!"

The lieutenant is Yuan's confidant. He squinted his eyes and said, "Huo, General, this king is a general of the white robe army. Wouldn't it be better if he could surrender or capture him alive?"

Zhi Junmi raised his eyes. He didn't want Wang Shuang to be captured alive. With Wang Shuang's martial arts, if he gets the approval of King Qin, he will avenge himself if his status is high.

"" Otherwise! Wang Shuang is a general in the white robe army, and he is loyal to Chen Daqing. The general is still throwing arrows quickly to avoid accidents!" Huo Jun narrowed his eyes and persuaded the lieutenant to release arrows immediately.

The captain just sighed. The general asked him to listen to the plan when Yuan left. As long as he stops rebelling, he doesn't have to watch out (Qiannuo's).

"Let the arrow!"

Xian Hu

Arrows around Wengcheng shot Wang Shuang's elite soldiers.

Zhijun, you don't think you can make a contribution! Hahaha, Laozi tells you the truth, I have no place to die! This time, on the road to Hanzhong, General Chen Qing has been ambushing early! And On Huangquan Road with Laozi, Yuan is not alone, hahaha!"

Wang Shuang smiled indulgently. As soon as the voice fell, he fell with an arrow in his chest. .

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