"Huang Yueying listened to the order and gave you five hundred cavalry to ambush at the designated location. Remember not to confront Xiahou Dun head-on, as breaking the order will make you jealous!'

"Ma Dai listened to the order and ordered eight hundred light infantrymen to lie in ambush in the designated place.

"Xu Sheng listened to the order, gave you a thousand steps, and lay in ambush at the designated place."

After General Lv Meng sent all the soldiers under his command, only 200 cavalry and 800 soldiers remained. Almost half of Jiangdong's army was broken into pieces.

"Ambush on all sides, it is estimated that this strategy can defeat Xiahou Dun! "Nine Zero Seven" Lv Meng sighed. He knew that the core of Cao Ren and Zhuge's tactics was the changed ambush on all sides.

Zhuge and Cao Ren took a boat to have a banquet on the quiet water, which looked like a celebration banquet.

"Zhuge, sir, I can get the teacher's help. Today, Xiahou Ting will be able to succumb." Cao Renxian pouring Zhuge politely, at the same time, the ministers around him also toasted.

Zhuge usually doesn't drink outside, but today he thinks Cao Ren is worth drinking by himself.

"Okay! Drinking is forbidden on weekdays, but today you have to have an extra drink with your son. This glass of wine should have been to Xia Hou Dun in advance." Zhuge gently shook the feather fan and drank all the wine in the glass.

Cao Ren was so happy to see Zhuge, and it was also a joyous day: "Hahaha! There has never been a real genius in this world. Everyone has to rely on the hard work of the day after tomorrow. Even the old ministers have moved out of corruption. It is my honor to be brothers with Brother Kong Ming."

"Just now! You are the prime minister of Chu State. I am just Wu Hou, a scholar under his command. I dare not ascend high.

Cao Ren spoke very well, first praised him, and then immediately helped Zhuge step down.

When talking to a wise man, Zhuge was worried that he said more than he said, so he smiled and said: "This Yangtze River is really beautiful. I can only hope that someone will die in the Yangtze River today! In the past, the king of Western Chu, Xiang Yu, committed suicide in Wujiang. I think Lu Fengxian today might not have such a heroic story."

Turning the topic away, Zhuge didn't want Cao Ren to be biased.

"Oh? What does Brother Kong Ming mean?" Cao Ren didn't understand Zhuge's words, he wanted to figure out what it meant.

Seeing that Cao Ren was not talking about what happened just now, Zhuge said with a smile: "Although Lu Gongzi is very knowledgeable, he is still young and he does not know that the battlefield is dangerous.

Similarly, Lu Gongzi didn't know what a real army was. Although Xiahou Dun is an ordinary person who is self-sufficient, but he is in Guan Wanfu! One person is enough.

Even if Xiahou Dun was besieged on the banks of the Yangtze River, it would not be possible to win without losing hundreds of people.

"Hahaha! How could Brother Kong Ming move like those old ministers?

Who in this world can kill hundreds of elite gods? From ancient times to the present, how many people can beheaded or beheaded in World War I?

Maybe the Overlord of Western Chu can do it, but this Xiahou Dun is not the Overlord of Western Chu!" Cao Ren still doesn't believe Zhuge and Lu Meng's views.

He believes that no matter how powerful a person is, it can't be better than a dozen people's combined attack. Seeing that Cao Ren still didn't understand the strength of his personal skills, he smiled and said nothing.

Moreover, Zhuge believed that Cao Ren would change his perception of Jiang Yong's potential as he knew it by the evening of today.

Outside the city of Shouchun, Xiahou and his cavalry raided the base camp. Lu Meng rushed into the camp and found that it was an empty camp! Even the hay was taken away, which made Xiahou very angry.

"General, according to the seal on the axle, the enemy didn't leave until Gang オ, and it must have gone too far. The direction is southeast, maybe thinking of crossing the river." Captain, report quickly.

"Huh! Lv Meng will leave whenever he wants to come. You think of me as Lv Feng 1.3 first? Erlang, charge with me and kill Lv Meng!" Xiahou didn't know how to fight and directly pursued Lv Meng.

Binzhou wolves ride very fast, they can almost as fast as a few cups of tea, seeing the dust of Lu Meng's army flying.

"Erlang, the enemy is in front, charge with me!" Xiahou shouted angrily and led the cavalry to speed up the pursuit of Lu Meng's army.

Lv Meng led the cavalry to gallop away. Hearing the sound of horseshoes in the distance behind him, his heart was shocked: "Bingzhou wolf riding, amazing speed!"

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