"General, let us break General Ma Liang this time. If we can't kill Xiahou again, I'm afraid those old officials will ask us to confess their sins when they return!"

"Yes! If the general can kill Xiahou this time, General Ma Liang's death can be covered up. But this Xiahou is really brave, so many ambushes can't be taken away!"

Cao Ren's ministers spoke in succession. They can’t believe how difficult it is to ride only one person in Xiahou and three thousand wolves in Binzhou

Zhuge was still smiling and shaking his feather fan. He glanced at the sun in the sky and knew it after three hours.

Cao Ren snorted coldly and said, "Go tell Huang Yueying, Zhou Tai and Ziyue must be careful not to confront Xiahou head-on. If Xiahou wants to break through, let him break through! In the trap set by this technique, Lu Feng Can't run out first.

Although Cao Ren is very young, he is more stable than many veterans. This time, he must kill or catch Xiahou!

In Shouchun City, Su Yiyun was in a dilemma and was anxious. So far, Xiahou has not returned, and Su Yiyun is also worried about what will happen.

Cao Xing, you have gone out to find General Lu's whereabouts. If he is still chasing the enemy, tell him to come back. If he disagrees, you will guard. "Su Yiyun is anxious. He always thinks that something big will happen today, so he must be careful.

Cao Xing was ordered to assemble the army and deploy immediately, and led an army to support Xiahou

In the mountains south of Shouchun, Xiahou rushed out of the encirclement one after another, and even lost a lot of troops in the ambushes of Huang Yueying and Zhou Tai.

Xiahou rode next to an ancient temple and did not order the soldiers to rest before attempting to break through.

"Less than a hundred people? Hey! It's really like that scene. The Overlord of Western Chu brought twenty-eight cavalry to break through. I don't believe that today I was surrounded by mountains in Xiahou. This ambush is really powerful!"

Ji looked around at all the soldiers and brothers at the door. He shook his head helplessly.

"Brothers, I, Lu Fengxian, I am sorry for you! If you want to break through today, brothers, let's leave! Jiangdong army set a trap, I am afraid the next battle will be a desperate struggle. You are going, I will not insist."

Xiahou yelled at the people who were resting so that they could leave as they wish.

His Bingzhou wolf cavalry is known to have people, but in fact there are fewer veterans brought from Bingzhou, half of whom are recruits and elites from Yangzhou. They train wolf cavalry in Bingzhou.

These people have not fought with him for many years, and Xiahou couldn't bear to let them die with him.

Some young soldiers hesitated after hearing what Xiahou said. Two of them immediately turned over, mounted their horses, and quickly fled.

Although they are loyal, they are not die-hard. Faced with life-threatening situations, they have to choose to survive.

0……Look for flowers……

"General, these recruits are too much of a thing, let us veterans be loyal. The general, the rest of the brothers are all veterans of the state, vowed to follow the general!"

The veterans around Xiahou had some dissatisfaction. They expressed dissatisfaction with the recruits from Yangzhou. These recruits said they would leave.

Xiahou had no fear or resentment. He seemed to know this a long time ago, and he knew that his final destination must be the battlefield.


"Hahaha! It's just that some children are afraid of death, what's wrong? Let us veterans gallop free, that's a good time. If we can break through today, we will break through. If we can't break through, we will kill a bloody road!"

Xia Houji's original God of War temperament was released, and the surrounding soldiers roared with high morale.

On the river, the commanding soldier rowed a boat to report to the big ship, and said everything about Xiahou's demobilization.

"E? ​​This can be like the work of Xiahou, a person who is afraid of death. I don't believe that this person has some ability." Cao Ren is very talented, but he never respects Xiahou, thinking that he is just a lady Wu

In Cao Ren's view, a war of 10,000 people cannot be controlled by one or two brave men of Wufu, so although he knows that Xiahou's martial arts is strong, he is not afraid. factory,

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