The Jiangdong Army has nearly, ten thousand people, ten thousand people beat people, and they will definitely win!

Xiahou Dun roared and led three hundred elites to rush down like a demon god.

"Sweep thousands of troops and die for me!" Xiahou Dun shouted angrily. The silver snake sword in his hand was like a magic weapon, and the six or seven Jiangdong soldiers in front of him reached out and cut off.

Blood splashed out, and this terrifying Han Yong really scared the other Jiangdong infantrymen around to stop.

"Brothers, kill me!" Xiahou Dun charged forward. After entering the Jiangdong army, it looked like an inbound wolf pack, and Han Yong looked abnormal.

"Everyone, don't back down, Xiahou Dun is also alone. Whoever gets hurt, if he gets hurt, he will die! Go!" Huang Yueying yelled from behind, boosting the morale of the soldiers.


He also worried that the Jiangdong elite would be killed by the only soldier under Xiahoudun

"Huh! Brothers, the head can be broken and the blood can flow, but let us let Jiangdong waste see our great power! Go!" The guards around Xiahou Dun were braver. Although they were seriously injured, they were still afraid of killing the enemy.

The spears in these people's hands had been broken, but they still drew their knives to kill the enemy bravely.

"Oh my God! This is still a human being, this is obviously a monster!"

"Yes! If it wasn't for gold, I wouldn't rush over. There is no way, work hard!"

Jiangdong's army became scared, especially Xiahou Dun who looked like a bloodthirsty ghost, and even scared Jiangdong's men to retreat.

"Show flocking! Kill!" Xiahou roared again, and with a silver snake long sword, he threw a member of Lieutenant Han Yong Jiangdong directly into the air and flew more than ten feet.

The silver snake long sword seems to be Xiahou, the murderous weapon in his hand, constantly taking the lives of soldiers around Jiangdong

Lu Fengxian, don't let Zhang go crazy and eat me with an arrow!" Zhang Xuan took the revenge for killing his father. He knew that he could not defeat Xiahou by force, so he could only draw a bow and an arrow.

After hearing the wind, Xiahou immediately avoided, avoiding a knife in the back.


Xiahou ran away, and the elite Bingzhou soldiers behind him were shot through the chest and killed on the spot.

"Hmph! Dare to kill my soldiers, see me in Lu Fengxian! Take your life" Xiahou yelled, holding the silver snake long sword in his hand and rushed towards Zhang Xuan. No infantry can resist.

"Brothers, come and stand in front of you. I fought many victories. I saw that he was killed and dismounted first and stood in front of him.

"Today, everyone who blocked me is dead!" Xiahou directly performed the strongest blow, and the ghost and god killing martial arts were also used. The immense power of this halberd seems to be able to crush Huang Yueying

Ma Dai held the double whip in his hand and he found that the situation was not good. He immediately went to support: "Let's go together!"

Zhou Tai, Ziyue and Ding Feng also dismounted to resist Xiahou's actions


After the hard battle between the six generals and Xiahou, the fresh air shook the soldiers within three feet of the surrounding area back several steps.

"Wow!" Ma Dai was already old, but suddenly a mouthful of blood came out, apparently suffering minor injuries.

"Old General! Pan Zhang came to support!" When Huang Yueying saw Ma Dai was injured, his heart was stunned, but it was not because Ma Dai himself was injured.

Xiahou's full attack made the six of them resist desperately. If Ma Dai is defeated, five of them will die.

"I'm here! Xiahou, you killed me Ma Chao, I will never die with you today!" Zhang Xuan's eyes were red, and he rushed over with a spear, and suddenly stabbed Xiahou.

With a cold snort, Xiahou was not afraid of the boy at all, but smiled: "Hahahaha! Jiangdong, if your Sun Jian is not dead, you may be able to fight with me for a few rounds. Sun Ce is also a tiger.

If he does not die, he may be able to fight me. As for the few of you, it's just rubbish!"

Xiahou was still full of pride and used his strength to attack Ma Dai with the intention of ending his life.

"General! Brothers, come together! Are more than 10,000 of us afraid of Xiahou in a district?" When ordinary infantry saw Xiahou attacking, they immediately charged forward and surrounded Xiahou.

"Humph! It's just ants, not enough!" Xiahou shouted angrily, and the martial arts that killed ghosts and gods were also displayed. Initially, when he stayed to prepare to fight Guan Yu, 907 used the method of killing ghosts and dancing at the same time.

"Hahaha! Refreshing, even this feeling!"

Xiahou swept the Silver Snake Longsword and chopped off the heads of ten Jiangdong soldiers. "This battlefield will be dominated by me! Brothers, kill with me!"

I did not notice that the soldiers behind me were constantly being killed by Jiangdong's elites. Xiahoudun didn't know that there were only less than a dozen of the original 300 elites left.

Xiahou Dun also beheaded fifty or sixty people in just a few breaths, which made everyone feel scared and frightened.

"Hahaha! Refreshing!" Xiahou Dun laughed loudly. No one around him dared to get closer to Xiahou Dun.

On the river, Cao Ren, confident and smiling, shook hands. He didn't understand what Zhuge's expression meant.

Only one will can truly become an army!

This Xiahou Dun is worthy of being a prairie warrior.

Cao Ren was shocked and sighed. .

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