-The old blood gushed out, and Su Yiyun immediately fainted to the ground.

"Teacher!" Ma Chen saw this scene and immediately dismounted to help Su Yiyun. Now he can't let Su Yiyun die. If Cao Ren really falls, then Su Yiyun is the only think tank, maybe only he can defend the army.

Bong first, I don't mind him! My fault, my fault!" Su Yiyun wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth and continued to cough and shake his head.

Ma Chen also sighed, but he and Gao Shun didn't care that much, because people who had experienced many battles already knew that they would end up like this.

"Teacher, General Lu was killed. What do you think should be done now?" Ma Chen was more careful. He must ask what to do next. Jiangdong Army cannot withdraw like this, they will inevitably make a comeback and occupy half of Yangzhou.

Su Yiyun took a deep breath and said, "Jiangdong retreats temporarily. This is our chance to retreat. Fengxian died and morale was chaotic. He couldn't keep it! Fengxian had a plan, so he married his daughter to Ma Chen. The confidant Lu Yi, first transfer the Fengxian family, beware of Zangba, Hao Meng and others rely on Jiangdong to control the Fengxian family."

After hearing Su Yiyun, Gao Shun nodded immediately and gathered the trap camp behind him.

With the trap camp and the Ma Chen army, Gao Shun believes that it is not difficult to escort Cao Ren's family to Xudu

"Listen well, Shouchun, the grain and grass in Runan cannot be taken away, but the cities north of Runan must do their best. This is Hanjin, and the most fancy land is Beiguan. As long as this city is affected by Hanjin, Runan Obtaining the northwest of Shouchun, you can let the Khan-Jin army send troops at any time. This is Ma Pingchuan!" Su Yiyun told Ma Chen and Gao Shun about this plan, and asked him

Three days after we dealt with joining Khan Jin

Ma Chen was idle in his barracks and suddenly received an emergency report from Yangzhou miles away

"Huh? Is Cao Ren dead?" Ma Chen muttered to himself in an incredible way while reading the big report.

When Lu Feng first heard that Cao Ren was dead, he was stunned and then sighed in disappointment. Obviously, Lu Fengxian is also eager to one day be able to fight Cao Ren.

"Xiaofeng, how do you think this should be handled?" Ma Chen narrowed his eyes and handed the big report to Ma Chen

After reading it, Ma Chen smiled and said: "His Royal Highness, Longzi, the stalemate with He or He has no effect now. The Qin army cannot insist, nor can we force the attack. It is best to ask Xun or come out, and Qin and Jin will sign the withdrawal agreement. After all. Now it is a major event to regain the remnant of Cao Ren. It is presumed that Yangzhou has fallen into civil strife."

0………Look for flowers…

Ma Chen can imagine how chaotic Yangzhou will be now. After all, when Su Yiyun, Ma Chen, Gao Shun and other confidantes went north with Cao Ren's family, Yangzhou will have no leader.

"That's it! It's time to withdraw. This protracted battle has been going on for three months. He must insist on Cao Mengde's visit, and write a letter to Xun Yu, agreeing to go to the place of the last battle three days later to discuss the issue of withdrawal.


Ma Chen squinted his eyes and turned, his heart was slightly happy. When Cao Ren passes away, the world situation will be completely clear. After the Ma Chen point, you can move your troops south three times and conquer Jiangdong through the waterway! Jiangdong surrendered, but Jingzhou is at your fingertips. The world will be peaceful.

Ma Chen is still his luxury chariot and came to the place of battle. After the treatment and burial here, the smell of blood is much less, but there is a gloomy desolation. In the ancient battlefield, how many people died here, there was more or less resentment before death.

Xun Yu is very simple, he just came in an ordinary car, and the guards were only white people. factory.

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