Ma Chen slightly adjusted her eyebrows, sighed helplessly, and said, "Hu'er is your eldest son after all. Although he is not a direct line, many things have gradually begun to understand. Of course, the dragon son of Hanjin is a husband, a man, but According to the temperament of the husband, I am afraid that he is the only person in the world who does not want to be the emperor. Hu'er is more ambitious, and his temper has begun to make me a man


Ma Chen felt helpless when he thought that his disciples had begun to gain in the hearts of the people.

After hearing the conversation between her husband and Ma Chen, Kong Yu couldn't help but tremble a little, and she was a little worried about her 920 eldest son, Sun Shao.

If Sun Shao had self-knowledge and figured out the future battle of the East Palace, Kong Yu would not be so worried. But now my disciple is the godson of the husband, and this identity can easily get involved in the political whirlpool.

Ma Chen squinted and raised his eyes, leaning on Ma Chen's leg, and closing his eyes comfortably.

"What a beautiful blue sky, what a beautiful flowers, grass and green leaves. The flowers, grass and trees are so colorful, naturally someone will inherit the great rivers and mountains.

This is impossible to take for granted, Huer and the others will have family disputes sooner or later. Fortunately they are still young, I should be able to calm the world before they (aibd) fight. "

The other Dragon Kings hardly wanted to see their brothers fighting in the same room, but Ma Chen wanted to see his disciples fighting with each other. Only by fighting can we decide who is the best heir to Khan Jin

"Heh, my husband knows to think about this. It's rare to take a break now, can't you just relax?" Although Zhen Mi is already a mother of two children, she still remains a bit naughty in front of Ma Chen.

"But having said that, since Shangxiang's sister has no children, isn't the husband a bit weird?" Zhen Mi teased her husband, but she did make sense.

Even Wei Yan just left, and now he is taking care of him with his disciples.

"What! I don't want it!" When Li Wei heard that sister Zhen Mi made fun of herself, she blushed immediately, but secretly looked up at her husband

"Huh? Husband, the maid is waiting there. It seems that an official has already arrived." Kong Yu saw the maid waiting in the distance, as if he had something to report.

He sighed irritably. Ma Chen really admires these ministers. Every day, he is always idle and has nothing to disturb himself.

Standing up, Ma Chen tidied his clothes, only to see what was reported here.

Go to the pavilion not far away. After sitting down, I saw Ma Chen, Su Yiyun, Qi Jiguang and Zheng He waiting beside them.

"If there is anything, please report it briefly." Seeing Ma Chen came, Ma Chen knew that this matter should be no small thing.

Ma Chen sent a slip and said respectfully: "His Royal Highness, in the year of the Dragon Tzu, Wu Hou Sunquan was founded in Jiangdong and named Wu. The capital is the new forest tomb, called Jianye. Wu occupied half a year ago. Yangzhou, now that the capital has moved northward, it is not a good thing for me to join the Khan and Jin Dynasties.

Ma Chen squinted and began to read, but he had already guessed that Sun Quan would become a family.

"Huh? Sun Quan, Jiang Dong, Su Yiyun's teacher, Ma Chen and Gao Shun have difficulty keeping Hefei Xicheng and Weinan Beiguan?" Ma Chen looked at Su Yiyun with a smile, obviously knowing the purpose of his trip.

The Cao Ren elite was brought to the Khan and Jin Dynasties in the year of Su Yiyun. Most of the other generals, Sun Quan, who surrendered to Sun Quan, surrounded Cao Ren. Su Yiyun and others naturally yearn for revenge. You don't need to think about it. Su Yiyun is ready to take the initiative to send troops to Runan. .

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