With continuous rainy days and fine weather, people took to the streets to clean the cave to prepare for the next stage of farm work.

Today is the annual imperial examination in Jin, the year of trial, and it is also the first year of military imperial examination. This time, it is not only poor students and noble children who come to Xudu to participate in the imperial examination, but also rangers who have confidence in their own martial arts.

In Xudu, there is a large open space under the door of Baihu, with rows of tables and chairs. The liberal arts examination site is right under the gate, guarded by the bloodthirsty tiger, and the students are already waiting for the entrance.

"Hey, I heard that the topic of this year's imperial examination 08 was personally changed by His Royal Highness Longzi, and it is still one of the three major topics. It seems that this time the imperial examination is really beneficial. Choosing one of the three topics will definitely not be difficult. ."

"Hey! You think so well, but you don't know what your Royal Highness Longzi is.

His Royal Highness Longzi began to follow the family king from the wild jujube, defeating Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei successively! What a great talent it is to drive Xun Yu to the East China Sea. It is said that His Royal Highness Longzi is not yet old this year, it seems to be the age of years to you and me. Really makes people look up! His Royal Highness Longzi personally changed the topic on the spot. Do you think it will be simple?"

"Hahaha! Jane is not simple, it's all the same. The harder the better. It's hard to divide us into three or six.

"Hey, what is acidity, do you really think you are great?"

There are many discussions among poor students. It seems that most of them are bragging, but in fact it is difficult to conceal the inner tension after all.

But just like these people, there are always a few people who look calm and hide in corners.

Disciples of Ma Chen are among these people. He knew that the three topics this time were about military, politics, and business, but he didn't know what the specific topics were.

Guo Yi, tell me thoroughly.

My dad actually asked me to take the civil exam. Nothing can be written here!" With a helpless look, Dian approached Guo Yi and walked over to ask for his opinion. Guo Yi is a disciple of Ma Chen.

He looked at Dianman and said, "He is the commander of the bloodthirsty tiger guard. You are the eldest son of General Dian, and naturally like to lead soldiers in battle.

My father asked you to take the imperial examination, but he wants you to learn a lot.

His Royal Highness Long Zi always said: "If I know the topic and tell you, then your character will be bad. Moreover, I can only say that this topic will be tested separately for the army, government, and business, and you choose it yourself. I don’t know the title of the book."

After listening to Guo Yi's words, Dianman immediately laughed, at least he knew what these three topics were testing this time.


Ringing the bell and drumming, the White Tiger Gate opened, and all the students entered the open space in the White Tiger Gate under the leadership of the Bloodthirsty Tiger Guard.

Under the management of the Bloodthirsty Tiger Guard, these students immediately found their place and placed the wooden cards with their names on the corner of the table in front of them.

"The family king is here, kneel down!" The voice of the eunuch 920 came from Baihutang. Nearly a thousand students knelt and kowtow, no one dared to raise their heads.

Ma Chen followed the Dragon King and walked out of the Baihutang, while Han Fu sat behind the table under the Baihutang, looking at the students below happily.

Ma Chen squinted his eyes and helped Zeng Shijiafan prepare to announce the exam questions.

"Today's exam questions, choose one from three. The first question is about industry and commerce, the second question is about the first emperor's victory in politics, and the third question! The time is two hours. You can't leave during the period. The answer starts." Zeng Aristocratic Fan’s loud voice announced the test questions. At the same time, the Bloodthirsty Tiger Guard closed the White Humen, and the whole examination room was full of sighs. .

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