"This Khan Jin is really Master Ruyun! Second brother, your strength is one of the best in the Chu family. If you are in Khan Jin, you may not even be able to make the top five!"

Although Guan Feng was very arrogant, he still couldn't speak out in front of Guan.

Guan sighed and said, "Dian Wei, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, and Cao An are all above you and me!

Huang Zhong is getting old, and his martial arts is also declining. In a few years he will be surpassed by you and me. But the other four, we alone, can't beat them. Go!"

Guan Feather asked himself, there are very few masters who can hold his first three knives, and Khan Jin is the majority.

Guan Feng also squinted his eyes, and didn't ride back until Cao An left.

That night, Cao An had a big meal in the army. Except for not letting men drink, meat was basically enough.

On the one hand, it is to improve the morale of the soldiers again, and on the other hand, it is also for the fighting in a few days later.

Eat and drink and start work.

Cao An eats in the camp. He has a great appetite and can keep up with five or six strong men of the same age. Even Yuan's appetite is not as good as his. This is also a point that stands out.

"Brother, the grain and grass sent from above this year are not enough for us to mobilize the army. It is said that this year's harvest is not very good. If this is the case, I am afraid that the impact will be great."

Following a Cao An soldier all the way from Hufang, he gave him the list of food and straw that Xu Du had sent two days ago.

After reading it, Cao An sighed and said: "This is normal. This year is indeed a major flood. After all, His Royal Highness Longzi cannot always take care of the soldiers, but also to ensure the well-being of the people.

If you don't have enough food and grass, you will have an inappropriate game style, so people can eat well and drink well these days, and they will sweep Yangguan after ten days.

At that time, I will leave you with eight thousand elite guards. This new wild is my way of retreat. Once the siege is unfavorable, you may need to sit in the back.

Cao An trusts his brother very much. After all, they have been fighting all the way to the present.

"But, General, Long Zi has always said that the merits and demerits are equal to each other. What if ordinary private soldiers are impeached by those civil servants?"

"The impeachment of civil servants is not important. As long as Xinye is not lost, your Highness is not wrong in Longzi. There is no need to worry and do not seek merit.

Cao An knows His Royal Highness Long Zi very well. He knows that His Royal Highness Long Zi has strict military laws in governing the army, mainly because the soldiers in various theaters will not be too indulgent.

Jin, the military department of Xudu Palace

Ma Chen, Xun, Tian Feng, Meng Gong, and Chen Qingzhi are here to discuss the next stage of troop mobilization plan. They are basically divided into two factions.

One side believes that it is necessary to attack the Chu family when Jin is strong, while the other side believes that Jiangdong should be shot down step by step.

"His Royal Highness Longzi!"

They saw His Royal Highness Longzi and Zeng Shijiafan walk into the military headquarters together, and they all saluted.

"You can hear you talking outside. One side thinks that Jiangdong should be shot down, and the other side thinks that the Chu family should be shot first. Both have their own reasons, and all have their own 937 flaws.

It's easy to fight, 300,000 troops go south, three generals, go straight to Chu, Zhu has no plan to do, there is a plan to do. Ma Chen assisted Xu Huang and then raided the Chu family. With Cao An's strength, Jingzhou can play next month. "

"But when Jingzhou is defeated, he will face the situation of consuming more troops to defend. Lu Xun in the east, Sha in the west, Sha in the south, and Menghuo. It is easy to defeat, and I can't hold it back!"

Ma Chen also knows the status quo of Jingzhou. It is not difficult to shoot down a Jingzhou, but how to hold Jingzhou

Three hundred thousand troops go south at every turn, and it will take a year or two to recuperate for a long time.

In the next two years, we must resist Xi Chu and Wu Shijia, which is not a small pressure for Khan Jin.

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