"But if I take advantage of you, you will never surrender and would rather die. In this case, my children Han Hu, Han Xiao and righteous son Sun Shao lack teachers who think they are better. I wonder if Xu Shu is willing to do it. Disciple’s teacher. On the one hand, you did not die early, and your mother would not be harmed because of it; on the other hand, you would not kill Liu Bei with one stone and two birds with one stone.

Sorry. I can't kill you. You don't mean much under house arrest. One day, Khan and Jin will rule the whole family. You can take a look at the big rivers and mountains like Xu Shu. At that time, I will follow Liu Bei to the death, and I will not stop it.

To give Xu Shu enough face, Ma Chen not only can't bear to kill Xu Shu, let alone he can't kill Xu Shu

Xu Shu is a world-renowned psychologist. If he is killed, he will be laughed at by the whole world. Khan Jin Longzi can't tolerate people. Xu Shu believes that according to Ma Chen's personality, even if he did not commit suicide, he would go to jail, but he does not think Ma Chen should let him teach his children.

Teaching Ma Chen's children is not only a way for Xu Shu not to be sorry for Liu Bei, but also a way for him to survive and not make his mother sad. In addition, Xu Shu, accompanied throughout the process, also saw the scene of the Khan and Jin people living and working in peace and contentment, which is exactly what every scholar hopes to achieve.

This kind of happiness has begun to take shape in Khan Jin!

"Evil is humble, but he knows the word loyalty. Xu Shu will not make policies for His Highness Longzi and Wang Jinxian, but he is willing to teach his son for His Highness Longzi." Xu Shu still only wanted to salute at this moment. He didn't want to kneel on the ground.

When the Manchurian ministers saw Xu Shu willing to give in, they all felt happy for Xu Shu. If Xu Shu is determined to die, the ministers who want to save him in North Korea will be powerless.

After the early Qing Dynasty, Ma Chen personally went to the East Palace to meet Xu Shu who trusted such a gentleman.

"Xu Yuanzhi used to be just a ranger. Later, he learned skills and knowledge from his master. You are a gentleman. Since you promised me to teach your son, I don't doubt you. Now, the north is already the autumn harvest season. Teachers can go to Xudu. Bring their dogs Han Hu, Han Xiao and righteous son Sun Shao back in the field in the outskirts." Ma Chen smiled and waved to Lu Zhishen.

Let him take Xu Shu to find his disciple.

Xu Shu was suddenly at a loss. He didn't expect that his disciples would go to the fields to do farm work!

"His Royal Highness Long Zi! Xu Shu knows that since His Highness Long Zi does not kill Xu Shu, Xu Shu is unwilling to advise His Highness Long Zi. His Highness Long Zi will definitely try his best to teach his son." Xu Shu understands the way Ma Chen educates his disciples. Truly unique, rooted in people's education.

In fact, Xu Shu knows that Khan Jin's rule over the entire family may be the greatest, and maybe Ma Chen937 will be the next emperor and create a new dynasty!

Ma Chen's children will naturally become the emperor, but he has allowed children to suffer in the fields since he was a child, this is to realize the people's livelihood. Only by understanding people's livelihood can we understand people's suffering, and naturally avoid being in a high position and enjoying indulgence.


Let Xu Shu leave by himself, squinting his eyes. He is very happy now.

Without Xu Shu, the Chu family might be able to reverse the situation in a short time, but it won't last long. After all, the Chu family lacked talents. Sufficient troops, sufficient food and grass, and talents are abundant. Even if it is impossible to conquer the Chu family this year, it will be a big deal next year!

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