Ma Chen squinted his eyes, thought for a while, and said, "Yimatai, no! Dongying, all aristocratic families or various forces on the four islands will not accept surrender. Kill all male prisoners and send women to slaves. The Jin army does not kill women and children, but it does not leave men to outsiders’ families! Three years later, I will make the entire Dongying invisible to male soldiers. Can General Qi do it?"

Ma Chen has always been merciless when dealing with outsiders. What's more, Dongying is not a good family, and there is no need to be merciful to the male soldiers of the Yamato clan. Dongying is different from the grassland aliens in the northern part of the early days. Even if you become a sex animal, you still have to worry about being bitten back. It is better to destroy it directly.

"At the end of the general's life! Two years later, you can kill Dongying! 08 These monks are despicable and shameless, and with the will of His Royal Highness, they will be able to let go of their hands and feet in the end!" At first, Qi Jiguang was worried that His Royal Highness would be kind. Rule these aliens, so he dare not kill people in Xie Matai. But now, with the permission of His Royal Highness Longzi, Qi Jiguang can let go of his hands and feet


In addition, most of the weapons held by Dongying soldiers are wooden, that is, sharp iron tools are at the tips of the weapons. But even so, these weapons can't even penetrate Khan Jin, the armor of ordinary soldiers, this is just a small problem.

After Qi Jiguang stepped down, Zheng He still knelt on the ground to give bamboo slips.

"His Royal Highness, Longzi, I came back from the sea alone, and it took more than ten months for the fleet to reach Bohai County. The gold brought back from overseas is not much this time, but it can supplement the Wanjunmen's pension." Zheng He It is now a small vault where Ma Chen spends money. His navy returned from America, a place called "Peanut Duran", which was basically full of money.

"Very good! With this money, Khan Jin will be able to survive this year's difficulties. Maybe there are still a lot of margins left, which is really good! Tell me that the money you brought back this time is for the navy officer, you They can't be treated badly. Going to sea is not easy, and you need these loyal soldiers for future work." Ma Chen nodded and was not ready to seek small profits.

"Thank your Highness Longzi for the soldiers!" Zheng He was slightly happy. At the same time, he remembered an important thing and immediately sent a letter to Wen Chou.

"His Royal Highness, General Wen Chou has been thinking about surrendering since he saw overseas. This is his personal letter. He is willing to surrender to Khan Jin." Zheng He sent a letter to Wen Chou, and he hoped that His Highness Longzi could make things right.

After watching for a while, he sighed and said, "You have nothing to say. Wen Chou didn't want to succumb to prison at the time. I should kill him. Now he wants to submit, but it is not that easy. Let him and Qi Jiguang go to destroy Dongying if Zhongyuan is not there. If he is unified within a day, he will not be able to come back. Unless, he comes back sideways."

Although he also hopes that Wen Chou will work for himself in Zhongyuan 937, he has a special status after all. Half of Khan Jin's old officials are old officials who follow his father, and they can't accept Wen Chou

Wen Chou killed three people in Panfeng, which is why it is difficult for Khan Jin to accept it.

"This minister pays tribute to His Royal Highness Long Zi, because Wen Chou! General Zheng He understands the meaning of His Highness Long Zi. He is now afraid of using Wen Chou.

In Ma Chen Mausoleum, Liu Bei frowned. He is now facing an unprecedented crisis.

"Brother, even if this is the case, Army Master Zhuge is indeed a magical calculation, drowning Jinjun Ten.

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