When Guan Feng heard that Cao Pi had arrived with 20,000 troops and 5,000 cavalry, he laughed. This is a good rabbit. My elder brother is very wise to marry his niece. The main force of the Hanzhong army is Ma Chao and the Xiliang cavalry. They can solve the two problems of iron cavalry and white horse righteousness!" When Chen Dao saw that Guan Feng was so excited, he smiled and said: "This is not only a good thing, but also

Many troops came to support him. Twenty thousand soldiers are only Hanzhong, Cao Pi’s Qin army, he controls many troops, and Qin’s tiger and leopard are in his hands. Nanban Meng Huo is also Cao Pi. If Meng Huo borrows troops to return to Hegu, the Jin army will be defeated!

Wei Yan squinted his eyes and said, "Yu Gu is in the distant Nanban mountain forest. It is not easy to come here. He will not support it. Even if he comes, I don't know when. Cao Pi's strength is enough to solve the crisis in Nan County.

Now that Wei Yan finally has confidence, this Nanfang County can still hold on for a few days.

At present, the southern county has less than 20,000 troops. In recent days, the defenders and the Jin army have suffered heavy casualties.

Second brother, let me attack the Jin military camp tonight! These rabbits are so depressing these days, I can't breathe. How can I not get revenge?" Guan Feng mentioned the snake spear and was going to go directly to the soldiers.

"The third brother is back! Sit down and have a good rest, 々!" Wei Yan shouted coldly, staring at Guan Feng with a pair of Danfeng eyes.

Seeing the second brother so serious, Guan Feng also pursed his lips in embarrassment, and slowly returned to his position.

Guan Feng also knows his second brother. Although the second brother usually doesn't talk much, he only likes to listen to good words. Since the second brother would not let himself send troops rashly, he must be reasonable and must not defy.

"Zhang, don't be impatient, General. The danger in Nanjun is not spared. There are still many opportunities to counterattack Jin. Now, I am still seriously defending the city, and there will be Jin's army attacking the city in the next few days! When Cao Pi's army arrives, The Jin army is beginning to worry. Night attacks cannot be avoided!" Chen Dao also persuaded a few words.

Number of people.

"Uncle, you personally defend the city tonight, not sloppy. I don't want to count the Jin army, I just want the southern army to lose." Wei Yan is also very cautious. He is afraid to play games.

In the Cao'an army camp in the northern part of South County, all the soldiers rarely gather together to discuss problems. They all know that Cao Pi led the army to rescue the Chu family

"I heard that Cao Pi is already Qin's dragon son. It must be able to control ten thousand elites. Add in cavalry, barbarians, and Sha Wuxi barbarians, maybe the force can reach ten thousand! In the past few days, our army has been attacking this place. The city suffered heavy losses. If Lu Xun also came to support the Chu family’s southern county, it would be very troublesome to be attacked on three sides!" Xu Huang calmly, he has retreated.


Although the entire Chu family could not be defeated according to Longzi, it was enough to force the Chu family to the south of Daonan County.

Tai Shici said dissatisfied: "Lu Xun can control Hanjin's army again? If we don't shoot down the entire Chu family, we will be ashamed to go back! The flood flooded Xiangfan and hurt many brothers. How do we face our parents when we go back?"

Taishi Ci's words are very reasonable, but all the other soldiers think it's time to withdraw their troops. Cao An is now a recruiting manager in South China. Xu Huang, Zhang Bu and Tai Shici, the three generals, whether to withdraw or not depends on his decision.

Cao An narrowed his eyes and hesitated. After all, if he quit, he would really be sorry fellow. If we do not withdraw our troops, we may be easily controlled by the enemy.

Ma Chen gave a light cough and said: "Now is indeed the best time to withdraw troops. His Royal Highness Longzi never traded on credit in his wars, so retreating is the best policy. Cao Pi's soldiers are facing vigorously. Our army has been fighting for many days and it is difficult to gain the upper hand. "

Hearing that Ma Chen thinks that the withdrawal of troops is important, Cao An also decided to withdraw (Nuo Lihao) troops instead of competing with Cao Pi

"The order continues, the army will be pulled out tomorrow, and the white horse will be responsible for clearing the way. Be wary of the army of Western Chu!

The Khan-Jin army retreated quickly, and even the prince of the southern county did not respond. Wei Yan and Guan Feng didn't realize this until the Jin army withdrew to Xiangfan

Zhu Chisongzi was depressed when he learned of the quick retreat, and felt the coach's caution.

"Teacher, since we have solved the crisis in Nanjun, why are you so sad?" When Ma Di heard the news of the retreat of the Jin army, he was very happy. After all, this is very unpredictable. .

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