Zhang Xiu smiled and said, "General, don't worry. Didn't you say that Teacher Jia Xu is coming soon? With the help of Mr. Jia Xu, why should we worry about the white robe army? Let the white robe army scold casually. Did they insult the general and prove that they have no strength to attack Baishuiguan? We defended the city, they attacked the city, and now we have the advantage." After Zhang Xiu's persuasion, Zhang Fu sighed.

After a sigh of relief, he said with a slight anger: "Just now! In this case, you can defend the city and I will go back to rest.

Not wanting to stop the abuse of the white robe army, Zhang Fu suppressed his anger and returned to his place to rest.

The white robe army camped outside the city

"General, no!" The lieutenant rushed into the camp and reported the situation to 08 Chen Qingzhi

Chen Qingzhi smiled slightly, as if everything was in his calculations, and said: "Swearing has no natural effect. After all, Zhang Fu is not the only guard at Baishuiguan. Xiahou is very good at arranging troops. Zhang Xiu is very cautious. He is very cautious. It was a perfect combination to assist Zhang Fu to guard Baishui Pass. However, my Khan and Jin army did not send troops to Baishui Pass.

The key is to look at Xu Huang and Zhang Bu"

Chen Qingzhi narrowed his eyes. He knows the plan for this mobilization. Although the invasion was not a large-scale invasion permitted by the imperial court, a small-scale siege war like this was not a private mobilization of troops.

Zhang Tai and Xu Huang have many armies. Although they had lost the elite in Fancheng before, they were more than enough to deal with the defender Xiahou of Zhuyang. Even if Zhuyang could not be conquered, it would be enough to destroy the city of Zhuyang.

Today, the guard is Pakistan. Although he is very young, he is more cautious than his father. Since the dominance, he has never led troops out of the city. Moreover, the city defense has never been retaken. It can be said that it is solid, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

But even if Baishuiguan was attacked and the Red Peasant and Golden Army's defense was empty, he still did not plan to send troops. Not moving like a mountain, this is Xiahou's view of the battle.

At Zhuyang Chengguan, Xiahou defeated the first siege of Zhang's army and was shocked by the ability of thousands of crossbows to break through the city. Fortunately, the pre-prepared sandbags strengthened the city gates, making Khan Jin's shots of thousands of crossbows to lose the effect of breaking the city.

"Everyone, clean the battlefield and retreat!" Zhang Bu snorted coldly. He saw that it was late, so he ordered the withdrawal of troops.

Xiahou also breathed a sigh of relief. He thinks that Zhang Bu will attack the city at noon, at least three or five times. But now Zhang's army only withdrew after the first round of attacks, and did not intend to fight at night.

"Khan Jin soldiers, it's really unpredictable! Li Dian, do you think we can take the initiative?" Xiahou asked.

He stood up breathlessly, walked to his side and sighed and said, "This Jin army is like a tiger going down the mountain. It is really hard to imagine how difficult it is to attack the city. And the force of the thousand crossbows is so great, I wonder if the king let the craftsman copy the copy. . If this thing can be copied to the city defense, it will be more convenient to defend the city. As for whether you can take the initiative, in my opinion, stick to it! The son will be beaten by Zhu sooner or later.

Defeat the red pine nuts. If our Zhuyang is lost, it will be a trivial matter, and Zijian will be in trouble if he has no retreat. After all, he is a disciple of the king of the family, he can't die on the border of our town." Hearing Li Dian's thoughts, Dianwei nodded in 970, thinking that it is better not to send troops. The risk of sending troops is too great.

In Zhangbuda, the camp, Ma Chen planned the next strategy. The goal was that the Hanzhong Army led by Cao Zhi and Cao Zhi led the East China Sea recruits and Dianwei Pound cavalry to defend the Chu family and the hinterland. This was simply not enough to cope with the wisdom of Chisongzi.

And if Cao Zhi blocks the retreat, Hanzhong Pound's elite cavalry can be wiped out in one fell swoop! If you can still capture Cao Zhi, that would be a huge achievement.

Zhang Bu sighed and said, "Pang Shiyuan, it is really difficult to defeat Dianwei and Li Dian like you said! Dianwei is the general of Xichu, and this Li Dian is a good soldier. The two guard the city. Today I lost many elite soldiers, and thousands of brothers were seriously injured."

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