After listening to his cousin, Pound nodded and kept it in mind.

East Gate of South County

Pound rode out of the city and led hundreds of soldiers to attack Wei Yan. Although Pound asked himself that Wei Yan was insulting himself, he did not dare to be careless. Wei Yan, after all, belongs to the Chu family, and Pound's general, and he is not too presumptuous.

Are you Pound? The ants in this area are here to die. Wei Yan wears a green shirt, a long beard, and a fuchsia face.

Pound was not afraid of Wei Yan either. He snorted coldly and said, "I am Pound today. I will use this knife in my hand to chop off Guan Yun's dog's head! Old dog Wei Yan, come and die!"

Pound rode to Wei Yan, looking reckless, but in fact he was very careful.

Wei Yan snorted coldly, still disdainful of Pound's martial arts, and his Azure Dragon Crescent Sword had already condensed its blade power.

Wei Yan sat on horseback, waiting for Pound's arrival, as if he could behead Pound with a knife.

Just as Pound approached Wei Yan, he suddenly threw a meteor hammer and attacked Wei Yan's chest.

Wei Yan, who had originally squinted a pair of Danfeng eyes, was stunned, and the crescent knife in Qinglong's hand was taken out. The first knife slashed the meteor hammer to the ground.

Wei Yan, come and pick me up, 々!" Taking this opportunity, Pound suddenly swung his knife at Wei Yan and cut it off, condensing Pound's strongest strength.

"This person is not weak!" Wei Yan was shocked, he didn't dare to underestimate Pound, the second backhand and Pound's hard fight.


The qi exploded, and many cracks broke out in the ground between Wei Yan and Pound. The two brave generals fought with the qi that exploded, making ordinary soldiers afraid to approach at all.

"It's just Wei Yan, it's not worth mentioning! General Pound is very powerful, he killed Wei Yan!"

"Yes! Old dog Wei Yan, nothing more. General Pound's martial arts is no weaker than the Chu family! Generals"

Over the southern county, the soldiers guarding the city roared and cheered for Pound

Pound gritted his teeth and felt that Wei Yan was indeed a kind of supernatural power. He is in his prime of life, Wei Yan Wushu should be going downhill with age, he can suppress himself. "This Guan Yunchang is really not easy, you can't fight him with the next cut!" Pound gritted his teeth and thought to himself.


Pound shouted, taking five steps back with the superb horsemanship, just to escape Wei Yan's next cut.

Wei Yan's third knife slashed into Pound's chest with lightning speed, but he did not expect that the opponent would have such superb equestrian skills.

"Old dog Wei Yan, eat me again!" After a stroke, Pound snorted and slashed at Wei Yan with a hand knife.

With the fourth knife, Wei Yan was still full of great power. Although Pound took the lead, he still cut off the Spring and Autumn Saber.


It was another shocking encounter. Both Pound and Wei Yan were fidgeting.

His Spring and Autumn Swordsmanship was very proficient, and the first four knives were enough to cut off the boulder, which was resisted by Pound's resourceful strategy. Now, Wei Yan asked himself that the attack without a condensed sword force was definitely not enough to defeat Pound again.

Wei Yan snorted coldly, betrayed a flaw, wanted to kill Pound

Seeing Wei Yan's flaws, Pound snorted coldly, but didn't attack his lungs.

I have asked myself to play martial arts with Ma Chao many times. Pound knew the enemy's shortcomings very well, basically he could see it at a glance. In these flaws, whether the opponent is deliberately contrived (Nuo Zhao's) or not good at martial arts, Pound cannot escape the eyes.

*^'' Guan Yunchang, I want to use tricks to defeat me Pound, I want to be beautiful! Whether you are the first four knives or drag the knife, it is Laozi's remaining play! Xiliang Yonghui, everyone will drag the knife to sell the flaws, the old dog unexpectedly Can you teach the axe?" Words humiliated Wei Yan, and Pound tried to provoke him.

Only by making Wei Yan angry, Pound can discover Wei Yan's real flaws. Even if Wei Yan burst out with all his strength, Pound believed that he could come back to life and hone his martial arts.

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